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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Or thick cunts misinterpreting it.
  2. Comes from the isolation of standing all alone so much. Probs need a bit of National Service.
  3. Wasn't just this game. Though they were decent in the semi legs they went to rat shit with 8 games to go.
  4. Got a few Leeds mukkas so gutted for them. In a way they did an us. Blew it in the league run in. Pleased for Arma tho.
  5. Same here but add 10 years ? Absolutely nothing to whine about so far. I was definitely gutted yesterday but since the take over it's been like flicking a switch. I think, and it's only human nature, some people haven't got the patience. I think I'm also recovering from the FCB years after hoying the season tickets in and, though I still watched games, had an ever decreasing passion for the club. I'm enjoying it again. To some extent even people being annoyed, frustrated and/or disappointed is a sign of our improvement. Onwards upwards
  6. There's a pun in there. Sign him up, made of glass type
  7. Any aficionados of Benidorm may know this fella ? See him every year with his annoying drum ?? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6D3LSftLPr/?igsh=dWJsdGpqems5M3A0
  8. https://twitter.com/EsheruKwaku/status/1794402379179430088?t=KLqY3Sq8z2ClNCqU5Nyc3w&s=19 Manchester 'derby' fisticuffs in Harrow ???
  9. I don't think anyone at the club did underestimate the difficulty this 2nd season would be. I mean they, literally, told us on numerous occasions. If anything it's some of our "fan" base with the underestimation & hubris. Looking forward to next season all ready. Given the trials of this season and finishing a mere 9 points from CL is a remarkable foundation. I'm sure they'll build on it.
  10. I'm fucking gutted. Going to Tynemouth. Anyone fancy a straightener come and nudge me pint Say hello, wave goodbye
  11. I don't think anyone doesn't rate him. He's just a snidey cunt
  12. Just had a call to Joey Barton's house to replace his telly
  13. Aye. I get the feeling a great deal of our forthcoming business is dependant on this game.
  14. Deffo. I'm still at the point pre-incomings where I'm expecting some other club to snatch our man, last minute.
  15. I'm definitely over thinking this but if, and it's a big If, City were genuinely after Paqueta and will now turn their attention to the Good Bruno aren't they mates? Good mates? I mean, ya best pal has fucked up big time. Massive money move down the pan with his entire career. "I'm fucked Bruno, totally fucked. They were gonna give me £250k a week and now I can't play anywhere" crying profusely "I know amigo, they're giving it to me now. Every cloud and all that"
  16. Aye, I saw that post and decided to give it the respect it deserved.
  17. Dan Burn man ??? https://x.com/Olly_Hawk/status/1793257379926004082?t=cyz-W-zlmzqyehZAhmXC5Q&s=19
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