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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Willock and a replacement for Shelvey. We need to bin that bald layabout as well.
  2. Perhaps the PL have indicated they would accept a slightly repackaged submittal? The silence is interesting at least, you’d think if this really was delaying tactics by either side, it would have come out at by now.
  3. He got absolutely hacked down by England’s Harry Kane in one of his first games with us and missed months. It’s fair to say he never had a great run in the side, but when he did play a few he looked the part. Not the fastest but his reading of the game made up for it.
  4. But she’s not though. Nobody could have foreseen the level of opposition they’ve experienced. We know the story about how this came about, Staveley was invited to a yacht party by MBS’s people, or got an invite. She’d been requesting an audience for some time. Once interested, they decided that PIF was the best vessel to make the investment (because of the slight separation between State) Perhaps, if they were being clever, they could have opened an investment firm in America and done it through that. But they had no reason to think that PIF would be rejected as they are internationally respected as a wealth fund. Not that corruption in football is news to any of us, but honestly I had no idea how far Qatar’s hand was up the PL’s arse before this takeover began. Or the sway some of the wealthier clubs had..
  5. All this big six bollocks, we were always above Spurs for the most part before Ashley deliberately crippled our ambition. Where were Spurs, or Man City for that matter when the PL was in the process of becoming what it is now? We were always above that lot, always had higher attendances and had far more interest for the casual football fan. You’d think this club was a new upstart from the conference the way people go on about it.
  6. The Athletic article is missing a trick though. Ashley will go ahead with the CAT case regardless of whether the Saudi’s have walked or not, this is his insurance policy to get paid. So even if the case won’t be heard for a while, if the judge rules that the court does indeed have the jurisdiction to do this, the PL will suddenly be exposed. The disclosure of evidence will happen much sooner and that will be things the club can use in early 2022 in the arbitration while also being something that PL can’t allow to happen as it’s clear they have something to hide. To say it’s over is jumping the gun in my opinion. It’s about risk assessment, would allowing the Saudis into the club pose less risk than all of this potential info coming out?
  7. When you see the Man Utd supporters breaking into their ground and the media take a stance of “well you have to see their point” Why would something like that not work for us? They couldn’t ignore it. A major disruption of every home game, it would hurt the PL where it matters, they’d have to refund tv broadcasters for delayed or cancelled games and then have the issue being talked about nationally. Sure, we’d take some flack but what have we got to lose at this point? We’ll know before start of season whether CAT is going to go ahead or not. If not, we can’t just bend over and take it.
  8. I was never confident that arbitration was the way we were going to win this. My posts will back this up, the CAT case holds more weight because it’s a higher power that can make a judgement against the PL if we win. Arbitration is an in-house farce that was always stacked against us. I felt it was a bad thing that the arbitration case was going first because a ruling against us there might have influenced proceedings in the CAT case as their uploaded documents show that they have considered the similarities between both cases. If anything, I wouldn’t put it past the club’s legal team to have created this delay so that CAT could go first, but that’s total guesswork. Nobody will really know what happened there, including smarmy journos who claim otherwise. As I said before too, if we lose the jurisdiction ruling the whole thing is dead in the water but if the court rules against the PL, I think they will settle with the club rather than have all of this go into the public domain. (which the judge has indicated that it will apart from sensitive information which will be partially redacted) So as of now, it’s still very much in play.
  9. Ben Jacobs is waffling, nothing other than the separation between PIF and KSA in terms of being a director or person with control is being discussed in the arbitration. If you read the published documents referring to the failed dismissal of the chair, it quite clearly states that this is all this arbitration is looking at.
  10. Nout wrong with him I bet, just terrified of being sold down the league.
  11. He’s a player who needs a few games to get up to speed, mainly with his decision making to be honest. He goes past most players with ease, but say his output has an 80% failure rate, which sounds bad but he tries so much in games that the 20% success either leads to a chance or a goal. It might even be a higher failure rate but that’s beside the point. He’s worth the frustration. Now if he could be coached to make better decisions that is a scary prospect. He’s still quite young after all. He’s not stupid, he’ll play another season here and wait for a takeover like the rest of us, if it doesn’t happen he’ll be away then.
  12. Not only are the three Steve’s incompetent, but they’ve added laziness now to their repertoire, couldn’t be arsed, good ol’ Graeme will sort the mess out when he gets back from his holidays. Bunch of journeymen who feel absolutely content in their mediocrity because they’ll get their last year of the contract paid up if they get sacked.
  13. That was quite ominous, players standing around hand on hips looking at each other to see who’s to blame. Where is the leadership? I know it’s a game that means nothing other than fitness levels but you can already tell they are miles off where they need to be.
  14. Blasphemy regarding Shearer but you’re not wrong. I think maybe if the entertainers team hadn’t been broken up things might have been a little different, with all those influential players gone he ruled the roost and anyone coming in had to play it his way. Gullit saw this problem but wasn’t smart enough to fix it, he tried to meet it head on and predictably lost. Even bringing in Ferguson, it was all a bit too obvious.
  15. I wouldn’t take him. He was aware that the takeover could happen over the summer but thought Everton was the better option. He could have waited if he had really wanted to come back and finish what he started but we are where we are. Time to move on from that.
  16. Was it not the take on prefab sprout?
  17. Some say it starts on Monday, but honestly, who knows? It may have started already. Today was yet another media appearance by Staveley, initially it does appear like she’s trying to increase pressure on the PL but there’s another way of looking at it.. she appears confident, like she’s been told it will go through but she’s also very keen to build bridges with the PL as the club will need them on-side for future issues. She sounds like someone who already owns the club.
  18. Anita was fairly gash, cost the guts of 10m too iirc, likeable character though. But the winner I think must be Michael Owen, he could have been decent for us if he was bothered but he wasn’t and he didn’t give a toss about the club. 40 million for big Joe but honestly can’t knock his attitude. I think he’ll improve but never enough to justify that fee.
  19. Dr Jinx

