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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Sean Longstaff has again today confirmed, basically, he had no coaching for 2 years. Bruced
  2. Got that nearly right, you fat cunt. Try absolutely NO fucking respect.
  3. Clicked on the link Was about to click on the article link but thought I'd read some comments 1st read those two binned it off Bloke is an absolute horror show
  4. As I said, Howe all day for me but I do recognise how good Klopp is. Liverpool v City, spends, for eg... https://www.si.com/.amp/soccer/2022/05/03/liverpool-outlook-jurgen-klopp-contract-champions-league-salah-mane
  5. I wouldn't, personally, argue for either, just offered a suggestion as to why one was chosen over Howe. Howe all day for me tho but.
  6. But didn't get to 3 finals as well. Stretched, not so much.
  7. Not being contrarian for the sake of it but, if the argument against Klopp is it's a Premier League award and should be confined to that, does it not matter what other comps the team's played in count? Finishing 2nd in the league whilst also reaching 2 domestic and 1 international finals is an achievement. Definitely decent management of a squad over said season. Admittedly with far superior resources than all but 1 other club. Lampard and Viera no where near, for me, nor Pep.
  8. Blast from the past (never went in, btw)
  9. Played full minutes against Arsenal and Burnley. Aye, THAT not very good
  10. You need to read it again I don't always wish to ram 10 (edited 8)....(edited 6)..... pints of Morretti/Peroni/1664 down me neck, esp if I've started with a pint of Thistley Cross
  11. Draught Carling only if the other "base line" offering is Fosters and I don't want to be absolutely Morrettied. Alex, tell yer Da the fat, uselss cunt needs to die.
  12. "Footballer's thick as fuck and has no class" shocker!!!
  13. There's a few on here need to seek help. I'll put my trust in Eddie ?
  14. Wierd how players who've been heavily involved in a team's successful run, on a par with Champion's League teams, are now deemed "Championship standard" and/or "deadwood"
  15. Christ, the season only finished yesterday and I'm all over the gaff.
  16. We didn't. I'm not going to do any bigging up of the lad. Suffice to say we went out, paid the release fee and got ourselves an experienced Prem striker in the bank then went after a better one. That, better, one never arrived. It's totally a mute point to suggest playing Gayle or anyone else would've had better results. Whatever his part, or lack of therein, of that remarkable run we went on it happened.
  17. 12ft walled this for the tears and spontaneous orgasms...... https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheathletic.com%2F3326801%2F2022%2F05%2F23%2Fnewcastle-united-eddie-how-transformed%2F%3Fsource%3Demp-shared-article
  18. and wears gloves. Don't forget the gloves
  19. What do you reckon Wilson is saying to Maxi?
  20. Ligaments Be a moonboot month then rehab 12 weeks Based on 50years of waffle
  21. I'm with the sensibles 1 Man Shitty 4 Spuds 6 Manure 12 Boys from Brazil 18 Leeds
  22. I take it, even in the Championship, every club's big big game will be at Sunderland? "It's their FA Cup final, marra"
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