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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You will always get a minority of people with what may appear to be strange beliefs that don't fit in with the majority I like people having different takes/beliefs that don’t fit in with the majority. Just think the calling people stupid for not having the same outlook is not needed at all. That's not what it is though. It's not because the opinions are different, it's because they're seen as being stupid. And like I said earlier, it’s stupid comments on both sides that make the whole thing just a big pile of s**** and not needed. Like that Yemen kid comment. He never got called out for it though, even though it was lifting. Well the people opposed to the deal are in the minority, as you say, so I'm not sure why it wasn't. Which is the best way to deal with ridiculous points like that. Instead of jumping in all the time and keeping the same shit argument going and going. Things could be decent discussion wise if the ridiculous comments were just left/ignored and not jumped upon. I'd agree with you but the same stupid points, especially the one about being a hypocrite if you oppose anything while functioning within society, are made over and over again tbf. I can only speak for me but I know I've held back on a lot of the things that have been said in here, but overall I think the objection to all of this has been really, really mild on here despite the high level of defensiveness to it.
  2. I don't think there was an overriding forum opinion like, aside from hating Ashley it's nearly always split innit. I know I didn't want Man City to beat Liverpool to the title.
  3. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You will always get a minority of people with what may appear to be strange beliefs that don't fit in with the majority I like people having different takes/beliefs that don’t fit in with the majority. Just think the calling people stupid for not having the same outlook is not needed at all. That's not what it is though. It's not because the opinions are different, it's because they're seen as being stupid. And like I said earlier, it’s stupid comments on both sides that make the whole thing just a big pile of shite and not needed. Like that Yemen kid comment. He never got called out for it though, even though it was lifting. Well the people opposed to the deal are in the minority, as you say, so I'm not sure why it wasn't.
  4. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You will always get a minority of people with what may appear to be strange beliefs that don't fit in with the majority They aren't strange beliefs at all like. If it was Man Utd getting taken over by the Saudis, I bet at least 50% of the people on here would be complaining about it. Not wanting a horrendous country to take over a football club is not a strange belief A Newcastle fan not wanting to get rid of Ashley and not wanting the club to compete is a strange belief though. Therein lies the conflict. Only when you frame it that way. It's just as easy to frame it as a strange belief to want the club you've supported your whole life and have great pride in to be owned and forever associated with murderers/terrorists/baby bombers/whatever you want to call them, all because they'll buy success. Just as easy to frame it from the other side tbf.
  5. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You will always get a minority of people with what may appear to be strange beliefs that don't fit in with the majority I like people having different takes/beliefs that don’t fit in with the majority. Just think the calling people stupid for not having the same outlook is not needed at all. That's not what it is though. It's not because the opinions are different, it's because they're seen as being stupid.
  6. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You will always get a minority of people with what may appear to be strange beliefs that don't fit in with the majority They aren't strange beliefs at all like. If it was Man Utd getting taken over by the Saudis, I bet at least 50% of the people on here would be complaining about it. Not wanting a horrendous country to take over a football club is not a strange belief You don't even need to do that, just look at the various posts about Man City on here over the years.
  7. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round. Not my point at all, and I know you only pop in here for argumentative reasons. I was only saying there are about 5 people on here who constantly bang on about it, but I don’t hear it from anywhere else. I don’t take you opinion any higher than anyone else’s though, should I? You mean when there's a debate to actually be had I join in, yeah. So exactly what is your point then?
  8. It also gets people's backs up when the assumption is that it's 'just because it's a different opinion to you' as well tbf. It's not that at all, it's because the opinions are thick as fuck, not because they're different.
  9. So you think your work is representative, but the forum with loads of people from all walks of life isn't? Surely it's the other way round.
  10. The amount of unbelievably thick people on the forum has been growing and growing for a while, but this whole thing was obviously cat nip for them.
  11. I think it's probably fair to say that being associated with all of the geordiedeans in our support is also going to be one of the costs. Wonderful.
  12. I'd argue that he's still here precisely because most of us have sat in SJP every other weekend for the last 13 years tbh. It's a self fulfilling prophecy, claim you can't do anything to change anything>don't do anything>nothing changes The same applies in this situation, but considering barely anyone would do anything despite detesting Ashley, they're not going to do anything when the majority are welcoming them with open arms.
  13. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    The 1970 World Cup final that everyone bangs on about is almost entirely at walking pace like. It's a shame, I bet the football was on another planet at the time but it's really hard to appreciate now with everything that's come since then.
  14. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    Aye and now half of them are pundits who complain when modern players give the ball away. You'd think they were all Xavi the way some of them go on.
  15. Would have been perfect with it being part of the same move where Ginola skipped past Neville as well. The last 25 minutes of that match are an absolute piss take.
  16. Watched the 5-0 again last night but have also been meaning to say for a while that David Batty doesn't get enough of a shout out for his performance in that match. Arguably man of the match tbh.
  17. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    I thought he was class. Very good at Real Madrid as well, I always thought it was a bit weird that hardly anything was made of him scoring the goal that decided the Champions League final as well.
  18. I'll be canny relieved if it's off, but of fucking course the issue is to do with broadcasting profits and not for any ethical reason.
  19. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    Totally ridiculous how few Newcastle players there were considering we'd just finished second. I know Ince was quality, but Lee definitely should have had a look in around 94-96
  20. Kid Icarus

    Euro 96

    I remember this game being really boring at the time. Canny interested to see whether it still is, or if I was just spoiled by watching us under Keegan.
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