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Everything posted by Thumbheed

  1. Calling it. Reckon it'll be something about proof that Masters and Hoffman were supportive of the ESL, they'll be forced to resign in the uproar, which will hopefully clear the way for our Takeover.
  2. Maybe I have a more romantic view of the game than others, but football is more than the result to me. I love that football can make you go through about 20 emotions in about 5 minutes, and I will always love that more than scraping a 1-1 draw with a team who've had a 95 minutes winner disallowed because their striker had a stray pube in an offside position.
  3. It honestly is, just another step in making the game more and more plastic. Designed for people who love the result more than the game itself.
  4. Don't understand anyone defending VAR. Literally the best part of the game is celebrating a goal and VAR completely takes that moment away.
  5. I wonder if this is contingency money in case they get kicked out the leagues.
  6. Anyone who advocates a competition where there is no competitions was always on the losing side growing up. Side note: delighted these snakes have stabbed Dickie Masters in the back
  7. Is this not saying in the current state [of no arbritation taking place] we'll still have MA in charge next season? As opposed to saying it'll not be before August till we get a takeover. I'm sure I read Arbritation is a very quick process once it starts.
  8. Aye, think the content of this leak is a bit too on the nose in terms of what the PL are arguing for it not to be related to arbritation.
  9. The examples make perfect sense but is this really a fair comparison? So in the example if equinor, would the argument still be valid if said trade minister was chairman of equinor and furthermore if Norway's entered legal system is defined by him and his family; the same legal system we're supposed to accept as legally binding? Edit: wouldn't it be reasonable to expect that guy to be a named director?
  10. Surely the question now becomes under what capacity was MBS acting under? Crown Prince or chairman of PIF. Obvs the 'official' answer is CP, but something like this definitely blurs the lines and certainly adds strength to the argument that the PL are making, I'm not sure how anyone can argue otherwsie.
  11. Shola Ameobi by a country fucking mile. Steven Taylor close second And any player who played instead of HBA.
  12. Why would Ashley absorb the costs of redundancies?
  13. Aye, this makes absolutely the most sense as Mike Ashley is famous for giving a fuck about what people think of him and his business decisions, would definitely need something to hide behind.
  14. Don't think we'll hear anything until safety is guaranteed, so might as well wait till the end of the season.
  15. This is my take. I'm just a bit uncomfortable with the idea of the consortium having to go through all that they have only to have a 3rd party come at the very last moment and try and take a £3m stake in the club, which could feasibly be worth £15m in a few years time with the proposed investment that said consortium are planning on making. What have NUST got to offer the consortium/business that could warrant that kind of compensation?
  16. This is a nice thought on paper but totally naive in terms of reality. I'd be 100% behind this if I knew there'd been signs of engagement on this but as it stands I can't think of a worse time to release something like this.
  17. Has NUST anticipated any potential fallout from the prospective owners rejecting the proposal? I mean, if the consortium haven't been consulted on this and don't like the idea then haven't NUST put them at risk of alienating a portion of fans before they've even taken over?
  18. If this is correct then this will 100% work and I'd commit.
  19. It's a great idea and I do wish it would succeed but I just think it's an overstretch and they would have been better off uniting the fans before they launched something like this. This thread alone is proof for why this may not take off.
  20. Unusual amount of direct engagement with the fanbase these past few days. I do wonder whether we'd even be told if there'd been a positive outcome to the arbritation case in light of our current circumstances, certainly don't see PIF resubmitting a bid until our status is confirmed which means in my eyes this drags out till June at the earliest.
  21. Same Caulkin who was saying time and time again no red flags. Yeah because that's what the PL were saying.. He's not a mind reader, he can only present the info he gets. Is the fact he isn't a mind reader and so is able to be lied to supposed to make everything he says now more doubtful than before? I don't get it, I mean I knew he wasn't psychic all along personally. So why believe he isn't being lied to now either, and by the way it was the buyers reporting to him no red flags not the PL. You want to believe it go ahead, personally I think he's being fed total s*** and has been all the way through. Why believe he is being lied too? Like I said being lied to has no barring at all on the likelihood of someone else lying to that same person in the future. Especially when it seems obvious it was the PL lying to the buyers that caused this. I've little doubt that the PL were claiming there were no issues. At least right until the end. It fits perfectly with the way the PL were trying to deal with this. Which was to try to make the takeover go away without having to reject it. Just keep saying its all fine, ask more questions, repeat indefinitely until the takeover dies of old age. Someone is filling him with s*** as he is the one who kept reporting no red flags, even when it was pretty obvious there was. You want to believe he is not being fed s*** then fine, that’s totally your choice. Was Caulkin being lied to or were his sources being lied to?
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