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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Could be significant if sportswashing their way into raising the nations profile isn’t as much of a priority anymore?
  2. Dr Jinx

    Jamal Lewis

    Apart from players who were already here before Bruce who had shown their colours (Shelvey..) I refuse to overly criticise any new signing whilst under the management of aforementioned silage heap. Yes he’s been poor but aside from Wilson who’s still playing on muscle memory, every single player has gone backwards.
  3. What will we get tonight from the silage heap? “We didn’t lose the second half” is my bet
  4. They literally can’t do anything right, even the basics as Bruce keeps mentioning every week. I think a solid 3-0 should see him sacked within a few days. It’s a humiliation we’re going to have to take for the greater good
  5. My hunch is it’ll be Sven-Göran Eriksson who will eventually take over in a similar way to how Roy Evans was usurped by Gerard Houllier
  6. Aside from being thrown to the wolves when we went down, Shearer has shown zero desire to be a football manager. Has no coaching experience and to be honest, his recent punditry has raised serious questions about his thought process when it comes to the club, or more specifically his mate managing the club. No thanks. I’d rather look back with fondness as his goal scoring clips than grow a hatred for him through managerial failures.
  7. I think he likes the attention. Not a dig by the way, I’d say his existence is a wealthy but mundane one.
  8. This chap goes into more detail of what the Turks knew about what happened. They say the only time where they weren’t able to listen in to what was happening was when they went into the video conferencing room. Which was a direct line to Riyhad, so did they behead the guy and then show it to MBS?
  9. We lost 3-1 to Bournemouth on a Saturday, it took them until Friday to finally sack McClaren so just because it hasn’t happened yet this week doesn’t mean it won’t. That was 11th March by the way.
  10. I don’t think so. Hughes, Pulis, Pardew etc, they’ve all had very iffy spells when appointed to teams who were struggling. There’s almost no sure thing type appointment who would be guaranteed to keep us up, with British managers I mean. Apart from Allardyce who isn’t available anyway and probably wouldn’t come back anyway. There will be little or no business done this month in terms of players coming in. Honestly I think our only hope of staying up is if the takeover happens and they hire a competent manager on a short term deal with an option to stay if things go well.
  11. Dr Jinx


    Makes sure Almiron is even more wasted than normal too. Possibly because he’s been utter dogshit since he joined and even those who gave him minutiae of a chance are sick of him lumbering about doing f*** all and wasting a shirt. Yep I wanted him to do well. Made excuses for his poor form but it’s clear to see now that he’ll never be a good player, not in this league. He doesn’t have the pace or the mentality to worry any team.
  12. Dr Jinx


    I still can’t get my head around his transfer fee. He’s about as lethargic as the rest of the team (Almiron aside) now and going through the motions. Can really say it about almost all of Bruce’s signings.. they’ve looked ok in the first game and then once the coaching sets in, it’s a sharp decline.
  13. Dust ourselves down ✅ We’ve defended well, in the first half at least ✅ Missing our best player ✅ It’s just finding that balance ✅
  14. Here comes the silage heap now in a moment!
  15. They need a few more goals, 4, 5, 6.. anything less and he’ll trot out the “we were right in it up until the last 10 minutes I thought”
  16. They’re a bunch of cowards. Zero leadership going on at this club from top to bottom.
  17. Only a matter of time now. Let’s hope the reason Ashley hasn’t pulled the plug is because there’s an imminent change happening and they’ll want to negotiate with their own choice etc.. I think if he had info that this takeover debacle was to drag on another 6 months he’d move on trying to protect his asset. Don’t forget, it’s a 120m profit he’s going to make on this club. That’s what he cares about
  18. He’s not getting sacked. At least not until late March when the damage will have been done. The only way we can stay up is if the club sanctions a few transfers, particularly in central midfield.. and of course getting ASM back in the land of the living
  19. Already done a few pages back!
  20. Almost as cringey as the Twitter handles referencing MBS
  21. Yes but are either likely to accept a short term deal? The rest, which it’s terrifying to say probably are on a par with Bruce when it comes to ability/results. What would be the point. The club can only sack him if they have a viable replacement who will take a 7 month contract. In a different reality we sack him and get a capable manager in, this to me would signal something positive on the takeover front.
  22. Would hardly say Howe was "exposed" like. Well he relegated a team. It’s not really what you want as a managers most recent accomplishment. I do think he’s a good coach but he needs a job to build up his confidence. This shit heap would ruin him
  23. Howe, Farke and Thomas Frank are the three obvious candidates. Aye the Brentford manager looks like he’s an up and coming. There’s no way the club would be paying compensation to anyone though so it will be someone unemployed and hopefully willing to accept a short term contract
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