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Dr Jinx

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Everything posted by Dr Jinx

  1. Keeper is rank but class brace for the big man
  2. He’s been in this position at pretty much every club he’s been at. Water off a ducks arse as JFK would say.
  3. Well worked too. Amazing how quickly the new manager changed the whole style of play *edit fuck ?
  4. If we stay up his contract is fairly airtight, we go down it’s a different matter. I don’t believe the rumours today at all. He’s here for the 9 games.
  5. I see dildo Brian and his southern pals are going with the relegated on purpose angle too.
  6. There’s nobody else being considered, it’s Bruce for 9 more games. Option 1) The club somehow manage to scrape staying up, arbitration should be well under way by then so by mid to late summer there might be an indication of how it’s going. I don’t think the club would bother sacking him if anything were to be imminent in that regard. Option 2) Relegation. All sorts of clauses kick in with players and management. The takeover would be pushed through and the clear out begins. Just managing to scrape staying up fills me with dread to be honest. The whole legal thing with the PL is just far too tricky and I don’t think I have it in me to still be following this for another 12+ months with the club in limbo (which it would continue to be)
  7. Even with Wilson back and that’s a big if, our midfield will be picked apart. I can picture Shelvey half heartedly chasing someone back as they arrive late into the box to score and then stand there with his hands on his hips as if it’s someone else’s fault. Hendrick will go missing. It’s quite a talent he has to do this so consistently at this level. Bruce will be stood there licking his fucking lips and pulling that camp pose as he drinks water from a bottle. Why do we do it to ourselves, watch it I mean? 0-2
  8. I’ve lost a lot of respect for Caulkin over this season, as mentioned he is close with Bruce, enough to just ring him out of the blue for a chat which he mentioned in a podcast last summer. He also got taken in by Staveley and her crew, painting a picture that all was rosy when it was anything but. I think maybe he’s just stepped back from the club a bit, professionally that is. Being the centre of attention with all things nufc probably isn’t the best thing for his career long term. Craig Hope has been spot on when it comes to the team itself. He’s never been afraid to piss the club off when it comes to telling it as it is.
  9. The basic tests that the consortium would have sailed through yes but the difference is that the EFL are not beholden to BeIn, Qatar, or any of the lobbying by clubs like Liverpool or Spurs and certainly not the PL. I don’t have any inside information, just strong intuition. I’ve been negative about the takeover for a while but now seeing what’s happening on the pitch, the club, there isn’t even as much as a fight to get out of this mess, it looks like a deliberate self inflicted wound. How can it not be? I’m guessing the arbitration is not going well or is going to take too long. So this is a strong plan B which they have agreed on. Sticking with Bruce ensures this as a reality, the time to act was a month ago and they didn’t. Our fixtures from here on out are horrendous. Even a change of manager at this stage would do very little. They went into this with their eyes open. Jones was a token gesture, I suppose they can’t make it look too obvious what they’re doing..
  10. Yes but the difference is that Bruce isn’t in on the joke. We get relegated we get our takeover. I’d even go as far to say that PIF are still committed to giving Ashley his 300m as a gentleman’s handshake for facilitating it. There’s no way he would actively sabotage the potential sale money if that was an issue. His total inactivity to do anything (this time) is far more deliberate.
  11. If that little nest egg was removed from contracts, as in, you’ve done really shit at your job and we have to fire you oh but here’s a few million for your troubles.. It would have such a positive knock on effect in terms of British coaches. They would have incentive to actually do better and become better at their jobs. As none of them are in a position to actually win anything, success for a PFM is avoiding relegation and having said “safe as houses contract” - it enables cunts like Steve Bruce to keep moving like a leech from club to club and making a lucrative career out of it
  12. Also to note when we are relegated the club can sack him for nout. 9 games and then he’ll be out on his ear with nothing, well apart from the large salary he’s been stealing over the last 2 years.
  13. The fact he’s trying desperately to get sacked gives me some joy, I hope his remaining 9 games are as uncomfortable as can possibly be for the idiot. As I mentioned before, the club know he’s taking us down but that’s what they want. It’s how the takeover will happen. Feel sorry for some of the players as they obviously are fighting to stay in the league and the club too. The others can fuck right off though (we all know who they are)
  14. They’re not going to pay him off to leave. They don’t mind relegation, it’s a viable option. He wants to go, the players want him to go but the board are intent on seeing this out so just sit back and enjoy it.
  15. *nice new forum btw! I 100% believe now at this point that relegation is a planned one, leave a sub par manager with a sub par squad and it will take care of itself without seeming too obvious what we’re doing. The financial implications will be totally offset by what we get for some of the better players and when the consortium takes over within a much much easier o&d’s test, we won’t even care about losing the likes of Almiron or ASM when we come back up. Ashley isn’t even bothered enough to come back from the Middle East, he knows we’re going down and he’s not bothered by it. Steve Bruce is literally begging to be sacked, but to his frustration it’s not happening. He can’t quit because he’s repeatedly said he won’t walk away from a fight. He and his media buddies have nowhere to hide now, they’ll desert him like rats from a sinking ship over the next few weeks. Then in the summer the club will be able to sack him for free when the relegation clause in his contract is activated. It’s the only thing that makes sense. If the club is still being actively sold to PIF and PL status was a total necessity, the club would have acted on their wishes. Both parties are not at odds with each other, so sticking with Steve Bruce is something all sides agreed on, they know the points tally, they know the fixtures. Any analyst could tell them relegation is a likely scenario so they are walking into this with eyes open. The only one who’s not in on the joke here is Steve Bruce so enjoy the next few weeks. His face is going to get more and more red and flustered as his absolute ineptitude is laid out for all to see.
  16. He’s done his best to get sacked, no way he’ll give up a pay off though despite wanting to be anywhere but here.
  17. Dr Jinx

    Isaac Hayden

    The view on Shelvey is pretty much a general consensus at this point. Don’t even know where to start with Hendrick. The thing is, players are going to look better when playing in a better team, as in a team that’s coached to play better. Which is fucking everyone but us. The players don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing. There is zero attempt to get the best out of what we have available, which is not a lot but should be more than what’s happening right now.
  18. Dr Jinx

    Isaac Hayden

    What’s that got to do with anything? Oh it’s ok he’s got a serious injury because he’s not our best player? He’s not our worst by a country mile. He’s easily our best midfield player Get well soon, Isaac. He’s been w*** for ages. Got a bit of a free pass from fans because he’s got a bit of mobility but he’s s****. You’re focussing your energy in the wrong place. The whole team have been wank all season. It’s all on the manager. Hayden has gotten his fair share of stick in the past except he stuck it out and improved, especially under Rafa. Our midfield will be like soft cheese for the remainder of the season without him. Have a look over any of the match threads where we won, I guarantee each will have comments about how Hayden was immense.
  19. Odds on to be sacked with Paddy Power now 8/11
  20. Dr Jinx

    Isaac Hayden

    What’s that got to do with anything? Oh it’s ok he’s got a serious injury because he’s not our best player? He’s not our worst by a country mile. He’s easily our best midfield player
  21. Steve “we got a corner which was pleasing” Bruce
  22. What was BZG/I’s plan? They didn’t have the money to buy a bag of chips let alone a football club. Seems like they were intent on blagging their way to a point where they could start borrowing against it’s value. It’s so weird how a supposed Sheikh and his business cronies would ruin their reputation for something so unattainable for them.
  23. Maybe the 3 Steve’s should be given the task of “guarding the bee” while the match is taking place.
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