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Mbemba Youre A Womble

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Everything posted by Mbemba Youre A Womble

  1. Couldn't ever understand why Santon always played on the left. He was particularly brilliant with his left foot, and just made him so damn predictable going forward. Pairing that with Jonas playing in front of him, opposition just knew everything was coming inside. Made up so predictable, turgid and limp in attack.
  2. Like the bit about him saying his boots we're a bit of a rip off. Think we can all guess where he got them from Went to watch Man United at Southampton with a pal who had spare ticket. Was at start of his final season. Ability he had even at that age was something else, everything went through him and Southampton couldn't get near him.
  3. 992 Premier League appearances in today's match day squad apparently
  4. Maybe there should be a certain degree of human error, or dead zone, where in which if it falls within a certain degree it sticks with the linesman's original decision. Like in Cricket - an umpire will give a call, it can go to review, but if found not conclusive it sticks with initial decision.
  5. They can have Dwight Gayle. They deprived us of many greats down the years anyway. Deon Burton, Robbie Earl, Frank Sinclair to name but a few
  6. 7 pages in just over 3 hours telling Cattermole to fuck off on Ready to Groom
  7. So strong chances that semis will be 4 out of the 'big 6'. This will no doubt see an about turn in the narrative of the FA cup being a competition of dwindling interest. Suddenly it will be thriving competition, that all big teams take seriously with all fans joyous all across the land.
  8. Wonder which one nicked his wallet http://cdn.caughtoffside.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Alan-Pardew-on-the-pull.jpg
  9. Graham Poll is there just to comment on bad decisions ultimately. I'm of the mind that football fans really don't give half as much of a shit about refereeing decisions and controversy that Sky, BT, Talksport, BBC think they do. Their just manufacturing a false interest, instead of possibly talking about how Mourinho might have approach the game to get a result. Coverage of football now just seems focused around refereeing decisions that are actually peripheral to what is happening on the field. Fucking boring.
  10. Couple of little lads earned themselves lifetime stadium bans by running on the pitch to celebrate
  11. Heard that, and would be in agreement. Juve's penalty that was, but wasn't against Fiorentina was called back by a minimal, yet still questionable touch leading to an offside. Whilst there will always be outlying situations in football that will further the cause for VAR (West Ham goal earlier this season, Hand of God etc.) the bread and butter, and bulk of decisions it's used for are just an extra level of human decision in the interpretation of the laws.
  12. This isn't true is it? The first VAR goal - Iheanacho for Leicester was called offside reviewed and then goal given. In such an instance, what happens if a covering defender stops running because it's been called offside when he could have still effected the attacker otherwise? Striker goes through scores, gets given a goal - defender can't then change his decision and start defending again. Defender should play to the whistle not the flag. It's only offside when gone referee blows not when the flag goes up. If the referee blows for offside he has to be sure it's offside. Don't agree, whilst the defender will play to the whistle, it will still have an effect - even on the attacker stopping, defender stops - but referee decides to rely on VAR, ignore lino and a second attacker runs on to pick up the ball and score.
  13. This isn't true is it? The first VAR goal - Iheanacho for Leicester was called offside reviewed and then goal given. In such an instance, what happens if a covering defender stops running because it's been called offside when he could have still effected the attacker otherwise? Striker goes through scores, gets given a goal - defender can't then change his decision and start defending again.
  14. Unlike goal line technology, these decisions aren't binary. FA and refereeing bodies should put full faith, trust and support into existing referees in the game. All this money and energy put into this could very easily be used to further the use of goal line technology down the football league, and improving refereeing standards across the board. In 10 years time, if not sooner, if there is a recognised system that is accepted across Europe and Worldwide football, then yeah go for it. Until then it's a waste of time.
  15. If the linesman calls an offside an it is marginally onside, that won't be called back and reviewed. It's a free-kick and the game restarts. You're effectively favouring a defensive team, the attacking team has little or nothing to gain.
  16. It's a funny one. Whenever I watch them, they seem decent away from home on the break, but that's it. Aside from that they're a typical, boring Mourinho team, but without the truly star players that he's had in the past to make a really strong push for titles that he's had elsewhere. Obviously the players are still very, very good, but as an example Lukaku isn't Drogba, Ibrahimovic, or Benzema (at least at the moment anyway) and why Mourinho keeps insisting on playing Pogba in a two at all, I don't know. He's the arch pragmatist, and will always live to his reputation in the big games. Feel he gets an unfair wrap on the whole though. He builds highly functional teams, but his Chelsea sides first time round scored goals - think they broke 100 in PL. In La Liga they broke 100 points, obviously helped by Ronaldo essentially starting you at least a goal up going in. This side though are functional, have never looked open defensively throughout the season, but on the whole rather tame going forward. On Pogba, he's clearly one hell of a talented player, but mentally he's lacking some way from ever being one of worlds best. No discipline to his game at all, and that's on nobody but him. Think Mou's indulged him far too much, and needs to take a serious look at himself.
  17. Shaw's looked good all the games he's played in this season though, would be ahead of Rose for me going to WC. Sanchez is an understated lazy bastard.
  18. Mata seems to be the only forward player that isn't just playing so within themselves. Even by Mourinho standards, never remember a side of his being quite this dour.
  19. Take a shot everytime BT mention fucking VAR
  20. Could do with Huddersfield getting back into it, closing out a draw, followed by a demoralising humping at Old Trafford in which Aaron Mooy gets a 10 game ban for giving Sanchez a wedgie.
  21. Classic Pards, needing a goal, but replacing your winger with only 2mins to go.
  22. Any striker that can get near to 1 in 2, or better than 1 in 3 I wouldn't be too fussed about them being a poacher type. Top sides find ways to spread goals about their teams though - which even if we've struggled with.
  23. Really hope we can move away from the necessity for a target man type forward next season. Even the best around aren't getting decent figures goals wise. The idea that you need to be 6 foot plus to hold up a ball is outdated.
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