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Kid Icarus

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Everything posted by Kid Icarus

  1. Permaban or a 5,000 word restriction on posts* for HTT when nothing happens. *Same outcome
  2. Aye certainly would be for you hilarious Nah, but it would be funny that we somehow, yet again all fell for it.
  3. Let's be honest, it would be canny funny on some level if Ashley called it off now.
  4. It's not a debate if one side makes the rules. There aren't any rules, you're free to express your opinion. Not sure why criticism on here is so often viewed as oppressing speech or some weird s***. If you don't agree with the left wing Commie b******s on here you'll be hounded out! Commie ffs You mean you'll continue to bitch and moan like a snowflake over how oppressed you are for having an unpopular opinion on an internet forum without anything ever happening to you.
  5. On it's own I can live with relegations if the spirit or soul or whatever you want to call it of the club remains in tact, but it was that that he pissed all over and permanently damaged for me.
  6. Went for: Pardew years Keegan treatment Jonas cancer disgrace Renaming the stadium Fan disunity Fan disunity's the biggest one for me, because without that fans could have possibly mitigated everything else in the list from happening, but couldn't be convinced into walking away.
  7. It's not a debate if one side makes the rules. There aren't any rules, you're free to express your opinion. Not sure why criticism on here is so often viewed as oppressing speech or some weird shit.
  8. I never said you had used it. You wet yourself whenever anyone says they find it embarrassing though. Shouting about how p*ssed you're going to get is just not something I've ever found particularly funny. Your mileage may vary. Who gives a f*** what you think is funny? You sound like a right boring b******, going around tutting at people and telling people what they should and shouldn't think. If people want to say #cans, let them. And if people want to criticise it, let them. See how it works in all directions?
  9. I've also never known a forum be so adverse to debate and disagreement like. I'm sure it never used to be like this.
  10. Personally think the whole cans thing is a bit cringey now that it's been adopted by the media, but Delaney should know that using that as the line of attack is completely alienating and kind of undermines his argument by trying to imply there's an intentionally sadistic line to be drawn between a bit of meaningless fun among fans and a murderous regime. There are strong arguments that can be made, so why he'd pick such a weak and counterproductive IDPol-style one, I dunno.
  11. Also on that list is UAE and China, all of whom own Premier League clubs. It’s not a blacklist either, it’s a watchlist where they want people to look at. It’s also been pointed out before that broadcasting issues is not going to affect our takeover. It’s no coincidence that the majority of these clickbait articles are being posted by either new members, or existing members who don’t post regularly. Keep the panic over on Twitter and Facebook where it belongs. China do not own Premier League clubs Neither will Saudi Arabia. PIF will, along with two other parties. Laugh all you want Kissarse. I'm just laughing at the idea of you actually believe what you've just posted.
  12. Also on that list is UAE and China, all of whom own Premier League clubs. It’s not a blacklist either, it’s a watchlist where they want people to look at. It’s also been pointed out before that broadcasting issues is not going to affect our takeover. It’s no coincidence that the majority of these clickbait articles are being posted by either new members, or existing members who don’t post regularly. Keep the panic over on Twitter and Facebook where it belongs. China do not own Premier League clubs Neither will Saudi Arabia. PIF will, along with two other parties.
  13. Kid Icarus

    Footy trivia

    35/35 Got them all in order as well.
  14. That's probably the order I'd have them in as well. Shout out to the non-nonsense Umbro kits too.
  15. Wish it'd been like the ending of Leon.
  16. Didn't we wait for them to pay for the flight before trying to nick him? Wonder how many top top players we missed out on because of pennies? f***ing loads I reckon. We need an XI of players we should have signed but didn't through being tight. Caballero, Modric, Schweinsteiger, Salah, Lacazette, Gameiro all come to mind.
  17. Not so much a funny one, but watching a lot of the people associated with the club selling out one by one to be Ashley's boot-lickers. Beardsley being the most disappointing and John Carver being the most brazen.
  18. There being a dead pigeon in the gallowgate netting for a year or something.
  19. The game in general, but especially over here is absolutely desperate for something like this to get rid of the corporate staleness.
  20. Getting pipped to Loic Remy by QPR
  21. Not only the way they treated Jonas when he got cancer, but the fact they then used him and announced it before the Hull match with all of the players wearing t-shirts, just as an attempt to undermine the planned protest against Pardew.
  22. The way he'd show off about the very basic things that you're supposed to do, like in that Chris Rock bit. Keeping our best players after 11/12 being framed as an achievement, being one of the main ones.
  23. Actively wanting to see the club crash and burn to the extent that Sunderland have, just as a means to get rid of Ashley
  24. Mad how the circumstances have changed so quickly that loads have pivoted to not getting the hype over Pochettino.
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