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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Siding with the opinion of a former Chelsea steward over 2x European player of the year, multiple trophy winning Kevin Keegan on whether we should sign future Balon d'Or winner Luka Modric.
  2. The worst thing for me by far was watching Ashley do every single shitty thing that he did, then failing to get the large majority of match-going fans to do anything sustained to fight back against him, despite him being universally loathed. Every single terrible thing you can list that Ashley did is imo compounded by our acceptance of all of those things where it mattered, in Ashley's pocket. Trying and failing with what felt like every approach to convince supporters to even try things to force him out was really frustrating and probably changed my relationship with other fans and the club forever tbh. For me that's the worst thing he made happen.
  3. It's actually canny impressive just how proudly consigned to the NUFC-centred bubble people can be, like.
  4. Why the f*** do you think? Aye Everton fan it is then Are you doing a skit or something? Hard to tell. A skit? A skit of what? Like, are you pretending to not know why Newcastle's getting her attention? Oh, yeah, it was rhetorical, I don't actually wonder why she's singling Newcastle out, just find it irritating. Yeah, much more irritating than your partner being dismembered like. Have a word with yourself.
  5. Why the f*** do you think? Aye Everton fan it is then Are you doing a skit or something? Hard to tell. A skit? A skit of what? Like, are you pretending to not know why Newcastle's getting her attention?
  6. Why the f*** do you think? Aye Everton fan it is then Are you doing a skit or something? Hard to tell.
  7. Arca and Zabaleta are both Argentine too. I had zero recollection of Nobby at Villa in the quiz the other week but remembered West Ham, my theory's that we've just merged the football kits in our minds.
  8. Why? It's inherently cuntish. They would be c***s for doing it. You have a nerve like, weren't most of your previous posts calling our fans worse than s***? Only in your opinion ... I called fans morons for doing something only morons would do ... keep buying season tickets under Ashley and accelerating the destruction of their own club . Somebody sticking a f***ing tea towel on their head is neither here nor there as regards the club or Saudi Arabia and if you can't see that then you need help ( imo : ) This is a pretty absurd view. Still going to the match under Ashley - a moron. Glorifying Saudi Arabia - fine. Thats my point , sticking a tea towel on yr head isnt glorifying Saudi Arabia and to claim it is says more about how out of whack your brain is than anything else
  9. Poor people vote for Trump because they want things to be better, it's not that different to Newcastle fans, I suppose you're right there. Difference is, Trump will probably make things worse for them because he's a businessman, and business goals are not usually to put money in poor people's pockets. Voters in the rust belt voted Trump in large part because Clinton ignored them and called potential Trump voters deplorables . Finally, something we can agree on!
  10. I see where you're coming from, but as much as I agree with you on capitalism, there are still varying degrees of evil and you can even point to that difference with Ashley and MBS and everyone will have their own line. Gates is probably a nonce imo no one should have been knocking about with Jeffrey Epstein and appearing in the lolita express flight logs after he'd been convicted.
  11. Oooooh, Cambiasso is an inspired choice.
  12. Jaaskelainen (Finland/Bolton) Kelly (Ireland/Leeds) Van Dijk (Netherlands/Southampton and Liverpool) Mellberg (Sweden/Aston Villa) Yobo (Nigeria/Everton) Cambiasso (Argentina/Leicester) Modric (Croatia/Spurs) De Bruyne (Belgium/Chelsea and Man City) Di Canio (Italy/Sheff Wed, West Ham, and Charlton) C. Ronaldo (Portugal/Man United) Shearer (England/Blackburn and Newcastle) Henry (France/Arsenal) Lopsided as f***, but I'll be here all night if I don't stop.
