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Everything posted by RS

  1. One of the few “true” results we’ve had under this dinosaur. In reality there should have been more hammerings of this type based on the number of chances other teams always create against us.
  2. Watched us beat Chelsea 1-0. When I say watched it was on the telly in the bar I was in. I’ll not be back while Ashley’s here
  3. So and update based on Liam Kennedy’s tweets are we may be taken over. Or we won’t. Sounds feasible.
  4. Aye, the football equivalent of Harold shipman.
  5. Maybe the guy posting on a other forum is actually Mimms as well?! Good shout. I hope so for the sake of all those daft cunts that thought he was forum Jesus and wanted anyone who dare question him banned for life/stoned to death.
  6. Mimms never gave up any itk other than the third party legal stuff. He was super positive but cans in October and the shitney bruceton post shows he’s not buyer/seller itk. I’m not sure anyone is itk apart from those dealing directly with what’s going on. I heard from a source at the club it would be May and that turned out bollox. Fwiw I reckon it will happen but when it does it will be a club/company statement and not a leak from another source.
  7. RS


    Beyten by Brewceball Marra
  8. Just my opinion, but I have always felt that he only posts when he has something tangible to contribute. So - I feel that he will be back !! Whitney Houston.
  9. Tbh I agree I wouldn’t ban him. Think people should just ignore his posts. Don’t give him what he’s looking for You guys can be cool with no extra info for now or ban anyone who is against Mimms until takeover completes . Mimms=forum Jesus. I’m hoping he doesn’t turn out to be Charles Manson! He does seem on the button re the fan driven action but I’ve not seen anything of note regarding actual takeover news. Possibly because nothing is happening or barring the real inner circle no one knows.
  10. You know he’s going to quote this win/number of goals scored over the next tranche of poor performances.
  11. RS


    4th prem goal. He’s steady.
  12. No. That's not right. Daft cunt. I’m a daft cunt. You’ll have to explain it a bit better, you monolithic headed cunt.
  13. So bruce isn’t getting sacked and this was just an elaborate trap to catch some sneaky forum poster. Wow.
  14. Somewhere there’s a clique of people pissing themselves laughing at this carry-on
  15. Edgy used to mean great in the 70’s. “That Bay City Rollers scarf on your wrist is fukin edgy man”
  16. He know he’s lost the fans and the players and yet he’s continuing his usual rhetoric. He is the Trump of football management.
  17. Cautious not edgy. Simon Jordan reckons it’s all over: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/simon-jordan-newcastle-takeover-pif-19338519
  18. This weeks progress: photos of a stottiecake and a portion of skeleton.
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