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Mbemba Youre A Womble

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Everything posted by Mbemba Youre A Womble

  1. Julian Faubert going on loan to Real Madrid, not quite sure he fits into the famous part though.
  2. Anyone else spot the advert for 'Uncle Joe's Mint Balls'
  3. Would settle to never have to see the cunt on my TV ever again. Charisma of a used tea bag. Doesn't even come across as if he likes football. Never has there been more football coverage, yet it's just being filled with more and more cunts weekly.
  4. Couple of wins taking points from the others down there wouldn't be worst thing in the world. They've hell of a lot to do, so even 6 points over next few games will still leave Pardew well in the shit. He's always more amusing when the going is good, with him being the only one not to see the impending doom.
  5. Seems like they've just lifted that list from Football Manager
  6. That 5th place finish has basically given life support to his career in so much as it's brought him another 3 contracts/pay-offs at Premier League level. Has been living on borrowed time as a PL manager for years now. Did nothing to ordinarily merit a Premier League job by us in 2010. Did alright with Southampton, what was expected in League 1, plus a cup - but was ultimately canned by them for being a problem. A League 1 side ffs! They clearly didn't see him the right fit to guide them through what they ultimately had planned. His level at that point was probably Championship. Southampton we're Championship sized club really, but had previously ultimately stunk it out West Ham, and couldn't save Charlton from the drop. So not unexpected for him to get a job at CH level, but PL he struck gold. His managerial style has consistently started well but ultimately ended in the dressing room and clubs falling into chaos. Now his style hasn't even been able to get a lift from West Brom, but skip 8 months into the chaos. No right minded Premier League club would touch him now. Even if his next job is in Championship, he needs to have a good few seasons there to elevate his stock back to deserving of a PL job. Promotion, then comfortably staying up, or 2 seasons of survival could probably do it. Restore his respectability to what it was before it went to s*** at West Ham. Never going to f***ing happen as long as I've a whole in my arse - his whole approach transcends footballing levels and clubs. He could manage in the Northern League and players would get bored of listening to the prick.
  7. From what I've seen of him seems talented enough. Shades of fancy Brazilian that looks world class on Youtube, but not quite there on the pitch. Stats wise, and my general take on him would be that he didn't effect games anywhere near the levels that the 'hype' surrounding him would lead us to think. A lot of talent, but will needs add goals and a ruthless nature to his game. Something that even in a PSG side, playing in a weak league hasn't really been achieved. Every time I watch Son I think he's awful, but he proves me wrong every time and actually delivers and has scored a lot of goals. So Moura for me has to up his game some way to match that to get in the side. Start of next season, after these few months and a pre-season under Poch will be a better time to judge.
  8. ` We've also had the huge disadvantage of not having proper home games all season in the PL - https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/andy-townsend-spurs-going-struggle-11019988. Swings and roundabouts I guess. It's mint that we've been able to give Newport and Rochdale a day at Wembley though. There was an initial disadvantage (different pitch, different surroundings, changing room, different pre-match routine etc.), but all the club and players will have become used to it all now. It's surely just the fans now that it will still feel a bit foreign to. So come the business end of the season, when Spurs are playing big games at Wembley that would ordinarily be played their anyway, of course it will be an advantage, a fairly sizeable one I'd say. Having half as many fans in the ground won't make too much difference to the players who are at comfort and ease on the pitch and surroundings. Even Champions League games going forward it's going to be a massive advantage for the players. It's bound to feel like every game will be a cup final, yet they are playing at 'home'. Now they are used to it all, can't believe it can have any adverse effect not being at WHL at all now.
