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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. British managers available, Hughes, Howe, McLeish, Martin O’Neill, Nigel Pearson, Pardew, Pulis. All exposed over the last number of seasons. Ex Everton manager Marco Silva could be an option. He was doing quite well there for a time, just not quickly enough for their new owners.
  2. Right so if he gets sacked, who replaces him? Realistic answers..
  3. He sounds like he’s asking to be put out of his misery
  4. He knows he’s utter wank at this level. Just waiting for his pay off. This may well be his last PL job. He doesn’t give a rats arse about this club, or any other club he’s managed. He thought he’d go out and earn his stripes and the Man Utd job would come calling. It never did and he’s not really given a shit about his work ever since. Football management is such a weird industry where blatant goons can earn such large sums of money. Entertainment (music, movies) is the only other gig to rival it.
  5. We already knew the arbitration proceedings had commenced. All parties can settle this at any point before that though. Whatever he means by “the matter” is what’s key here. He may not be specifically referring to arbitration but rather the whole takeover debacle. De Marco will have an open dialogue with the PL’s legal team and will be letting them know how strong a case they are building and what follow up claims will happen if the PL are to continue dragging this out. There will be a point (which might have happened already) where the PL chief counsel knocks on Masters door and instructs him to let this through.
  6. There’s no way a British manager should be even mentioned in replacing this cunt. None of them are good enough. A good few better than Bruce but it’s a very low bar.
  7. Dr Jinx


    I’m not at all concerned by the supposed loss as the whole thing stinks anyway. What’s more concerning is that he’s taking up a squad place. They should try and do a swap loan deal, send him to Leicester and we get Slimani for 6 months (which is when his contract expires btw)
  8. It won’t be like before. Too much riding on it now. If things don’t pick up by end of this month he’ll be gone.
  9. Dr Jinx


    There has to be something iffy with the deal. Did Hoffenheim need a big fee to balance the books on paper after maybe having a surplus elsewhere they shouldn’t have? There is just no way any scout could watch him and persuade Mike Ashley to part with 40 million quid. Not a chance.
  10. Dr Jinx


    I thought having Wilson taking the heat might bring out some form but he just doesn’t have it. Not in this league, too slow, not sharp enough, zero ambition to score regularly. It’s quite frustrating because he seems to have the tools which would make it work for him but he can’t seem to piece it together. I don’t know if that’s because he’s not fit, he obviously was doing something right in Germany. I don’t dislike him, he always puts a shift in but he’s just not effective. I think it’s time to move him on.. a better manager might get more from him but I’m really just looking for reasons/excuses. It didn’t work out.
  11. Shelvey and Wilson had to withdraw, close contacts with a Covid case? Total shit show already
  12. Ok hypothetically if this were to all happen, it wouldn’t matter who is sponsoring as FFP rules keep a very close eye on what a realistic deal would amount to. Sure it would be an improvement on whatever Fun88 have in place currently but not enough to justify mental spending. The likes of PSG and City taking the piss have spoiled the party for any new players to the game now. You can’t just have your mates sponsor for a deal that closely matches what you plan on spending. If they do it properly as a long term project, build value year on year and have short term deals in place so that things can be frequently negotiated, we should be in a much better position
  13. So the big hold up is to see who can best lobby the FA over whom they choose to put forward as a judge? Like let’s just assume corruption is still in full swing, it was naive for any of us to think this wouldn’t or couldn’t be the case. It’s far from an impartial process going on. Our side including the buyers probably didn’t realise how corrupt the whole thing is but they do now. Play the game or get left behind. The other question is how far behind Qatar are they at this sort of thing? If they try and make ground on them will the attempts come across as crude, clumsy and too obvious? Officially being friends again doesn’t necessarily mean they will roll over and let Saudi get what they want when it comes to investing in an area of sport that they have put so much into in recent years. What a headache ?
  14. You can’t really lump Carver in there, he was a caretaker manager. Probably saw it as his big chance to outshine Pardew but the damage had been done at that point. Even if he had the capability there was little he could have done. He didn’t make his own signings or have any influence whatsoever in the overall running of things. This is a straight shootout between Pardew, McClaren and Bruce. For me, Pardew was dreadful, some real depressing spells in there. Total dross players he was allowed to sign. But, he was also there when the club lucked into a couple of excellent signings and we had our best season with best football since SBR was here. So for that reason he can’t be the worst. McClaren thought he spent well, we did too at first. Mitrovic looked like he had the tools to tear up the league, and maybe he would have if it was 1995 but football had moved on. You don’t use a blunt tool for what’s precision work nowadays. But look at an average match day team that season, Mitrovic, Perez, Sissoko, Wijnaldum, Tiote, Coloccini, Janmaat, even Cisse was still there. There is no way that team should have gone down. Although turgid, Steve Bruce is getting (slightly) more with less. We probably hate him more but that doesn’t make him the worst. The winner is Steve McClaren.
  15. Who keeps saying Almiron is a flair player? He’s not, he runs fast and can skip past a few players. He’s nowhere near the skill level that ASM has, or Wilson for that matter (who’s probably a better playmaker than all of our other forwards) He has a good engine and is best used on the counter but for the most part his end product bares little fruit. He will improve when Rafa comes back ?
  16. Dr Jinx

    Fabian Schär

    When he’s playing to his best ability he’s probably our best defender along with Lejeune. But he makes too many mistakes, especially for a team that seems to get punished with every mistake we make. And he’s too hot headed, always seems to be on the cusp of picking up stupid cards. Fernandez will never affect a game in the way Schär can but he’s more dependable, more consistent. But it’s a lower overall end product. Bruce would rather have 2 or 3 cloggers in there. Lower end product but consistent. He’d see that as playing percentages and that overall we’d pick up more points over the course of a season.
  17. The whole midfield is absolutely rank but he’s a massive problem being one of the top earners at the club. It’s literally no incentive for anyone else to do better.
  18. Dr Jinx

    Fabian Schär

    Yep probably cynical to think so but he’s most likely playing out of his skin to earn a move away. In fairness he could do a job in much better teams than what we have, why should he waste the best years of his career here?
  19. And that’s why Shelvey hasn’t been playing
  20. Our midfield is super aids. Leicester will continually just pass straight through it. The only positive I can see (if it is one) is that we’ll play so deep that Vardy won’t be able to make runs.
  21. It has all turned into a rather cultish and cuntish debacle, this thread. Nothing is happening right now. There’s no need to point score or fight with other members over it. Achieves nothing. I believe it’s still very much alive based on what I’ve heard (in real life, not the internet) but also, pretty much everyone outside of fed up Newcastle supporters don’t give a rats arse about this. It’s not newsworthy right now. And despite us being fed up, there are way more important things happening in the world right now.
  22. They have to tweet and make gestures regularly enough to stay relevant where this debacle is concerned. The problem is, the more they tweet, the less professional they become and I suspect there will be a point soon when they are told they are doing more damage than good by Ashley’s lawyers.
  23. He had a good game again the dippers but that’s just one good game this season. Nothing to be getting carried away about. Pretty much every one of them who played raised their game in that match so they all collectively made each other look better. As what every half decent team does on a consistent basis.
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