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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Of course. Though forgiveness costs freedom to move in and out of the homeland and a million dollar house. They’ve been bought, with money and their lives (I can only imagine There is a real threat to them if they didn’t toe the party line) Their price for that has been set, ours yet to come for success. It does however for me at least dilute the narrative the NUFC fans should be ashamed to allow them in to the club for the sake of trophies. Aye, he hasn't even had to make our fan base the offer it couldn't refuse because it's already been dom'ed into spreading its arse cheeks for anyone who isn't Ashley. Understandably so and probably one of the reasons they chose us. The club has been lubed up ready to take whatever comes next, as long as it’s not Ashley. NE5 was a good decade ahead of the rest of us, imagine that. Aye, when your blind love for Freddy Shepherd makes you fall on the correct answer is how I'd frame that like.
  2. Of course. Though forgiveness costs freedom to move in and out of the homeland and a million dollar house. They’ve been bought, with money and their lives (I can only imagine There is a real threat to them if they didn’t toe the party line) Their price for that has been set, ours yet to come for success. It does however for me at least dilute the narrative the NUFC fans should be ashamed to allow them in to the club for the sake of trophies. Aye, he hasn't even had to make our fan base the offer it couldn't refuse because it's already been dom'ed into spreading its arse cheeks for anyone who isn't Ashley. Understandably so and probably one of the reasons they chose us. Not sure that’s the case. You think a massive 96.7% of our fans (recent NUST survey among almost 3,400 fans) would have been in favour of the Saudi state (knowing everything we know about them) taking over the club at the end of Shepherd's reign? I don't think it would have been that high personally, I think it's taken a good 13 years of destroying the club and for desperation to have grown and grown for the consensus to be that overwhelming.
  3. Of course. Though forgiveness costs freedom to move in and out of the homeland and a million dollar house. They’ve been bought, with money and their lives (I can only imagine There is a real threat to them if they didn’t toe the party line) Their price for that has been set, ours yet to come for success. It does however for me at least dilute the narrative the NUFC fans should be ashamed to allow them in to the club for the sake of trophies. Aye, he hasn't even had to make our fan base the offer it couldn't refuse because it's already been dom'ed into spreading its arse cheeks for anyone who isn't Ashley. Understandably so and probably one of the reasons they chose us.
  4. Exactly. I think you'd have to be pretty naive to take that at face value like.
  5. Looks like the side of an aging leisure centre vending machine.
  6. Not to invite the whole virtue signalling thing like, but isn't saying that you don't care about her situation, that she's being used, that she needs to complain to other organisations for her cause to have merit, or that she simply needs to fuck off, not all just as bad as some throwaway insult?
  7. Ironic since I doubt Cengiz has a clue about anything to do with ours. Not sure how that's ironic tbh. Particularly when one of the arguments I've seen is that the opposition to this deal is because there's a vendetta specifically against Newcastle United.
  8. And they say sportswashing doesn't work. Yeah, I'm sure everyone on here would definitely just give up and walk away if the person who had their future wife dismembered still hadn't faced justice, just so some miscellaneous football fans overseas can have a sugar daddy. Should read the replies to the chronicle tweet, it’s already happened. Loads of “this is boring! Qataris crossing her hands with gold!” Not surprising at all like, local paper comments sections are possibly worse than Facebook. This is so true. You said this before a couple of years ago and I never went back to read them because of how mad it made me and how you summed it up. Thank you for that damn fine bit of life insight as it probably helped my blood pressure a lot. Haha, no problem! I don't remember me saying it like, but I'll take the W
  9. It's the selfish nature the human race is unfortunately. Something that is emotionally closer to someone is always going to take precedent. People being murdered no matter who or where is always horrific, but trying to get someone to side with a total stranger over something that is emotionally closer to them, is always going to be hard. Like you mentioned, most people will only get invested seriously if it happens to them. Fair points. I totally get people pursuing their material interests like and it's just a sad fact of life that that can be manipulated to this extent. I just don't get why for some that extends to being openly hostile towards a widow fighting her own battle that every single one of us on here would fight if we were in her position. It just seems deranged and completely devoid of perspective tbh.
  10. But people get murdered every day, whether state sponsored or not, i.e Russia with the poisoning case in Salisbury. To me I support NUFC and live in the North East. I saw the news when it happened and my reaction was that sounds awful. Did I give it a second thought after that, no. If the NUFC gets taking over, will I give it another thought, probably not. NUFC is about football, if I was interested in Politics and Human Rights Abuse I would join the various groups. Sorry if people think that is an awful stance but that is how I look at it, each to their own! People getting murdered every day isn't a reason to go out and bat for the people doing the murdering. Totally get what you're saying about not giving it a second thought, but the whole point is that it's now come into our NUFC world and the two aren't separate anymore, whether we like it or not.
  11. Yes. We've had about 50 pages of it at various points in the thread. Imagine the law was like this and rather than refer to case law or precedent they had to go through every argument over and over for every case. It's bonkers. Can't say I've seen any comments from the two posters I was speaking to tbh. Well yeah it would be if it was the law, but it's a football forum during a takeover and isolation. Think it could be a lot worse considering the circumstances tbh.
  12. Genuinely, in all of this have any of you ever even considered for a single second what you'd do if someone murdered and dismembered your wives without facing justice? And then maybe considered just how removed from perspective someone saying that you sending repeated requests to the FA "isn't on" might be?
