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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. Yeah walk away he’s not a game changer long term to take us to next level. If we need to write this season off for the greater good so be it.
  2. I’d be fearing a league one team away from home at the minute never mind this lot.
  3. Whitley mag

    Dan Burn

    He’s decided to tuck in and mark our own Centre Backs whilst leaving his man wide open too often now. Positionally, he’s all over the shop and needs dropped, the benefit of extra height he provides is negated by the liability he’s become during open play.
  4. Forgot about Minteh, but regardless of Tonali I think there’s been a marked shift and Howe has exerted his preference for mainly British based players in last 2 windows. Lets see how this window pans out but think we’ll see British players to the fore again. Regardless of where they’re from I just hope he sees we need more than running power and intensity to take us forward.
  5. He’s not beyond criticism and the team have had nearly a full week to prepare for tonight and still looked a fucking shambles at the back. Yes it’s Liverpool, but Man U recently went there and didn’t look anywhere near as disjointed as we did. It’s not about tonight in isolation the last 3 games have been shambolic, simple balls played to players unmarked for tap ins. He’s still the man but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried.
  6. I’ll be honest I don’t know what to think at this point, is this just a blip, or are we seeing him unravel like he did at Bournemouth in the end, hopefully the former.
  7. 1 out of last 5 signings have come from abroad that’s why I think that, the rest have been young British players with PL experience.
  8. All those players were scouted heavily by Nickson I get the impression his influence has waned considerably at this point.
  9. Is it sustainable though season after season, surely you have to evolve to make the next step ?
  10. Clearly you need a joint up approach to transfers but these continual links to players like Gallagher and McTominay concern me. I’m fully behind Eddie Howe the coach, but keep him and his fucking brother away from transfers. It was clear as day in the CL you need more than intensity and running, got a horrible feeling Howe’s type of player and his preference of young British players will prove his undoing in the end.
  11. They might be unbeaten but they we’re hardly great recently at home against Fulham and Man U, I disagree it’s not a free hit we should be going there expecting to give them a game.
  12. Nobody should expect a howking tonight we’ve spent a fucking fortune on players, this isn’t Mike Ashley’s NUFC anymore. Aye we usually get shafted here by some bad call and fully expect the same tonight, but we should give them a decent game going off their last few performances at home, if where passive and just bend over for the cunts tonight, Howe and players will deserve criticism.
  13. Howe would rather have PL experience in January no chance we’re in for anyone like that unfortunately.
  14. Beating these cunts would be the best start to 2024 ever. However, will settle for a disciplined, organised performance and hopefully it’s enough to give them a game. Worse case it’s undisciplined, we pick up an injury/red card and we’re just passive and get twatted. If it’s the latter and we don’t get some sort of reaction to recent performances I might start getting a bit concerned.
  15. Wouldn’t be surprised something’s been off this season the way players have been brought back and then broken down again.
  16. I think you’ll be right and it’ll be Phillips as Howe clearly wants him. Just hope the board stay strong though and don’t buckle to an obligation, or we should absolutely walk away. For me we’re crying out for a creative spark up front as we look stale and predictable going forward.
  17. Get the impression Howe’s not keen on a right footed right winger, so basically that leaves us with Murphy and Almiron who are nowhere near good enough.
  18. https://twitter.com/LVSTOFICIAL/status/1740418139970498785?s=20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Ty_Rvq-AI
  19. I wouldn’t say no to Gibbs White and Olise but they’d cost a fucking fortune.
  20. Good look at the right wing options in this write up. https://x.com/NUFCblogcouk/status/1741038723226316892?s=20
  21. I’m fully in the camp that Dubravka needs upgrading but De Gea really ? He’d want at least a 100k a week and to be honest he’s just as likely to hoy the ball in the back of his own net, he’s a fucking liability.
  22. That cunt Holt in the Mail has written a big article on Howe and why he might be under pressure if things don’t improve quickly. Does say he hopes Saudis have patience but dismisses injuries as an excuse as other clubs are suffering same. Really hope Howe can get a result soon otherwise more will start to sharpen their knives over next couple of weeks.
  23. If Smith Rowe is a genuine target get the feeling the transfer blue print has changed significantly towards British/EPL based players. Think it’s the wrong approach personally in terms of value and beating FFP restrictions. Also don’t feel where necessarily getting the best player with this approach and signing players who haven’t made it at big clubs would represent another marked change. Feel as though Nickson had significant say in the first two windows, but i get the impression rightly or wrongly Howe has far greater input since Ashworth arrived.
  24. Even with no official escort last couple of times the route from central to St James is lined with police, not to mention cctv, put simply you’d have to be mad these days to have a pop. Fact is when football hooliganism was at its prime, these cunts didn’t want to know and they fucking know it.
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