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Joey Linton

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Everything posted by Joey Linton

  1. Be interesting to see if the FA have the bottle to act, but I have no doubt his PR team will be getting involved to protect his "brand".
  2. I think he'll agree to go "mutually" in the summer. For a sum.
  3. “It’s encapsulated my eight weeks, that’s for sure. It’s a frustration for us all,” Bruce said. “The goals we gave away, the first two, is something I never saw coming" “In the first half we didn’t get going. We passed the ball slowly, we didn’t really have any penetration in the forward areas. It was another frustrating afternoon, and that unfortunately has happened too often. It’s the reason why we are where we are.” “It was the third game in six days, and there were a few who looked jaded. Physically, we put in our best stats of the season on Wednesday against Bournemouth,” Bruce pointed out. “You’ve got to be able to go again in the Championship, it’s what it demands" “I’ve only been here for eight weeks and, of course, you learn," Bruce said. “We’re verging on (needing) a major overhaul" Everywhere he goes it's the same "who saw this coming, what can I do about it" nonsense.
  4. Yeah think that's probably it for all three now.
  5. Oxford away tomorrow lads, with the hope of closing the gap on Wycombe Wanderers. But aye the premier league is shit.
  6. Outstanding tonight.
  7. Can you imagine thinking that we'd be in this position at the start of January? Madness. It's been an incredible effort from everyone.
  8. Had a decent second half I thought, as mad as it sounds I think he suffers a bit from us not needing to be totally reliant on him any more.
  9. Most he's contributed to the team in absolutely ages that.
  10. Still not having the charity donations sorted when there's a cost of living crisis hitting particularly hard in the North East is really poor form.
  11. I'm just pleased for Greg that he got the time off work.
  12. Only took four posts on the mbappe thread. Same posters still defending their right to be racists too I see.
  13. The Telegraph guy who loved me
  14. Hardly sly digs, we were fucking terrible against spurs.
  15. Best thing is there's another gig tonight so they've hardly started with the fyewm
  16. His face just screams its all gone terribly wrong and I've no idea what to do about it.
  17. Still think they'll fluke the play offs and get promoted this year, only because I'm absolutely desperate for them to stay down and have to play a league game against Forest Green Rovers next year.
  18. Still going along with the idea that being racist doesn't make you racist I see.
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