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Everything posted by RS

  1. RS


    Heartbweaking! And capturing them hurling smoke bombs into their own fans on film is priceless!
  2. RS


    They’re trying so hard to prove they’re not insignificant. Outside the North East their infection of trafalgar will not be noted (unless that filthy mooning hippo has disgusted the wider society)
  3. RS


    Right shape for one of their lot
  4. RS


    Alloa fan in peyce now. The lucky twats have friends all over the football world, Marra https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/good-luck-sunderland.1474609/
  5. RS


    Portsmouth were absolutely atrocious in the first leg. If they play the same tonight Trafalgar Square will become a little part of chicken town again.
  6. RS


    Massive Ads fan
  7. I visualise a get-together of this forum looking like what congregates on the grass at Old Eldon Square on a Saturday.
  8. RS


    So does the name “Klaus” if you imagine hitler saying it.
  9. Andre mariner has always hated us. At least it keeps the premiership exciting.
  10. RS


    This exactly Renowned for their fans bad behaviour yet so quick to condemn others They’ve chucked flares, fans invaded pitches and laid hands on players. Pelted coins at their own boxes etc. And still they can’t see their own fickleness. There’s a quote on the smb about Portsmouth fans celebrating their goal aggressively!
  11. RS


    Another cup final coming up for them this afternoon. Probably amassing in their 10’s at Greys Monument prior as a sign of still being being a massive club marra.
  12. I know a shop that still sells singles and a match for 10p
  13. He’s gone from lightweight to premiership player. Worth a few quid now. Shinpad obviously a spakka.
  14. RS

    Joey Barton

    Just misunderstood. *cough*
  15. RS


    The last of the aryan race commenting on our performance here: https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/leicester-v-scruffy-mag-b-stards.1469644/page-14 What do a bunch of 3rd division football supporters know about premiership football exactly?
  16. Massive Another Ashley fuelled season of nothingness almost guaranteed.
  17. Arsenal are in a different league in all but the premiership name. They have too much quality for the bottom feeding clubs to compete with.
  18. RS


    https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-trafalgar-square-weekender-once-a-seasoners.1468128/ Pompey fans better than the massive fans lads
  19. RS


  20. RS

    Alan Shearer

    He’s morphing into Bruce Willis like
  21. Nigerian team travel wear: https://www.rt.com/sport/429425-nigeria-suits-world-cup-russia/
  22. RS


    Makes that quote and then realises that to get any kind of culture or nightlife he has to do it in the city he's just slagged off. Should be interesting.
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