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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. I’m happy to get behind that. What an impact Jones has had within a couple of days. Bruce is surely no more than a mascot at this stage?
  2. By pure accident as well. He (Diame) was never meant to play in that role. I’m not shitting on Rafa btw, but it’s nonsense to say that he had a midfield that were in control of things. Mostly due to Ashley not backing him properly but he still had overall yes or no on new players. He has about a 50% success rate with signings. Murphy, Atsu, Lazaar, Ki, Muto, Gamez, Hanley, Sels, Joselu. That’s 50 million spunked right there and that doesn’t include the cost of wages. Dubravka, Schär, Diame, Ritchie, Fernandez, Clark, Hayden, Lejeune and Gayle came in for roughly 55 million. Have been either very good or just ok Not counting Merino as we didn’t get to see him enough but we also didn’t lose money on him so can’t be classed as a bad move, but not a great one either. Overall Rafa got to make 28 signings including loans.
  3. Aside from the Benitez comments I agreed with a few things he said. The squad are nowhere near good enough overall. The buck stops with Mike Ashley but there’s a bit of collective blame going back over 4/5 years. Our midfield for example, it’s been poor for so long and neither Bruce or Benitez made good transfer decisions there. Both work/worked with Shelvey on a day to day basis. He should have been out of the club after the promotion season, it’s clear as day to us, so why not them. The failure to control the midfield and keep hold of the ball there is and will continue to be the main reason why the defence is always under so much pressure. Rafa of course would squeeze extra from this bunch but not loads.
  4. Dalglish totally fucked us. And remember, we could and did still spend money on players back then. He chose to get rid of Ginola, Asprilla, Ferdinand etc and gives his Liverpool mates one last pay off. Set us back 6 or 7 years. I hated Souness at the time but he was given a task of getting the brats either in line or out of the club while still trying to improve us as a team (which he probably wouldn’t have done anyway) signing Michael Owen ranks up there with some of the worst decisions the club ever made but in fairness nobody was saying that when we first signed him. His arrogance was on a different level to every other manager we ever had Bruce hasn’t done anything nearly as damaging as what those guys did but we still hate him more. He’s simply just a terrible manager. If Apple hired some fool as it’s new CEO and the company crashed and burned, you don’t blame the fool, you blame the people who hired him (or who let him stay long enough to do damage)
  5. Something really weird with that deal. Like many of the clubs recent signings... He certainly looks like a player who should be competing for a place here? Maybe he was a naughty boy and was doping or something. We signed him as a favour to some agent and agreed to hide him away for a few years?
  6. I think it’s probably 1) ? As I said before, he probably lives a very mundane life. This sort of attention will be doing all sorts of things to his ego in relation to his private life. Just can’t imagine his sourdough and Miles Davis parties are the stuff of legend.. He should stick to the lawyering when it comes to social media
  7. “How do we make it die?”
  8. He is overdue an enormous slice of luck He’s not though, he had more than his fair share of it last year. Luck runs out. What we’re seeing now is a core of Rafa’s squad who’ve had his good habits “coached” out of them and some additions who have had whatever good coaching from their previous clubs also coached out of them. It takes roughly a season and a bit for this to happen. This is the reason he’s rarely been at a club longer than 2 years. This is his getting found out phase. Getting found out? Crystal Palace, Huddersfield, Sunderland, Birmingham, Aston Villa, Sheffield Wednesday, Sheffield United, Hull, already found him out.... Got to wonder if Charnley pays any attention to football news in any way shape or form Yes, I mean the 2 year point in the majority of his jobs. Only Birmingham and Hull has he stayed longer.
  9. He is overdue an enormous slice of luck He’s not though, he had more than his fair share of it last year. Luck runs out. What we’re seeing now is a core of Rafa’s squad who’ve had his good habits “coached” out of them and some additions who have had whatever good coaching from their previous clubs also coached out of them. It takes roughly a season and a bit for this to happen. This is the reason he’s rarely been at a club longer than 2 years. This is his getting found out phase.
  10. I reckon it’s a total stand off between him and the club. He wants to get sacked, couldn’t be bothered even trying to repair the mess he’s been allowed to create. But the club refuse to pay his compensation. They have no idea how to get around it. And in fairness, he’s in the driving seat in that dispute. He’ll be getting paid either way.
  11. I hate this chap more than Pardew, Carver and McClaren combined. Didn’t think it was possible but here we are.
  12. The thing is he never would have been given the job in the first place if they weren’t banned from the transfer market. He’s certainly not finished as a manager but he’s probably a little too green at the moment. He could have done with another 2/3 years before getting a job like that. Chelsea hung him out to dry, not quite as bad as what this club did to Shearer but definitely used him to keep fans on side while they were regrouping
  13. The opening paragraph of that article made me burst out laughing. How.. I mean fucking how does this chap keep landing jobs? It’s beyond me
  14. Could be significant if sportswashing their way into raising the nations profile isn’t as much of a priority anymore?
  15. Dr Jinx

    Jamal Lewis

    Apart from players who were already here before Bruce who had shown their colours (Shelvey..) I refuse to overly criticise any new signing whilst under the management of aforementioned silage heap. Yes he’s been poor but aside from Wilson who’s still playing on muscle memory, every single player has gone backwards.
  16. What will we get tonight from the silage heap? “We didn’t lose the second half” is my bet
  17. They literally can’t do anything right, even the basics as Bruce keeps mentioning every week. I think a solid 3-0 should see him sacked within a few days. It’s a humiliation we’re going to have to take for the greater good
  18. My hunch is it’ll be Sven-Göran Eriksson who will eventually take over in a similar way to how Roy Evans was usurped by Gerard Houllier
  19. Aside from being thrown to the wolves when we went down, Shearer has shown zero desire to be a football manager. Has no coaching experience and to be honest, his recent punditry has raised serious questions about his thought process when it comes to the club, or more specifically his mate managing the club. No thanks. I’d rather look back with fondness as his goal scoring clips than grow a hatred for him through managerial failures.
  20. I think he likes the attention. Not a dig by the way, I’d say his existence is a wealthy but mundane one.
  21. This chap goes into more detail of what the Turks knew about what happened. They say the only time where they weren’t able to listen in to what was happening was when they went into the video conferencing room. Which was a direct line to Riyhad, so did they behead the guy and then show it to MBS?
  22. We lost 3-1 to Bournemouth on a Saturday, it took them until Friday to finally sack McClaren so just because it hasn’t happened yet this week doesn’t mean it won’t. That was 11th March by the way.
  23. I don’t think so. Hughes, Pulis, Pardew etc, they’ve all had very iffy spells when appointed to teams who were struggling. There’s almost no sure thing type appointment who would be guaranteed to keep us up, with British managers I mean. Apart from Allardyce who isn’t available anyway and probably wouldn’t come back anyway. There will be little or no business done this month in terms of players coming in. Honestly I think our only hope of staying up is if the takeover happens and they hire a competent manager on a short term deal with an option to stay if things go well.
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