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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. It seems to me that the foreign office didn’t particularly want the takeover either. What information were they given by the PL about their future plans that would have been disrupted had a takeover gone through? The smell of corruption is wafting at this point.
  2. Imagine 52,000 of these all around SJP for the next few home games. One in every seat.
  3. That sounds batshit crazy. Maybe they just sold the flats to a Middle East investment group that fucking hates football. If Saudi were going to buy the club and money was no object, they’d look at other options. (Leazes Park) The damage has already been done by Mike Ashley with regards to any future development of SJP, it’s almost impossible to reverse that
  4. Dr Jinx


    We’ve had a few no.9’s since Shearer which were not no.9’s. It’s not a big deal. I don’t care how many goals he’s scoring if he’s putting himself about and creating chances, he’s worth a place in the team. His transfer fee is irrelevant, it was a punt by Mike Ashley that he’d tear up the Premier League and be sold to Chelsea or City the following season for 3 time the amount. Like many of his gambles, it didn’t pay off. As a squad player he’s going to play his part this season. Get behind him, he’ll start delivering more regularly
  5. I hope if that’s true that his daughter hasn’t been exposed..
  6. Class goal that! His movement is so good for a big lad
  7. Dr Jinx


    Last night he was much better, he made a few good runs into the box and was unlucky with that through ball from Wilson that got deflected away by the defender, he was well positioned to score there. It was the most attempts on goal in one game that he’s had for us. In general him and Wilson linked up quite well. If he gets service in the areas where both goals came from I think he could salvage this season which frankly has been dire up to now.
  8. Absolutely nothing coming down that side. Why didn't he just start Murphy there? I actually thought he (Murphy) was one of the few positives of our last few games. This game is made for his curling long passes up the channel. Palace would be caught out again and again
  9. It’s quite impressive that Hendrick can be so anonymous with the hair-do and beard that he has.
  10. No but he can adequately top up his pension with a few jobs in the champo. Whine the myth remains that he’s a good manager, some sucker will have him on a shortlist
  11. He couldn’t give a bollocks about turning it around, he’ll get paid anywhere between 3 and 6 million to get sacked, all he has to do is turn up and give the turgid sound bites each week to keep the charade going that he’s actually trying. Ashley won’t want to pay that so it’s a game of chicken right now.. who blinks first. He’ll get another job eventually, perhaps not as high profile but most certainly it will be at a club above his level.
  12. Is he a golfer? Being part of some society that other managers and ex players are is the only reason I can think of as to why they would stick up for him when every bit of common sense tells a different story. The whole implosion is all too predictable. A new manager takes just over a season to undo the routines a previous manager had, he’s been riding the coat tails of Rafa’s work for 12 months and now that the older players are starting to forget and the new ones never exposed to it, well, here we are. It’s reached a point when the decline will be sharp and brutal.
  13. The year that keeps on giving.. Not shocked as he burned the candle both ends and ate all around him. His heart can’t have been in good fettle for at least 10/15 years so probably more surprising that he made it this long. Toss of a coin between him and Messi as the best of all time, I’d give it to Maradona based purely on his influence and doing it on the international stage, their skill levels are on a par but he was just that bit nuts that sets him apart from almost every other player. RIP
  14. Maybe relegation is the aim. The lower leagues will wave a takeover through no bother. Back up in time for when the crowds can return to stadiums. I’d take that if it was an option.
  15. Dr Jinx

    Miguel Almirón

    Just ignore the noise. An agent who’s making vague statements which could lead to a big payday (like they all do) and now a bunch of ex player has beens trying to stoke up a bit of anger off the back of it. Let’s not be played by the system this time. Aside from his occasional diving, he’s one of the most honest players out there in terms of how he applies himself to the cause. Has good games, some not so good. But he cares, that’s all we need to know.
  16. The spurious anti competition lawsuit is to trap the PL into giving certain information which goes on the record for when the real case starts. It’s all one big chess board.
  17. This whole saga reminds me of that South Park “World of Warcraft” episode. Richard Masters
  18. I don’t think that’s true, he’s a willing seller now and yeah we have or had a suitable buyer. There will be others. The difference before was that he didn’t really want to sell and the people attempting to buy had alternative agendas buy being public about it. I think that nobody else is coming to the table right now is due to not having the clout to compete with PIF, which also could mean they are still very much looking to invest. Not really interested in anyone else coming to the table, all of them had their chance before PIF and none of them proved serious enough to put down the cash. If the PIF deal falls through I doubt any future investors would be much different to Ashley. Pure speculation. Look at what we had before, Barry Moat and god knows who else. We never would have thought Saudi’s public investment fund would ever come to the table yet here we are. It’s not unrealistic to think someone else with clout might come in but there’s very few players to match their wealth so even someone who we would have snatched their arm off 3/4 years ago now will seem like the booby prize. We just have to pray this gets done because the alternatives will leave very few happy.
  19. It will soon be a year since that original Wall Street Journal piece about the new consortium. 3 months of things moving fairly quickly and then rest has just been lies, misinformation, poor journalism and basically a whole bunch of nothing. I still believe they’ll do a deal if one is to be had but honestly.. you wouldn’t put your mortgage on it would you..?
  20. I don’t think that’s true, he’s a willing seller now and yeah we have or had a suitable buyer. There will be others. The difference before was that he didn’t really want to sell and the people attempting to buy had alternative agendas buy being public about it. I think that nobody else is coming to the table right now is due to not having the clout to compete with PIF, which also could mean they are still very much looking to invest.
  21. It’s just gaslighting in it’s purest form. Ignore it.
  22. Golfmag is back! I can confirm my handicap is far far higher than what Golfmags would be ?
  23. Howay, man I hope this is a joke. Nope, Mandy out ? PIF still in but either with a lesser share (or more ?‍♂️) I know this lad pretty well and we talk football loads so it came up as a side comment when I was talking about the big picture debacle which of course led to me moaning about the takeover. He doesn’t support any team so he’s got no reason to know any of this otherwise. He handles investments and image rights for retired sports people in his day job.
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