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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. He's worked wonders with players who were constantly told they weren't good enough by the media and the previous management team.
  2. Should get this version of Mount playing for England Gareth.
  3. Like I said a week or two back he's playing his part still, we just aren't totally reliant on him any more like we were under Bruce.
  4. 14 shots to 4 in our favour according to Livescore
  5. Fuming at how lucky we were to get an injury time winner. Isn't that three games in a row they've done the exact same thing?
  6. Yes mate. Let's engineer a way to have a pop at Chris Wood from a 95th minute winner. The absolute state of some of our "supporters" on here.
  7. One of the best things about Howe is that he's got something out of players who looked to be either totally out of the picture or nowhere near good enough. Joelinton, Schar, Krafth, Shelvey, even Almiron since he came back in.
  8. Can't change things overnight.
  9. They love making stuff up like this then running with it as fact.
  10. Three months yesterday since the membership vote closed on the future of this and the decision was made to distribute the funds to charity.
  11. Would've had one by now but for injury.
  12. Wish they'd put their trust hats back on and get those charity donations out into the community where they are needed.
  13. Complaining that the fixture schedule is disadvantaging Liverpool, but then saying the fact City are travelling back from Madrid before their game with Liverpool this weekend (who were at home to be benfica) doesn't give his side any advantage.
  14. He / they genuinely believe themselves to be some sort of special case.
  15. Who said that? Using xG as some sort of argument on nights like tonight just makes people look daft.
  16. xG is the Woulda Coulda Shoulda of football man. Completely irrelevant.
  17. So who have they got in the xG semi final? You never said?
  18. 100% Who they playing in the next round then?
  19. "Host broadcaster" vibes all over them hurriedly cutting away before anyone noticed.
  20. Against the backdrop of them claiming we're turning a blind eye to this, that and the other too.
  21. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/adam-johnson-ahmad-khan.1576170/#post-35870065 "obviously a willing participant"
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