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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Bearing In mind that UEFA are on record saying they have no problem with sovereign wealth funds owning football clubs, it would be interesting if for example the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund attempted to buy a club. Would the PL insist on every sovereign wealth fund bid putting the state forward. If that’s the case they are putting the PL at a massive disadvantage as I can’t see many if any countries being up for that. If QSI had attempted to buy Man United instead of PSG, would they have insisted on the Qatari state being subjected to the test. They’ve made this up off the hoof to suit their own motives and in my opinion PBP proves any bid that threatens the 6 clubs position would be lobbied against. It’s all about protecting their revenue streams and fuck the rest.
  2. It’s not about clicks, shares and retweet’s for the majority. It’s about ridding ourselves of Ashley and getting the takeover we’ve been cheated out of. Unfortunately it’s not like the old sack the board days, times moved on whether we like it or not and social media seems to be where it’s at. I have no problem with anyone bailing out, but it’s not over and ask yourself would the mancs or scousers just accept it being over at this point. Until Staveley calls it off it’s not over by a long shot.
  3. It’s about keeping it in the public eye and trying to help with any pressure we can apply. If people have had enough they should bow out, however until Staveley tells us it’s off we should attempt to make this as awkward as possible for the PL. West Ham live at home on tv represents a perfect opportunity to get our point across. I’d even break my boycott and buy a ticket if there was something big planned. Doubtful with our support these days but I live in hope.
  4. This is very true and will surely form a major part of anti competition case. It beggars belief that they legally wanted this enshrined in the rule book, any disclosure around PBP will be very interesting never mind ESL.
  5. This cunt was adamant the Saudi’s we’re never interested in us then reluctantly had to admit they we’re when the evidence was undeniable, he then piped up again when arbitration was delayed last week. Think he let his mask slip here.
  6. I think the key parts from the article are that City also believed the PL arbitration process is biased and not impartial. They to went down the route of the high court to fight PL, similarly it appears we are also going down this route now. Most importantly though as De Marco highlighted earlier in the week both parties went to lengths to ensure information was kept private. This bodes well for the CAT case being public and us being able to obtain documents from PL. Unlike this case the PL are the defendants and I would imagine they’ll go to similar lengths as City to keep it private. It makes me very confident that if CAT goes ahead a settlement can be reached, as in most CAT cases. 'You are bemoaning reality,' he tells Pannick. 'This is a matter of the greatest public interest.' City had launched several challenges to the Premier League's attempt to obtain documents and information. They lost on all counts and now the club want to keep that secret too. 'What the court is saying,' Pannick argues, 'is that the price [of bringing the challenges] might be publication.' Moreover, publication would spark extensive press coverage of what has happened — and any possible sanctions — in '[what] would ordinarily be a private process.' That, City claim, will make it more difficult to reach a resolution without more arbitration. They point out that the Premier League would also prefer details are kept under wraps, even if they want the power to refer to this judgment in any disputes with other clubs.
  7. Also very interesting thread on the City situation. Couple of thoughts if anyone thinks City are not state run, the sponsorship deals tell a different story. They’ve just been much more clever than Saudi Arabia and set up a private equity company. In my opinion PIF should have done this, perhaps a sporting arm run with complete autonomy from main sovereign fund. Secondly Fenway were up in arms when City won CAS case and said it completely threatened their financial model. I have no doubt that City are the black sheep in the big 6. We know Liverpool and United played a leading role in Masters appointment, it would not surprise me in the least if they were driving the PL’s investigation into City and also further enforces why they would be fighting tooth and nail to keep us out. The CAT case is key but these articles cleary show the lengths city have gone to avoid disclosure, we might have to strap in for a long battle as PL will in reverse fight disclosure in our case.
  8. Not sure which thread to put this is but due to certain parallels with our case I’ve stuck it in here. Very interesting read and shows why in our battle for transparency De Marco sees this as a telling judgement. The final sentence in judges verdict could easily apply to the PL in our arbitration. Hopefully if proven the PL are delaying a CAT judge will see through this and ensure case is public. 'It is surprising, and a matter of legitimate public concern, that so little progress has been made after two and a half years — during which, it may be noted, the club has twice been crowned as Premier League champions.'
  9. Not sure any insurers would be willing to pay out 40 million if they knew there was an alternative resolution.
  10. What’s his losses on the football club though post covid valuation. He could reasonably argue he had a deal for 340 million pre covid and due to PL the club is now valued at 300 to be very generous. Would the PL or their insurers be happy to pick the tab up for the difference ?
  11. Perfectly summarised Jinky all still to play for.
  12. I sense your disillusionment with the whole thing mate. After reading your post on the youth situation the other day though, think it’s a case of if you can’t beat them join them. We need this takeover for the future, whatever baggage it brings in my opinion.
  13. The PL will offer settlement a) if disclosure is going to be damning or b) if it looks like we have any chance of winning CAT case. One look at the penalties involved for breaching anti competition tells you that. Ashley wants the takeover and compensation.
  14. I think the PL would rather allow it to go through then pay a hefty compensation sum to Ashley. What sort of figure are we talking about that would satisfy Ashley ? He’s lost 340 million, he’s not settling for his legal fees being covered at this point.
  15. Keep your chin up where all fucking pissed off, I want nothing more than to feel able to go back to St Jame’s. A settlement is still the easiest route out of this for all especially if CAT case gets go ahead.
  16. Keep PIF on board until next year and still every chance. We’ll soon know if they pull out as it will be the end of this Staveley bid. Absolutely convinced they’re all in this together and very determined though. If CAT case gets go ahead and disclosure comes this year, then we might get earlier resolution. I’m chilled out about it, won’t be attending any matches but as long as Staveley remains committed hope we have a good season to keep deal in place. Not over by a long shot don’t kid yourselves.
  17. Nothing to be worrried about mate, just switch off let it play out. It’s not going to happen as soon as we all would have liked, but it’s still very much alive in my opinion.
  18. Clearly hypothetical scenario he pitched.
  19. Absolutely boils my piss reading that it’s almost like we’re not a premiership club. The vultures have moved into our area as they see ripe pickings, whilst we wave the white flag and say help yourself. We’re on the same level as a third division club in all but name. Shameful, embarrassing and worst of all inflicted upon on us by the powers that be who are happy to see us kept in our place.
  20. To be fair the U.A.E is mentioned, but yes Slater’s pro PL position is clear for all to see. It’s noticeable that all the leaks re arbitration have come from him, Edwards and Jacobs with their own spin on it.
  21. If ever a man needed his phone hacked it’s this cunt.
  22. I’m quite sure Ashley has kept the buyers in loop privately. Whatever the public line is from PCP, everything Ashley is doing is with a view to keeping PIF on board.
  23. Her husband could have been referring to anything, including the PL not being willing to let arb play out in public.
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