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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. https://twitter.com/NickWoppett/status/1288571260251901952?s=20 Hi Nick Woppett O0
  2. How long before Edwards jumps on this, trying to make out he’s had the word that Ashley’s pulled the plug
  3. I’m sure if he tries to start messing PCP and the PIF about, he could find himself in serious financial and legal trouble these are not the normal dopes he normally deals with and plays his tricks on.
  4. Contracts are exchanged and the club is sold subject to PL clearance, can’t see anyway he can pull out now or change the goalposts
  5. How much easier would it be if the Saudi tanks just rolled into Qatar, that would solve all our problems in one foul swoop
  6. I wonder what would happen if Saudi uses its influence, as the major power in the region, to get all the other MENA countries to ban Qatar/beIN sports for breaking the competition laws? Sometimes it’s just best not to poke and annoy the lion.
  7. Wait until you see this one for the next four months. As a representative of the "Manorparkians Group" I can tell you that you will not be seeing this Thread Title (unchanged) for the next four months. In fact I can formally announce that Takeover Day WILL BE on Monday 27th July 2020. (Remember, you read it here first . . ) Great minds think alike That’s my wedding Anniversary, So if it does happen that day, I will get lucky twice in one day :frantic:
  8. What’s to stop Saudi coming to an monetary agreement with Israel to Legally use their broadcast stream, thus bypassing the problem with Bein? Nothing, the Saudis could then legally broadcast PL matches in Israel, to Israelis. Not sure how this addresses the matter at hand though? The matter in hand seems to keep harping back to bein being blocked so the Saudis have no way to watch the PL which seems to be the main PL problem, an agreement with Israel bypasses that problem
  9. What’s to stop Saudi coming to an monetary agreement with Israel to Legally use their broadcast stream, thus bypassing the problem with Bein?
  10. They'll have to get it legally watertight to accept or reject the deal. I'd imagine they are shitting themselves realising their test wasn't fit for purpose and was really just for show. at the same time how incompetent do you have to be to be on the verge of somehow failing the fit and proper person test there's literally only one way they could fail it and somehow they're making it worse for themselves by banning bein sports making it so that the prospective owners have no legal way to watch their own club on tv in SA There is nothing in the O&D test that states the prospective new owner must be able to watch the PL in their home country. its not exactly a sign of good faith to ban the premier league rights holders in your region while your trying to buy a premier league club, gives the wrong impression Doesn’t make one ounce of difference, the lawyers will have an absolute field day if it’s knocked back for that reason as there is nothing in the test requiring the ability to watch the PL in their home country.
  11. They'll have to get it legally watertight to accept or reject the deal. I'd imagine they are shitting themselves realising their test wasn't fit for purpose and was really just for show. at the same time how incompetent do you have to be to be on the verge of somehow failing the fit and proper person test there's literally only one way they could fail it and somehow they're making it worse for themselves by banning bein sports making it so that the prospective owners have no legal way to watch their own club on tv in SA There is nothing in the O&D test that states the prospective new owner must be able to watch the PL in their home country.
  12. I think I will be Hilarious if the premier league annoy the Saudis enough through bending over backwards to Qatar/BeIN for them to pull out and then take them to the cleaners in court and then Qatar/BeIN head guy gets found guilty of Corruption/bribery which would then make the BeIN deal untenable losing them millions. If Richard Masters can’t make a decision be it yes or no, he shouldn’t be in the job.
  13. Considering masters has already said they hope to have a resolution soon, that’s clearly not the case
  14. PMSL, the PL haven’t said a word to any of the top journalists about the takeover, but Lee“gobshite” Ryder manages to get an exclusive that Saudi cant get the TV rights! Come on get real Man TV rights are nothing to do with the takeover so who's to say if they can discuss or not. And if it came from any other journalist I would give it consideration, but this is Lee Ryder we’re talking about probably the biggest joke of a journalist out there
  15. PMSL, the PL haven’t said a word to any of the top journalists about the takeover, but Lee“gobshite” Ryder manages to get an exclusive that Saudi cant get the TV rights! Come on get real Man
  16. If they weren’t expecting it, they would have been prompt in coming out and defending a media partner. It’s like Scotland blocking sky they would definitely have something to say
  17. TBH I think it’s massive that the PL haven’t came straight out and defended their “media partner” to me it means they were expecting something like this coming
  18. I think we will know tomorrow, totally depends on any PL statement, if one comes quickly condemning it, it’s curtains for the takeover if one doesn’t come then it’s probably a good thing.
  19. What the fuck have us Newcastle fans done to deserve all of this shit?
  20. This is probably BS but the example you give isn't the same. The owners of Emirates don't own Arsenal and then sponsor another club. Think he's talking about Man City owners and Arsenal's sponsors. People keep getting this mixed up, Emirates are Dubai based and Man City’s owners are Abu Dhabi All part of the UAE, aren't they? Yeah but they are city states and completely automatous from each other and have there own royal families
  21. This is probably BS but the example you give isn't the same. The owners of Emirates don't own Arsenal and then sponsor another club. Think he's talking about Man City owners and Arsenal's sponsors. People keep getting this mixed up, Emirates are Dubai based and Man City’s owners are Abu Dhabi
  22. If you ever needed confirmation of why Steve Bruce should be nowhere near this club if the takeover goes through, this is it.
  23. Haven’t they already relented with the anti piracy measures they have put in place. Yeah he mentioned that and it's certainly a start. He said ideally the best thing for SA to do is kind of build a relationship with Bein and play by the book. (allowing Bein to have broadcast rights in SA for example) However this is highly unlikely due to the massive political issues between them. It's all very confusing and yoi can see why this is taking an absolute age to get passed by the PL. What a load of bollocks, political relations between 2 country’s has fuck all to do with the premier league and the O&D test, and shouldn’t have even been mentioned by the premier league to PCP and the PIF, I hope they absolutely rinse the PL if this takes much longer
  24. Nope just a home game with pubs open and a likelyhood of fans turning up at the ground
  25. It will be next week, as I have had cans and wine in the fridge this whole time waiting, I’m back at work on Monday and can’t drink so your guaranteed it will happen then
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