  9. i'm always full of praise for fans, those that bother to go, we have a rivalry which is fierce and i'm with the others, i have no time for w*****s spouting the s**** they say.......i know a lot of canny mackems who are no where near as c***s they are on an internet forum, most of the stuff on that RTG is clearly put on to wind up NUFC fans who are daft enough to go on.ive no sympathy however for them at all, they can disappear forever and i would not bat an eyelid over it. its hilarious watching their downfall and the fact the seem to still think they are a PL side and can't accept they are on the brink of going out of existence,fingers crossed it happens. Think it goes beyond that, they really are obsessed... https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-french-national-team.1419102/page-2 Fairly unassuming thread about the French national side. Any other football forum would have the maturity to discuss the talent that France has to offer ahead of the WC and their chances of winning it - clearly the intended point of the thread. Just descends into naming French players that have played for us
  10. Seems nonsensical that. If they are going to get rid should have got it done this week. Bring someone in that they think can keep them up, and if not stay with them into next season in Championship, or walk if they do go down. God knows who that is though, and fuck knows who'd want the job. The Chinese guy at the top must have known he was culling everyone for a fair time, and must have had discussions with whoever was taking over. Alan Pardew and near certain relegation would have no doubt been talked about. As soon as it's gone beyond sacking him along with rest of staff that have gone, it's too late. Debacle in Barcelona has happened, likely in some fucked up way strengthened Pardew's position somewhat. Unlikely to want to sack him on right back of that, potentially opening up LMA dismissal problems, and even bigger media storm. By time he's no doubt reached that two game limit and been sacked it's going to be far too late for them to stay up, so their effectively going to waste massive money sacking him when surely he's got a relegation clause in a contract anyway. Got a fair canning on Sunday Supplement this morning which was good to hear - no Paddy Barkley though
  11. Just looked through his wiki, always thought he was at Valencia much earlier - there with Rafa, Baraja, Carew and the gang. Apparantly he always wanted to be a bullfighter, and was breast fed until the age of 7
  12. Joaquin used to be a god on LMA manager on the Playstation back in the day
  13. f***ing christ First couple of mins we're quite funny, then it got a bit awkward watching a grown man that simple Whatever anyone does, don't watch him unwrap Creme Eggs
  14. Aye. Honestly, that was the least of his problems. He couldn't defend and he didn't seem to care too either. What's Santon doing now btw? Still at Inter. 10 games this season, but by looks of it mainly on bench.
  15. We go from playing 1 game every week to playing 3 in our final week. Teams like Spurs are quick to pipe up at the fixture congestion when they go far in cups and Europe, despite them having bigger squads. Of course this has potential to adversely affect us, no reason why Spurs can't be the ones playing games close together that week considering they were the ones progressing. Yeah, not going to be here saying that won't have an affect. But we shouldn't be, nor the squad or anyone at the club, looking at fixture congestion as the sole factor that's going to send us down. Circumstances have changed, up to us now to rise to it. Their going to be given extra time off, surely that can only be advantage going into games following additional time of.
  16. If rearranged games effect us staying up or going down, we don't particularly deserve to stay in the league. Need to get games won regardless of when they are being played. That being said, it's probably going to fuck over the fans which is less than ideal.
  17. Tamas Kadar's done alright for himself. Dynamo Kiev, 45 caps for Hungary
  18. Spurs fans right next to BBC cameras. First half highlights included "having a party when Sol Campbell dies...", now renditions of "being a Yid.."
  19. Sissoko looked class in that Euro's final, Spurs obviously thought they we're paying £30M on that tournament performance. He's the modern day Salif Diao. Thought he looked good against Real Madrid, but it's a case of a footballer being thick as shit when it comes to understanding the game he plays. Never seems in a decent space to attack from.
  20. As good/bad as anyone else. Not stood out. Seemed like Sissoko kept getting in his way on the right, as if they we're setting up with two wingers. From what I've seen Spurs been pretty shit in final third and a bit slow.
  21. Wonder what's more of a shock for Lucas Moura, playing at Rochdale or having Sissoko as a team mate
  22. Number of mascots is really getting out of hand these days, bloody loads of them. Lesser spotted Brad Inman on bench for Rochdale
  23. Hamsik just had goal disallowed by VAR in Napoli Spal game. Seemed right decision, much clearer than last night, but took quite a while. Game went all way back to kick off and stayed there for a while. Suddenly ref rules it out, get shown two replays, it's offside - move on. Not 10 replays at various points of the game, looking over and over it, with lines all drawn on the pitch for us. Hate how coverage of games in England makes VAR the centre piece of the game. Almost as if the players are on the pitch just in the hope it can be used, and they can talk to Graham Poll. Constant talking to ex refs in games, mentioning it, replays upon replays. Pretty sure people don't give a s*** either way, their just making people hate it even more.
  24. Heard commentator in Man U game last night say "Luke Shaw is yet to score in senior football..." then clarify by saying "he hasn't scored for Southampton, or Man United yet.." Yeah, senior football we get it
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