  13. Yeah but, no but.... Oof. ? Well, I tried to explain. Enjoy your Sunday night.
  14. I think everyones well aware of your opinion without you having to repeat it every 2 minutes. The ability to post after deleting your account is quite impressive also As I mentioned, that was in response to specific posts and I can post whatever I want. Of course you can, but you're only having the effect of making others dig trenches basically. There has to be a way we can have a more amicable debate here ffs. Sorry, but posters were saying they wanted the Saudis over another potential U.S option and that unless it was someone with Jeff Bezos' wealth they weren't interested. They chose which trench to dig and I thought an edit of SBR's quote, the original of which we're all happy to repeat as representative of being a football supporter, was an effective way to highlight that. Do you not think it's a bit of a low blow (and even disrespectful) to use (and edit) a quote of Sir Bobby's out of the original context? He isn't here to take a side like you are. No, not really, I think it's very pertinent. I think it's absolutely f***ing disgusting that you have bastardised a quote from an absolute legend for the sole purpose of scoring points online. Yes, editing quotes on a football forum to make a point about where some of our supporters priorities lie is where we need to draw the ethical line in this whole debate. It's the snowflakes who are disgusted by the Saudi's human rights record who are the sanctimonious ones, not those morally outraged at the sight of a quote being thrown back in their face. Are you playing the victim for the sake of it? I'm abhorred by the Saudis human rights record and have been for a long time, unfortunately our Government are mates with the f***ers and us as fans don't have any power over any of this. Go find those people who support their actions and argue with them instead of banging on and on here. I'm out anyway. And yes, bastardising a quote from Sir Bobby for the purpose you did is still disrespectful in my eyes. I don't think I'm a victim at all. I just find it really ridiculous that in this discussion the idea of questioning those openly saying they'd prefer the Saudis because of their money, even when an alternative is available, is somehow controversial. For someone who clearly holds SBR's quote close to their heart, I find it odd that you'd view someone wanting to see the sentiment of it upheld as the outrageous one. Completely hypothetically speaking I presume? Depends on whether this supposed second bid is real or not (which I don't think it is) but the stance was the same either way.
  15. Well what I offered lead to your reaction tbf, but stay angry based on your wrong presumptions about my point if it makes you feel better. "what I offered"....was a load of misinformed s**** but yeah, I am angry. I'm often angry....but not at you. You don't matter. Stay safe. It boils down to people looking out for and defending their material interests. That's not a judgement, it's reality, we all do it. All I'm saying is that it worries me that because those material interests will be met by the Saudis, they'll be defended. That's it, that's the entire point and there's historical precedent for it everywhere. Just ask the 40% of converted Tories whether being able buy their council house in the '80s factored into their conversion to something they were previously against, or if it was just a coincidence. Everything else that you got angry about, were just presumptions you invented for yourself.
  16. I think everyones well aware of your opinion without you having to repeat it every 2 minutes. The ability to post after deleting your account is quite impressive also As I mentioned, that was in response to specific posts and I can post whatever I want. Of course you can, but you're only having the effect of making others dig trenches basically. There has to be a way we can have a more amicable debate here ffs. Sorry, but posters were saying they wanted the Saudis over another potential U.S option and that unless it was someone with Jeff Bezos' wealth they weren't interested. They chose which trench to dig and I thought an edit of SBR's quote, the original of which we're all happy to repeat as representative of being a football supporter, was an effective way to highlight that. Do you not think it's a bit of a low blow (and even disrespectful) to use (and edit) a quote of Sir Bobby's out of the original context? He isn't here to take a side like you are. No, not really, I think it's very pertinent. I think it's absolutely f***ing disgusting that you have bastardised a quote from an absolute legend for the sole purpose of scoring points online. Yes, editing quotes on a football forum to make a point about where some of our supporters priorities lie is where we need to draw the ethical line in this whole debate. It's the snowflakes who are disgusted by the Saudi's human rights record who are the sanctimonious ones, not those morally outraged at the sight of a quote being thrown back in their face. Are you playing the victim for the sake of it? I'm abhorred by the Saudis human rights record and have been for a long time, unfortunately our Government are mates with the f***ers and us as fans don't have any power over any of this. Go find those people who support their actions and argue with them instead of banging on and on here. I'm out anyway. And yes, bastardising a quote from Sir Bobby for the purpose you did is still disrespectful in my eyes. I don't think I'm a victim at all. I just find it really ridiculous that in this discussion the idea of questioning those openly saying they'd prefer the Saudis because of their money, even when an alternative is available, is somehow controversial. For someone who clearly holds SBR's quote close to their heart, I find it odd that you'd view someone wanting to see the sentiment of it upheld as the outrageous one.
  17. I think everyones well aware of your opinion without you having to repeat it every 2 minutes. The ability to post after deleting your account is quite impressive also As I mentioned, that was in response to specific posts and I can post whatever I want. Of course you can, but you're only having the effect of making others dig trenches basically. There has to be a way we can have a more amicable debate here ffs. Sorry, but posters were saying they wanted the Saudis over another potential U.S option and that unless it was someone with Jeff Bezos' wealth they weren't interested. They chose which trench to dig and I thought an edit of SBR's quote, the original of which we're all happy to repeat as representative of being a football supporter, was an effective way to highlight that. Do you not think it's a bit of a low blow (and even disrespectful) to use (and edit) a quote of Sir Bobby's out of the original context? He isn't here to take a side like you are. No, not really, I think it's very pertinent. I think it's absolutely f***ing disgusting that you have bastardised a quote from an absolute legend for the sole purpose of scoring points online. Yes, editing quotes on a football forum to make a point about where some of our supporters priorities lie is where we need to draw the ethical line in this whole debate. It's the snowflakes who are disgusted by the Saudi's human rights record who are the sanctimonious ones, not those morally outraged at the sight of a quote being thrown back in their face.
