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Everything posted by Likelylad

  1. I get that but tbf to Joelinton. He's fundamental to a team currently pushing for top 4 and also offers something that Brazil could genuinely utilise in the middle of the park.
  2. Honestly, it's why i spend most of my time on here nufc wise, as the patter on Twitter is absolutely woeful. The reactions under the initial tweet were grim.
  3. Think we'll see him on the bench on Boxing day. Give him 20 minutes or so.
  4. That’s all very admirable and I respect him for that, but I’m looking at him strictly from a Nufc perspective and tbh he spent 14 years at the club. Made millions and was distinctly average for most of that time. Keegan knew and tried getting rid. He was also shite when at Stoke on loan. Defending that fat parasite was disgraceful. Same goes for Beardsley, who was at least talented for us but they can both do one tbh.
  5. Likelylad

    The Round of 16

    Brazil have got the easy run in this world cup. Just like we did in 2018.
  6. Genuinely ridiculous but I’m loving every minute ?
  7. I thought Japan's high press which has served them well is similar to ours but obviously without the quality we've got.
  8. Likelylad

    Joe Willock

    Such a likeable player. Think his initial struggles were moving away from London full time and being under that fat waste of space. Hopefully continues as he finished.
  9. Nah I get that but the general consensus seems to be. Quarters, France & out. Whereas they’re definitely suspect at the back and missing a huge player in Benzema. Obviously still have Mbappe like?
  10. After watching that. Are France more beatable than perhaps we think?
  11. One of the reasons i thought taking Wilson was smart was the fact we constantly over rely on Kane and he's usually knackered by the later part of the tournament. Low and behold even with the dodgy ankle. He's playing every game and a fair amount of minutes. I mean he hurt his ankle and continued playing against Iran, even when 3-1 up. Christ
  12. I mean Juve are just in a constant state of perpetual corruption aren’t they. Awful club..
  13. Fuck it. If they're unable to appreciate the genius of Bruno then at least he should come back to us fit and rested.
  14. Henderson due to replace Bellingham. It's almost funny at this point.
  15. High press, some good feet/touches on show but Christ. Shocking technical ability when it comes to final ball, crossing & shooting.
  16. His lack of actual player insight these days is pretty damning. Considering he’s on Sky every bloody week.
  17. Not really going to find out much here. Spain look decent, Costa Rica look shocking.
  18. Gary Neville just said on ITV that Wilson struggles with his back to goal and offers no link up play. Ffs
  19. Nah that’s a fair point. Interesting to see who comes in for them with Man U, Liverpool and supposedly PSG all up for sale.
  20. Not sure who has the kind of money to invest in a football club like Man U. I mean they’ll be looking for what 5/6 billion. Never mind what it’ll then take to compete. I can see them selling some of their stock but remaining involved.
  21. Really like Willock. Still a young lad at 23. Really hope he can grow into top tier player in the next few year’s.
  22. Pre knee injuries he was one of the best i've ever seen man. The speed, the footwork and finishing ability. I will not stand for any R9 slander from the youth of today. Little twats.
  23. He really irks the shit out of me. David Cameron fan boy living the nufc high life through his banana republic trust.
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