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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Someone mentions it higher up ? but the sneerers would've been more than happy had the whole project gone Pete Tong. "Gripping viewing" etc etc. Probs in the same way we found STID so hilarious, tbf Who gives a fuck if its got an "in house" vibe? It's already exposed Eddie as a foul mouthed demigod and Amanda as a ice cold deal bastard bitch. Plus we finish 4th. I'll be bladdered every episode
  2. Quite liked Wolves. Largely based on the fact, as a young'un, I had Kenny Hibbert in my Toon team to play alongside his brother ? That and Steve Bull. Loved him.
  3. Has to be further Italian input, surely? Can't imagine the AC Milan "team manager" has genuinely only come here to facilitate Sandro’s integration? Capiche?
  4. Lose at Preston Mowbray walks Implosion
  5. Aye, the cunts have pulled the ladder right up from under them. Boils my piss even more that the FCB allowed our turnover to fall so much.
  6. None of that is true, other than yes, I would hate it ?
  7. Agree there like but, personally, have never been bothered where we sit except when we had season tickets, obvs. Random games well sit anywhere.
  8. Honestly man, you're probably the most dishonest "legacy" fan (sic) going. Putting yourself on this pedestal as if you put more effort into going to games than people who didn't get that access and who probs "couldn't be arsed" anyway. Jog on. It was a closed shop that you and your fellow "regulars" had access to. Now you don't.
  9. Notwithstanding Man City and, before them, Chelsea took the piss but isn't the top and bottom of "modern" Top flight football that you have to get the big calls (transfers) bang on. If you don't, and you're general turn over can't accommodate huge levels of transfer failure, you're doomed. All about revenue.
  10. Mightve had more to do with the fact you were part of a closed shop. Thankfully that's changed now. "Dedicated" ?????
  11. Cheers for that. Fucking brilliant ?????? One of my all time "support actor in a comedy" character along with Superhans and Winston from Still Game ?
  12. Concur. Mine are like The Queen Mum's
  13. Tbf only things stopping me jumping on that particular bandwagon was my snide TV, beer fridge and puuure lazyness ?
  14. Best ones are the uberfans staking a cliam to "legacy" status because they've hardly missed a game "since the takeover" without a hint of irony.
  15. "Here's what you could've won"
  16. Seen that yesterday and even tho I'm 59 and no Brad Pitt I laughed my fucking cock off when he said "I'm fawty faw yer owld"
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