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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Don't mind them commentating on it but I'll be fucked if I'll ever watch the knackers play it.
  2. The only thing they cling onto is Bruce having more points than Rafa, like some sort of weird confirmation of him being a fraud. Which in turn has put them in a position where they are hoping Newcastle win games so they can gloat.
  3. Hearing Administration beckons
  4. It's mags pretending to be mackems who are giving him all the abuse marra; https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-november.1492228/post-30721093 Best bit about that exchange is the kid getting grief for using the "mag" Buildbase in Team Valley as opposed to the "lads" Buildbase in Hendon the f*cking scab It really is a fascinating insight into the mind of the Mackem. If you use a Buildabase outside of their imaginary boundaries, even though it's just a few miles, you are instantly under suspicion and branded a Mag. It is astonishing. Anyway, I thought Team Valley was part of County Durham and therefore comes under their kingdom, and the filthy Mags are just running a cold war to try and claim it as part of Gravytown? They truly are utter f***ing Neanderthals aren't they? Utter. A whole region re-enacting the sketch where Steptoe & son cordon off the house and share the telly through a hatch. Scruffy, pathetic but hilarious
  5. "In line with SD's customer base we've bought the brand but are renaming it MotherDON'Tcare"
  6. It's mags pretending to be mackems who are giving him all the abuse marra; https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-november.1492228/post-30721093 Best bit about that exchange is the kid getting grief for using the "mag" Buildbase in Team Valley as opposed to the "lads" Buildbase in Hendon the f*cking scab
  7. What ever the charges and subsequent not guilty verdict if anyone did that to my wife/daughter/sister etc I'd smash his fucking face in. Part of his "defense" was that he wasn't pissed but slurring as he had "loose teeth". He then stood outside the court laughing as his brief read a statement. Then cracked "reet I'm off to the dentist" as he left, smirking away. He's a cunt. Huge issues, granted, but a cunt and he knows it.
  8. You would think he'd be too tall tbf. I dont watch much hockey but, surely, you'd just need a short fat lad with fast hands?
  9. second crease of the day
  10. Watched a bit of them last year on iFollow and caught a bit of last night's. Absolute woeful league. Boot it end to end while giving the ball away constantly. We'll fit right in.
  11. That surely just keeps a monopoly with the biggest clubs than? Which is what they want. Why would they want that rather than more money coming in the game Euroleague or worserer
  12. That surely just keeps a monopoly with the biggest clubs than? Which is what they want.
  13. He's probably saying this only because he thinks in simplistic terms, but it's actually very patronising, and he should know better. He's effectively saying Steve Bruce should be judged on his local roots, and his actual managerial ability shouldn't be questioned. Does he think all managers should get a free pass if they are local then? Exactly. I didnt trawl through the relpies but did tweet back Cabbage's quote from his SAFC nadia "managing Newcastle has never been my dream job...I have everthing I need here....blah blah" Bruce is getting pelters from day 1 cos he's a fat useless bullshitter. One of our own doesnt alter that salient fact.
  14. Thick.As.Whale.Spunk. There's a fair few believe twoddle like that tho.
  15. Like the way FSA has a pop at Chops "did you not know your job when you were playing?" before back tracking when he realises he's talking managers out of a job. Thick brexit cunt.
  16. Shamefully joined a couple of pals on a trip from Berwick to Roker Pk circa '79 for SAFC v WHFC. Canny day out but, tbf, anywhere away from Berwick was. Can't recall anything about the game Berwick v Hibs. 1980 George Best playing....ish. I was in the "Ducket" at the time the wall collapsed. The Ducket being the stand opposite the main stand where the few radgies stood. Always weird to see about 40 Berwick hoolies sing "you'll never take the Ducket" whilst surrounded by 1000s of laughing Hibs fans (that day) or Celtic/Rangers fans at other games. ps Best was gash, looked pissed. https://www.berwickshirenews.co.uk/sport/football/berwick-rangers/how-george-best-missed-the-hibs-team-bus-and-was-then-subbed-off-1-3708844 Espanyol v Deportivo 2009 Wor kid's stag do. iirc it was about £70 a ticket on the door and we were mortal. Not sure what the Spaniards, from both sides, made of us. Despite our inebriation we were fairly well behaved. Definately more biosterous than any of them tho. My brother & I missed the flight back as well and had to fly to East Mids then get a train home. Brilliant
  17. Groundhog63

    Lee Charnley

    47000 spectators don't do protests Granted it was, in total, only about 20mins of the game but all I heard was Arsenal.
  18. Club's got Bruce a suite in The West Parade
  19. 30 (random) x 50k x 52 weeks is only 78m. Penfold and the tea lady are on a canny screw like. Add on National Insurance and you get to around £85m, then signing on fees will be there as well. I'd put money on us inflating signing on fees which is in part a further payment to agents that we don't want to disclose No way do we have 30 members of staff on £50k a week That's why I stated "random"
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