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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. If Rafa wants to come back it’ll be his job to take. Maybe he has a Mandy clause in his contract!?
  2. Can you imagine the fallout if the PL were to block the move. “Oh yeah sure, we’ll just buy our military gear from Russia from now on and we’ll pull all current investment in the UK (which is considerable), if that’s how you feel about us” Nah, no way they’d even go there. I think the checks are just over 2 weeks into the process. They have to look like they are doing something to appease the moaners so it will probably draw out for another week and a bit before we get any news of it. In the meantime the best we can hope for is to see some more movement on the companies house websites, but even that’s all probably on hold until they get the go ahead.
  3. It’s 3 weeks since the companies house was updated to reflect the deal had been struck.. I highly doubt all the paperwork was sent to the PL on the same day and that the PL had a crack team waiting on this to start working around the clock. I’d say just over 2 weeks is about right.. they said 2-4 weeks to conduct the tests. It will be any time from midweek on and then give a few days for the money part of the deal to take place. I know we’re all desperate for it to happen right now, but fuck it, no football is being played and no transfer window is open. In actual fact, when the deal does happen they could go about making those improvements to the training facility and give SJP a spruce up
  4. If it’s being reported that PIF are taking a back seat and letting Staveley run the club, what can we actually expect in terms of investment. There’s a case to be made for the club to be run correctly and we’ll see investment in the academy and the training facilities. And also another one that Saudi are getting involved to flex their ego in terms of outspending Qatar. (They’re not too at odds with Abu Dhabi I’m sure I’ve read) I don’t think any of us are daft enough to think we’ll be buying Neymar, but what’s realistic in terms of where we are now and also from what the true intentions of the consortium are?
  5. If you’re not paying for your journalism, you’re just reading advertising.
  6. It’s the only sports story happening pretty much. They need clicks. They don’t care if it causes us anxiety. The only journo any of these guys are talking to that we know for certain is PCP being in contact with Caulkin.
  7. HTT is gonna be running a train of willing cock suckers if this 3pm thing happens.
  8. It’s been 3 weeks since all this broke. And just say that the PL weren’t waiting like lapdogs to begin conducting the tests, the process may only be just over 2 weeks in. It could be likely this will drag on for another 2/3 weeks by the time all the banking stuff has been done (providing they pass the tests)
  9. On what basis - firm, concrete basis - should it be done by now? Unless the rules have been made far stricter, I don’t get how Man City could be bought on an iou ?, money splashed out on Robinho and a statement of intent released before they’d even started the owners and directors test. With Newcastle, it always has to be fucking played out in the media and it almost always ends up with us looking like a bunch of twats when it ultimately ends badly.
  10. I’ll confess to being slightly worried at how long this is taking now. It should be done
  11. Was the article in the Times that Caulkin did with Staveley ever posted up in full here?
  12. He improved Spurs no doubt but they already had some excellent players and that style of play was there nearly from when Redknapp was there, he just tightened things up at the back. Turning Newcastle back into a team with free flowing football would be no easy feat.
  13. Pochettino had that special relationship with his players last season. It was something I liked even though we had Rafa at the time. Mourinho has had it with some teams as well, notably Chelsea the first time around and Inter. Rafa is a much cooler customer. His players will never have that type of relationship. Where did it go wrong for him (Poch) at Spurs though? That has to be a worry. Did he want out? Or did the players fall out with him?
  14. It's going to be such a strange feeling supporting a properly run football club again. Every year of my 30s Ashley has owned the club and i've gradually given less of a s*** with each passing year. It'll be nice to spend my 40s watching us build again with genuine excitement. The same as me, feels like 12 years just vanished from NUFC history. There were a few decent points during that time, I really enjoyed the season when we signed Cabaye, 11/12? Watching Benny when he was on form, watching Wijnaldun score 4 and then of course when Rafa arrived and then stayed. The problem was that Mike Ashley often fluked his way into a half decent situation.. then would realise this and then purposely f*** it all up.. just because he could. It will be a joyous occasion when it’s finally all done. The two promotions (caused by reckless ownership), the season of finishing 5th but after that its been a pretty miserable time for NUFC fans. Every time his approach got us into a position we could kick on he always seemed to be determined to prevent this from happening utterly unfathomable to me. He just had it in for us. He probably had reasons other than advertising SD when he bought us. Impress the few mates he had and especially trying to show off to the kids who called him a fat cunt in school. It was short lived. The way it backfired on him probably jolted him back to that way of thinking once he finished school.. “I’ll show those bastards” He was trying to reinvent himself but it had the opposite effect. Everyone knows how much of a cunt he is now. It literally couldn’t have gone any worse for him as far as public image goes.
  15. Another 0 wouldn’t matter, I think it’s the whole advertising of gambling that means they’ll have to be bought out of their contract. (Correct me if I’m wrong) I think our next Sponsor will be one of their big investments. Live Nation, Uber etc
  16. It's going to be such a strange feeling supporting a properly run football club again. Every year of my 30s Ashley has owned the club and i've gradually given less of a s*** with each passing year. It'll be nice to spend my 40s watching us build again with genuine excitement. The same as me, feels like 12 years just vanished from NUFC history. There were a few decent points during that time, I really enjoyed the season when we signed Cabaye, 11/12? Watching Benny when he was on form, watching Wijnaldun score 4 and then of course when Rafa arrived and then stayed. The problem was that Mike Ashley often fluked his way into a half decent situation.. then would realise this and then purposely fuck it all up.. just because he could. It will be a joyous occasion when it’s finally all done.
  17. Dr Jinx

    St James' Park

    lovely work. If we build the whole Stadium from the scratch I am sure we can do a better design than this one. A futuristic one. This is the dogs bollocks
  18. Pre season away at Darlington - “if Sammy scores we’re on the pitch” was what brought the most people online ever to this forum ?
  19. I'm going to go with not very. So you're saying it is connected to some degree? It’s a site run from Texas..
  20. Cans??? Not yet, looks like a Saudi Royal family enthusiast runs this site, from Texas...
  21. I’d say firing him is not a pleasant experience. Kind of like dumping a bird who’s gotten very fat. She knows why but you can’t say that’s a reason as you know it’ll destroy her. “Sorry Steve, it’s not you, it’s me..”
  22. Joelinton was Nicksons shout? That’s all you need to know about him.
  23. Doubt R.E.M. will ever get back together, they did things properly in terms of sharing the songwriting royalties etc, so none of them need the money. Aye, maybe one day for a benefit gig or something? They were always a proper band for me the minute I started getting into them (early 90s along with Nirvana (found their music first)), in it for the music the most and to a man they all seem like top people with no real egos or their own self interests to ruin any music legacy. Again Stipe is up there with Kurt and Keegan as idols of mine. They all got me through some tough times as a teenager/young man in the early to mid 90s. If only Kurt never died I’m sure they would have collaborated and produced some amazing stuff Saw them live in 1984 on the life's rich pageant tour - one of the best I have ever seen and Stipe was truly wonderful I have a friend who’s a fairly handy chef, he made friends with Stipe when he kept coming into the restaurant where he worked. Very down to earth guy. He sorted us for tickets when they played Jools 15 odd years ago, got to sit at the tables away from the riff raff ? REM were probably at their peak at that stage
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