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Whitley mag

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Everything posted by Whitley mag

  1. New training ground announcement imminent if you believe the craic with site now chosen.
  2. They’ll increase the limits as it’s not been raised to take into account inflation for a start. So many clubs appear to be on the limit, it’s not sustainable in its current guise and I don’t think the will to stop us spending will stand up for much longer in PL voting.
  3. Spending down £715 million on 2023 not good for the PL product or governments coffers, i think it’s safe to say changes will be made.
  4. I wouldn’t let me spoil it for you, take your own advice and ignore going forward there’s a good lad.
  5. Very childish it’s a different opinion you just don’t like it.
  6. It’s literally backed up in the article, just like the one around the transfer committee changing which I quoted you and you chose to ignore the other week.
  7. The below suggests to me Eddie wasn’t keen on wheeling and dealing, and not just in public. But Howe baulked at the prospect of losing some of those players and had enough support from the board for that stance. It’s questionable whether this curiously flat January market was the time to extract value anyway, but one club who had contact with Newcastle this month described them as not fully convincing that they were committed buyers or sellers.
  8. Other clubs had sense we were half hearted, fine line between dressing room harmony and taking next step. Howe reassured Almiron he had a role which seems odd if we were trying to get rid. Fuels my suspicions that transfer committee aren’t all rowing in same direction.
  9. Glad they’ve changed course that march the other week was a bit cringey. It’s in the ground where things need to improve fully behind this.
  10. Sounds very on the money for me that article.
  11. Don’t look a midfield that would work on paper with 3 holding/playmakers in there. Would imagine you’ll dominate possession tonight and we’ll look to catch you in transition.
  12. What a night and away end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5PGgwhPOQs
  13. Very much need to be ruthless and fully exploit the European market, be interesting to see their approach. Have a feeling it’ll be evolution and only revolution if likes of a Bruno, or Joelinton leave.
  14. Very shrewd who wants to be hamstrung in the summer with a loan to buy now, keep everyone have a go at winning the cup, then full summer rebuild.
  15. Lots of noise to generate the clicks as per, but ultimately nothing. Why would we weaken ourselves at this point whilst in the FA Cup 5 round and two 1st choice midfielders out for the season. In saying that if you can get decent money for Miggy and bring in a top midfielder who’s not cup tied, we could feasibly get away with Murphy and Gordon on the right, though I’ve got to say neither of those options appeals much and relies on Anderson/Barnes being back soon.
  16. Agreed, Williams looks a big upgrade and exciting player, even if we had funds I’m unconvinced as well, especially in January when Howe seems to value PL experience over everything else.
  17. Who would replace Miggy between now and end of the season if we sold him Gibbs White ? Surely that’s folly when all we have left to play for is the FA Cup and he’s cup tied. Miggys not the answer long term but short term we need him surely.
  18. Credit where it’s due very solid performance, was never going to be fluent. Defence looked solid and thought that gap between midfield and defence wasn’t there tonight.
  19. No ID checks tonight ?
  20. Begs the question why they didn’t give us the full stand tonight.
  21. Hopefully you’re right but I could see a fair few being up in arms, these environmentalists rarely see the upside of things like this, expect a fierce battle if it went this route. A useable park in the heart of the city with a lake etc, would be a real asset to the city though and I really think club should be thinking along these lines. SJP is not fit for purpose in terms of facilities and overall experience, I actually find the place grim these days, the view and atmosphere in large swathes of the stadium are a pretty soulless experience.
  22. Not so sure think the Nimbys from Spital Tongues and folk who have nothing better to do with their time will campaign against it, unfortunately even an enhanced and better park wouldn’t pacify the tree huggers and swampy brigade.
  23. Middle of the road club only considered big because of Clough.
  24. Forrest still owe us a significant amount of Chris Wood fee apparently, deal might turn out cheaper than looks on paper.
  25. Why would I have an agenda very bizarre. The first paragraph is supported by press reports around make up of transfer committee changing. edit supported by Chris Waugh article in Athletic - Newcastle’s transfer committee has evolved since the early days, when Howe, Jason Tindall, his assistant, Steve Nickson, the head of recruitment, and Amanda Staveley, one of the club’s co-owners, did pretty much everything. Dan Ashworth, the sporting director, is now prominent, Darren Eales, the chief executive, looks at the financial picture, while Andy, Howe’s nephew, is an influential voice on scouting. https://theathletic.com/4593284/2023/06/09/newcastles-summer-transfer-window-budget-targets/
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