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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/look-at-this-scratter.1577691/page-39#post-35988422
  2. Just seen one of them blaming this on Trippier for tweeting from the Sam Fender gig.
  3. Not without it being called sportswashing we couldn't.
  4. It'll be taken as gospel by the morning.
  5. When he starts to struggle the discipline issues will inevitably return too.
  6. Can't wait to hear what he says they "wasn't" there.
  7. That is such a misunderstanding of how bookmakers work...... They've enticed you to bet on something that won't happen by setting the odds at a level which captures your interest. You're exactly the sort of punter they are looking for. Feel free of course to let me know how much you win.
  8. It's a losing bet, so it's a bad bet.
  9. Southampton aren't getting relegated lads.
  10. Think I probably speak for a few on here when I say I hope you'll give it some serious thought.
  11. Would you consider going back if some currently there moved on @Heron? I think you could.
  12. Have you not been paying attention since the new owners came in?
  13. You didn't let anyone down at all. Absolute nonsense that.
  14. No doubt they should be more relevant, but with the current set up they really aren't.
  15. Definitely. Problem is for most i would think the Trust simply aren't relevant any more, certainly after the last few years.
  16. Will keep it in this thread, but I see they are claiming our women's team have been sportswashed. Literally their answer to everything Newcastle related now.
  17. Joey Linton

    Jacob Murphy

    No surprise to see him against the post there.
  18. Why did those two decide to leave though?
  19. Even if they do stay up this year, there's absolutely nothing to suggest they'll be able to solve their problems over the summer.
  20. Nah there won't be anything dodgy. That shouldnt be suggested. The charity stuff has taken way too long though.
  21. He might well be "sound as fuck" but the Trust has been absolutely terrible under his watch. Some of my mates are sound as fuck, no chance I'd ever want them in charge of anything. I'll look forward to him being the "first to admit that" though, after all we've only been waiting six and a half months so far for the detailed explanation which he suggested was needed and he promised as to why Alex was coming back on board.
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