  18. Well what I offered lead to your reaction tbf, but stay angry based on your wrong presumptions about my point if it makes you feel better.
  19. Oh do f*** off. There's life outside the NUFC bubble you live in round here and believe it or not there's thousands of people in 'the city' who couldnt give a s*** either way. f***ing grow up man. I wonder why my personal view on it has touched such a nerve with you. Very strange You don't wonder that at all you sanctimonious tit. There's nothing strange about you being held to account when you stray beyond the subject of the ownership of NUFC to have a pop at the city itself. Would you care to expand on why it's a "disturbing precedent" or are you just flinging out word salad to feel a bit more smug than you already do? I do wonder considering I don't think what I said was inflammatory enough to warrant such a hysterical reaction, yeah. Not sure how it's sanctimonious or smug to see Newcastle fans online do things like attack Khashoggi's grieving fiance and worry about that level of defensive sentiment spreading if the Saudis improve the area, for example, and how that impacts on the city's reputation. I mean all I've said is that I find the mere idea of that disturbing and you've felt it necessary to attack that opinion, so... How the hell does that impact on "the cities reputation"? You've gone from some arsehole on Twitter giving a widow grief, which as anyone with a brain agrees is absolutely repugnant, to that's a "pretty disturbing precedent for the city like". So, ok, I'll bite.... In my professional capacity I have to help rehome people new to the country. Help them find homes, jobs, learn the language, the usual quotidian s*** we all take for granted. And when people are rehoused in Newcastle we have to make them feel welcome, and guess what? They do. Because this is a great place to live, and I love everything that's good about it, and I try to improve everything that's s*** about it. And some f***ing t*** with an axe to grind about the human rights record of some country that I have personally helped their citizens of - and I'm going to guess you've done the square root of f*** all about - isn't going to change that. There you go. 'Hysterical' enough for you? Genuinely unhinged, yeah. Very weird and presumptuous.
  20. I think everyones well aware of your opinion without you having to repeat it every 2 minutes. The ability to post after deleting your account is quite impressive also As I mentioned, that was in response to specific posts and I can post whatever I want. Of course you can, but you're only having the effect of making others dig trenches basically. There has to be a way we can have a more amicable debate here ffs. Sorry, but posters were saying they wanted the Saudis over another potential U.S option and that unless it was someone with Jeff Bezos' wealth they weren't interested. They chose which trench to dig and I thought an edit of SBR's quote, the original of which we're all happy to repeat as representative of being a football supporter, was an effective way to highlight that. Do you not think it's a bit of a low blow (and even disrespectful) to use (and edit) a quote of Sir Bobby's out of the original context? He isn't here to take a side like you are. No, not really, I think it's very pertinent.
  21. Oh do f*** off. There's life outside the NUFC bubble you live in round here and believe it or not there's thousands of people in 'the city' who couldnt give a s*** either way. f***ing grow up man. I wonder why my personal view on it has touched such a nerve with you. Very strange You don't wonder that at all you sanctimonious tit. There's nothing strange about you being held to account when you stray beyond the subject of the ownership of NUFC to have a pop at the city itself. Would you care to expand on why it's a "disturbing precedent" or are you just flinging out word salad to feel a bit more smug than you already do? I do wonder considering I don't think what I said was inflammatory enough to warrant such a hysterical reaction, yeah. Not sure how it's sanctimonious or smug to see Newcastle fans online do things like attack Khashoggi's grieving fiance and worry about that level of defensive sentiment spreading if the Saudis improve the area, for example, and how that impacts on the city's reputation. I mean all I've said is that I find the mere idea of that disturbing and you've felt it necessary to attack that opinion, so... Personally, I get offended by the generalisation that most Newcastle fans are like the morons on twitter and more specifically the sort of morons that would tweet a grieving widow. It was a few nobheads who likely acted without thinking. It's also hardly a surprise that the people of Newcastle are excited by the prospect of good football, alongside investment into the area. Do you think SA enters peoples thoughts on a daily basis or indeed would affect their thinking? It's not a generalisation. Like I said in my post, the concern is that that sort of defensive sentiment spreads, and imo it will. If you don't have the same concern that's fine, but I'm not being sanctimonious just for having the opposite opinion. None of us have any idea what's going to happen and how it'll affect the area.
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