  13. And they say sportswashing doesn't work. Yeah, I'm sure everyone on here would definitely just give up and walk away if the person who had their future wife dismembered still hadn't faced justice, just so some miscellaneous football fans overseas can have a sugar daddy. Should read the replies to the chronicle tweet, it’s already happened. Loads of “this is boring! Qataris crossing her hands with gold!” Not surprising at all like, local paper comments sections are possibly worse than Facebook.
  14. Truly the pits. Awful post. Only when she takes it up with Uber, Disney and Facebook can she then have the green light for a go at us. Whole thing stinks of Qatari influence tbqh. Put down the koolaid, man, howeh. She's done all of that elsewhere. Are you really comfortable with the position you're putting yourself in? Putting it out there that you think a grieving widow has to somehow prove her intentions beyond not wanting her husband's murderer to expand his influence.
  15. And they say sportswashing doesn't work. Yeah, I'm sure everyone on here would definitely just give up and walk away if the person who had their future wife dismembered still hadn't faced justice, just so some miscellaneous football fans overseas can have a sugar daddy.
  16. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. This self-censoring is angering me way more than it should. I would hate kisearch to report me, I’m enjoying it way to much on here. *two
  17. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same What you going to do tell me to leave the forum ? Pr#%k. Oi toilet mouth, there's a child's bicycle outside.
  18. Yes, I'm going to take advice about my 'real world' from someone who only knows me online and who I have no respect for. Fucking do one man ye drip.
  19. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it In your opinion, sorry you don’t agree but I couldn’t give a s#%t what you think Okay, just please try not to overstep the mark in future. I’ll overstep the mark whenever the f%#ck I like, like it or lump it. Okay, just don't expect the consequences to ever be the same
  20. You say debunk, but disagree probably works better, as its people’s differing views, not those being wrong and you being right. When someone does something like conflate the Saudi State who are buying us, with the UK government who aren't, or they conflate private Saudi investors who bought Sheff Utd with the Saudi state who are buying us, that's a differing view but it's still also wrong like. This started back up after HTT’s post, and not sure if he did mention those points as I really couldn’t be arsed to read it all. But some people agreed with it and some didn’t. Fair enough I guarantee more people read my shit than the tedious crap you post. Your arrogant and condescending posts are more insufferable than ever, which is a shame because when you’re not being a dick/being faux political you’re a good poster (football only mind). I mean, only you could try and school US forum members in US politics, policies and issues and try and lecture them and only you would feel you’re entitled to do that because you’re part of some bull shit delusional false as fuck network you’re that stupid you actually believe your input or membership in might contribute to one day saving the world or rescuing the US and it’s people from whatever sandstorm you think they are in and that they don’t even know they are in. Which you and your like only can let them know. Save me/us from your own crap please! In here and GC. Are you actually fucking kidding? You're posting all that toxic shit specifically at me because I fucking laughed at something you yourself laugh at yourself about? Something literally everyone on here laughs about. Jesus fucking Christ man, have a word (or several hundred thousand) PS, re the US politics thread, I take it the irony of it all taking place on a Newcastle-based forum is lost on you then. You haven't got the first clue what you're talking about either btw, not that I wanted to get into this shit over here, over a fucking emoji. Emoji? You’re the Greta Thunberg of N.O., only she probably has bigger balls than you. You honestly (and I’ll accept if this is just me) come across as a bit of a twat/dick who likes to ponce about over various subjects that may concern you, but you don’t actually (in the actual real world anyway) have a clue about or have any real authority over, but still doesn’t stop you lecturing, trying to educate others and wanting everyone to believe you know more than anyone else does about certain things. Greta, you’re 14 or something, you’re a spotty faced fucking teen, you know nowt, get dicked, drunk and or high and as admirable as it is to worry about the environment and at at least care somewhat (most of us do too you know, just not in the way you do), get a life. If you’re gonna cry over this, god help you when you are actually faced with real world problems only you can actually try and solve, you know like paying the mortgage, raising kids, your football team being owned by some Arabs or heaven forbid, one day the battery dies on your Tesla or the Costa machine at the service station is out of order. Ki, that’s you, that’s how you read or rather a lot of your post, a whiny bitch. Full of concern and all knowing to such a point where you feel you’re entitled and with it own the exclusivity rights to lecture and educate everyone who are obviously in the wrong, about things you’ve taken it upon yourself to concern and worry yourself about and because you do, we all should and it’s your crusade to ensure we do and those that don’t, are so wrong you’re so right. Your posts in the US politics thread are a case in example. You were smashed to pieces. Any genuine points you threw into the mix which you did offer up, were drowned out by this arrogant, know it all, condescending, because I’m part of this or that, I know more than you do and I’m right and you’re wrong and I must lecture and educate you so I can put you right type of attitude or manner you just seem to exude. Again, it reads as if you’re some twat/dick. Now that’s again just me, I don’t know you, you’re probably a lovely kid and maybe you don’t intend to come across the way you do, but you do (again as I read it) and it would be remiss of me not to bring this to your attention. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, btw, don’t take it personally but Greta/KI you need to know, life’s a bitch sometimes and if you wanna do something good or maybe just maybe come across a bit better, stop being such a bitch yourself OK. Anyway peace V Fucking hell. Someone didn't take someone else's pizza getting attention very well. Canny funny that you're lecturing a 35 year old man about the 'the real world' and his own apparent lecturing though. I'll just repeat what I said earlier so to not kick off it off with the U.S posters again, you haven't got the first clue what you're talking about where I'm concerned.
  21. Always good to have at least some common ground on these things.
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