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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Aye, would be easy to spot these 2 in real life constantly walking around with their thumbs stuck in the air. That’s if there not stuck up each other’s arse.
  2. In this headline it states they’ve been told, possibly had it confirmed ? Fingers crossed though.
  3. Time for the trust to use their position again here to re ask this question publicly and through government review.
  4. Thought that wasn’t true ? They do now own Monument Mall where Castore’s new store will be though.
  5. Exactly mate the media are all whingeing about the double standards of statement. I couldn’t give a fuck if this is hypocrisy from club and I couldn’t give a fuck about journalist’s. We all know Ashley has fucked us over for 14 years, it’s a bit late for transparency now. What do they want us to do be up in arms ? No ones barely listened to us for 14 years. It’s all well and good thinking it would be nice to see the roles reversed on Ashley, but he’ll quickly get over 340 million whilst swanning it down Miami Beach. We won’t get over this takeover though, it’s all that fucking matters, the be all and end all for NUFC in the short, medium and long term. Fuck the journalists self pity, I support Ashley entirely at this point and I’ll also be delighted as anyone when the cunt finally goes.
  6. Long thread from Waugh on the deal.
  7. Barnes calling Keith live on air should be worth a watch tonight.
  8. All positive in the hood lads, pressure and spotlight ramping up on those that stand in our way.
  9. Not often I agree but with you entirely on the Trust. This is an open invitation for them to ramp it up again, they’ve also got an in with the govt through fan led review at the minute
  10. Not defending him, just pointing out that you seemed happy to post his tweet a few days ago to validate your opinion that it would be 6 to 8 weeks. If you’ve changed your opinion on him based on the Martinez prediction then so be it. But I do seem to recall you also slating him after Jacobs claimed he got the Spurs PIF investment info from a message board also. I’m way past defending Keith on here believe me.
  11. It is sort of interesting though that you regularly slate a guy but then link his tweet quoting exactly what he said.
  12. Interesting gdm have you just come to this conclusion in the last few days ?
  13. I’m led to believe it was Gordon on keyboards this morning lads. That’s not Sumner for clarification but Stein !
  14. Disclaimer this information may or may not be true.
  15. Yeah, I don’t think Rafa was as clear cut as suggested.
  16. Keith has always said they’d fight to get case thrown out it’s what bird and bird do. What he said was that when disclosure comes they’ll fold like a pack of cards. Think you’ve jumped the gun a bit based on Ryder’s article. Quote me away. Yeah I believe it’ll get interesting if case is given go ahead. Do I know they’ll fold for certain course I don’t, but i would hazard a guess it’ll greatly increase the chances of a settlement during arbitration if it gets go ahead.
  17. We’ll soon find out. I think if the case gets the go ahead it’ll be a major blow to them. Let’s see where their confidence is at that point.
  18. Where not at the point whereby they’d give in yet. If the CAT case is given the go ahead, that’s when it gets interesting.
  19. Always reminds me of that final scene in the Soprano’s.
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