    Joe Willock

    So is it fair to say that all isn’t well in that camp? Honestly thought Willock would have had enough currency to return there and be a first team player after what he did. It wasn’t just the goals, he transformed the team. Another thing to consider is that if we are to become one of the wealthiest clubs in the world, Arsenal might just be smart enough to be one of the “big six” that didn’t try to fuck us over?
  20. That’s not an update we’d hear anything about until well after the fact. When they initially presented evidence it took the club nearly a month to retort. Then the PL had 2 weeks or there abouts to address those arguments. They got an extra week and I suppose their argument will be with the judge/clubs lawyers now so if there’s anything to answer on this the club will get a chance to retort again probably. So am guessing it could be another month before this jurisdiction gets settled based on how long it’s been taking up to this point?
  21. It’s a bit unsettling that all that was keeping a large portion of fans from acting like a bunch of racist cunts was actually winning the competition? Like they can abide having the “monkeys” in the team as long as there’s a trophy? It’s fucked
  22. A tough pill to swallow I’m sure. But you were beaten by the better team. Aside from the goal after 90 seconds, I can’t remember another clear cut chance England had. Italy defended well and took control of the game after 30 mins. There’s not much more to say about it. You have a young talented side that can go one better at some point. The inevitable media witch hunt will commence but it serves to purpose, the manager is a good fit, the playing squad are all very good and it’s mostly a well balanced team. Any big changes will undo all the progress the team have made over last few years.
  23. I disagree, one of the things they’ve done to make the club an attractive investment prospect is how they’ve been able to make money while being absolutely shite with no real ambition. Just suddenly letting players go who are worth something would be a terrible idea. We've occasionally taken a punt on an unproven player. Gayle fell into that bracket, he thrives in the championship but just doesn’t seem to be able to translate that at PL level, he’s not fast enough, not strong enough despite being a good finisher. He’s worth something though.. 5-10 million while under contract? Murphy is different. He’s got pace, he’s got skill and he can deliver great crosses and he can score. When he first came he was a bit lightweight, but he’s taking it very seriously now, you can see he’s much physically stronger now than he was, I think he’ll do well this year. He’s one of the best athletes at the club. Even with a takeover he has a future here.
  24. Dr Jinx

    Jacob Murphy

    He’ll be here long after Bruce is. He knows the score.
  25. This new thread has started off where the last one left off ?
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