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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Says the person referring to someone as "Puke" Hmm, interesting first post. Maybe Edwards has a friend? A second device more like
  2. I feel far less hopeful about this happening after events of the past few days.
  3. He’s well traveled enough at this point for location to not be an excuse and that league is a load of toss. He should be doing better there. I’d love to have him back at the club because I think he gets it here but am also realistic enough to know he’s not been meeting his own standards there. If the league is a load of toss then I imagine he's inherited a load of toss too, especially with the restrictions in place. I don't think anyone has said he isn't meeting his own standards. I'd also imagine him being 'well travelled' is a lot easier in Western Europe than moving to China To suggest he should go to international management because of one poor move seems mad I’m not suggesting he go to that at all. I think he should target one of the big Italian teams as they do tend to change managers often. Pirlo at Juventus could end badly if they don’t win much but he’d also have to hope Ronaldo isn’t staying on their either. In fact, doing well in Serie A could be the perfect way to get his career back on track.
  4. He’s well traveled enough at this point for location to not be an excuse and that league is a load of toss. He should be doing better there. I’d love to have him back at the club because I think he gets it here but am also realistic enough to know he’s not been meeting his own standards there.
  5. I’m sure he’ll get another decent job either in England or Europe but his stock has fallen probably in part to being associated with a Mike Ashley owned business and then also his China experience. The best thing he could do is take over a big Italian team if he gets the chance, maybe at the expense of Pirlo if things don’t work out by the summer?
  6. There’s nothing in any of those pages that hasn’t been discussed on here at length. Just phrased a bit more fancy. A lot of it is hearsay, whether true or not. (Most likely true but they are hardly going to provide evidence that incriminates themselves)
  7. Not sure how to read into this. A legal action by a fan group isn’t going to get too far but if it’s a piece in a jigsaw that’s approved by Mike Ashley’s own legal team then it could be significant. I’m still very much in the glass half empty side when it comes to this takeover. I’m not doubting they are trying to force it through but the cynical side of me is thinking, if things were going that well with De Marco why would they need the fans group to do this?
  8. Dr Jinx

    Jacob Murphy

    I think he’s made a place for himself now at this point. That ball in for Wilson was better than the goal, it’s exactly the service our wide players should be giving the forwards. Did well, a bright point in an otherwise dull game that could have been worse for us.
  9. I find it funny when people are getting really annoyed about things that were obviously going to happen when he became manager like it’s some massive surprise. He’s a shit manager so the team will be shit. We knew this would happen ?‍♂️
  10. He’s been institutionalised. His interview was very telling.. shrugging his shoulders trying to think of something to say. He’s only here for his paycheck at this point. Anything else that happens is inconsequential to him.
  11. Can’t really argue about Ferguson, as much as I still dislike the bastard. He was once asked in an interview what the secret to his success was and he quickly answered “delegation” He hired good coaches to do the hard work, the difference between the success those coaches had at Man Utd and the lack of success elsewhere is down to a total lack of respect by the players. At Man Utd Ferguson’s shadow lurked over the whole set up, players respected and feared him, like boys trying to impress a parent. This respect extended to his coaching setup. Without the protection of Fergie those same people folded elsewhere.
  12. Why would a US court entertain it? Even if it happened there I’d still have my doubts it would go ahead. This is no more than a way to drill up bad press ahead of something that’s about to happen
  13. Keegan? I stand corrected on this. I think he's very much the exception that proves the rule though... Zidane, Guardiola and Conte are others that quickly come to mind.
  14. I find this an interesting comment because if you want to accuse someone of that, I would have to argue that it's possible that you yourself are guilty of this. You maintained last season that 'Bruce was doing ok'. I think many people would say that what happened last season was in spite of Bruce and not because of him. That's gleaned from many years of watching football (and personal experience with Pardew) Some people might say that that shows a basic lack of understanding of football from you. Others would say it's your opinion. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, give them a counter argument, don't belittle them. Absolutely brilliantly put. I only wish that I could of published those words so eloquently because I so much struggle with what Samp is on about. He deserves every bit of criticism that comes his way after the pathetic defence of Bruce last season. Well the thing is, when a new manager comes in. That first season the team is still pretty much the basis of the side a previous manager had built, ie Rafa. Let’s just say 60% of the organisational skills he drilled into them. 20% Bruce trying to play some sort of other way and the other 20% was luck that Rafa never seemed to have. Luck runs out eventually. The organisational part of things has probably whittled down to 30% now, they are forgetting what they learned quite quickly at this point. And the rest is Bruce-ball He’s popular with some of the players because he’s a soft touch. Training is easier, they get more days off. Their diets are probably worse. Complacency is what it is.
  15. Dr Jinx


  16. They’ve talked about Super Leagues for years and it’s never happened. This could just be a power play within the domestic league. Something has them spooked to be so in the open about it.. perhaps they’ve gotten wind that the Saudi deal will eventually be passed??
  17. Such a scummy thing to be throwing toys out of pram while this pandemic is going on. As if they haven’t been making enough money as it stands
  18. Dr Jinx

    Isaac Hayden

    Agree with this. His positioning isn’t the best. Hayden can be as good as Rice on his day but then Rice isn’t as good as Rice half the time, so we’re comparing players who are utterly inconsistent. The problem is that most premier league teams have a midfielder who can do it all, some even have two or three. Where as we have one who can kick a ball but moves like a snail, one who can get around a bit but zero creativity and one who can tackle but otherwise does little else of any note. Oh and the other two locals, the jury is still out on them. They just seem like odd shapes in a puzzle they aren’t a part of. If the takeover ever goes through, we need a total overhaul of the midfield.
  19. You’d think he’d have picked up something from Fergie, like anything. But it’s almost like he just wasn’t paying attention for all of those years..
  20. the dippers will be having a candlelight virgil for him
  21. I hate Allardyce far more than Bruce but I’ll also admit that he’s a far better manager. What he sets out to do is ugly but it’s effective when it works but the main difference is that he knows exactly how to get his team playing this way. Can there not be a reality where neither of these dinosaurs ever works again?
  22. We somehow managed to make a very ordinary team look like world beaters. Awful performance, individually, collectively, the way they were set up. The usual culprits again, Lascelles had a shocker, Krafth was awful, Shelvey offered zero protection again just letting people run past him. Hendrick lost in there, Joelinton looked like he’d had no sleep all week. Darlow was probably our best player tonight or the score would have been 6 or 7. Of all the underperforming players I’m most pissed off at Lascelles. Doesn’t look interested this season. Not sure what his issue is. He has his limits as a player but he’s better than that at least.
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