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Everything posted by nufcnick

  1. This is probably BS but the example you give isn't the same. The owners of Emirates don't own Arsenal and then sponsor another club. Think he's talking about Man City owners and Arsenal's sponsors. People keep getting this mixed up, Emirates are Dubai based and Man City’s owners are Abu Dhabi All part of the UAE, aren't they? Yeah but they are city states and completely automatous from each other and have there own royal families
  2. This is probably BS but the example you give isn't the same. The owners of Emirates don't own Arsenal and then sponsor another club. Think he's talking about Man City owners and Arsenal's sponsors. People keep getting this mixed up, Emirates are Dubai based and Man City’s owners are Abu Dhabi
  3. If you ever needed confirmation of why Steve Bruce should be nowhere near this club if the takeover goes through, this is it.
  4. Haven’t they already relented with the anti piracy measures they have put in place. Yeah he mentioned that and it's certainly a start. He said ideally the best thing for SA to do is kind of build a relationship with Bein and play by the book. (allowing Bein to have broadcast rights in SA for example) However this is highly unlikely due to the massive political issues between them. It's all very confusing and yoi can see why this is taking an absolute age to get passed by the PL. What a load of bollocks, political relations between 2 country’s has fuck all to do with the premier league and the O&D test, and shouldn’t have even been mentioned by the premier league to PCP and the PIF, I hope they absolutely rinse the PL if this takes much longer
  5. Nope just a home game with pubs open and a likelyhood of fans turning up at the ground
  6. It will be next week, as I have had cans and wine in the fridge this whole time waiting, I’m back at work on Monday and can’t drink so your guaranteed it will happen then
  7. My heart sank for a split second :razz: Yeah sorry about that. At least people didn't have to check twitter or ask where he said this. No harm no foul buddy O0
  8. A little off topic, but has anyone received their email yet to claim your season ticket refund?
  9. This takeover needs to go fucking through, otherwise we have no chance of keeping a hold of ASM
  10. Christ have you seen Bournemouth’s run in, I can’t see many points for them like
  11. Saudi now starting to fight back, I don’t know how to take this
  12. That’s the thing, they can literally take as long as they want, there is no time limit on it and they aren’t answerable to anyone. I’m sure it would get to a point where the Saudis would ask our government to tell them to get a move on tbh
  13. Any optimism I had today has now washed away with that team news
  14. nah not buying that like, the test itself specifically has provision for piracy issues and one of their own commercial partners had a claim against SA for pirating their own f***ing product man it's the letters from MP's, khashoggis mrs etc. that extend beyond their remit that's been troubling to me, the piracy thing is 100% legit and they shouldn't give up from their pov imo But the issue of piracy has to equate to a criminal offence by the prospective director under the Digital Economy Act to influence the test. If the PL were to decide that such an offence has been committed the director simply fails the test, any requirement of a settlement to resolve that would be straying into very dodgy territory for the PL with the level of scrutiny there could be of this. IMO there seems to be more of a basis for the test to be failed in relation to Khashoggi (the CIA reportedly concluded that MbS was directly responsible for ordering the murder) or for the hacking of Jeff Bezos' phone via a message from MbS himself, both of which would be criminal offences in this country with sentences of over 12 months. A government failing to crack down of piracy doesn't seem likely to constitute a criminal offence. where have you got this from? the test rules clearly state that the PL can bin off an application if they believe someone is guilty of an offence, not even convicted in another country or whatever, just in their own judgement it's been the reason for a lot of pessimism in this thread tbh Their reasonable opinion still has to be a legally sound one, and it actually has to be an act equivalent to an offence in this country. Sorry, it's not actually offences under the Digital Economy Act, the specific offence referenced in the PL handbook is 'Dishonestly receiving a programme broadcast from within the UK with intent to avoid payment' contrary to s.297 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. again can you specify your source and link it because in the 3 or whatever months since this broke you're the first person i've seen to suggest this is the case PL Handbook: F.1. A Person shall be disqualified from acting as a Director and no Club shall be permitted to have any Person acting as a Director of that Club if: F.1.5. he has a Conviction (which is not a Spent Conviction) imposed by a court of the United Kingdom or a competent court of foreign jurisdiction: F.1.5.1. in respect of which an unsuspended sentence of at least 12 months’ imprisonment was imposed; F.1.5.2. in respect of any offence involving any act which could reasonably be considered to be dishonest (and, for the avoidance of doubt, irrespective of the actual sentence imposed); or F.1.5.3. in respect of an offence set out in Appendix 1 (Schedule of Offences) or a directly analogous offence in a foreign jurisdiction (and, for the avoidance of doubt, irrespective of the actual sentence imposed); F.1.6. in the reasonable opinion of the Board, he has engaged in conduct outside the United Kingdom that would constitute an offence of the sort described in Rules F.1.5.2 or F.1.5.3, if such conduct had taken place in the United Kingdom, whether or not such conduct resulted in a Conviction; Appendix 1: Schedule of Offences (Rule F.1.5.3) Dishonestly receiving a programme broadcast from within the UK with intent to avoid payment - Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 s.297 Admitting spectators to watch a football match at unlicensed premises - Football Spectators Act 1989, s.9 Persons subject to a banning order (as defined) - Football Spectators Act 1989 Schedule 1 Ticket touting – football tickets - Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 s.166 right, sure, but there's enough wiggle room in the wording of that for them to do what they want if you ask me F.1.5.2. could very well supercede F.1.5.3. if they feel they've acted dishonestly in the process F.1.6. itself doesn't seem to say only these offences, just "would constitute an offence of the sort described" wiggle room imo, certainly doesn't clearly state the following as you suggest How would not doing enough to stop piracy constitute an offence though?, there has yet to be any conclusive finding (i.e. the WTO report, French court) directly blaming the Saudi state (or PIF) in the direct transmission of the piracy streams. The bit that worries me is there doesn’t have to be any conclusive finding “F.1.6. in the reasonable opinion of the Board“
  15. Could be the reason for the delay It's become a p!55!ng contest That’s just another rehash of last weeks news Yip just Hopes article rehashed, but quite amusing that Saudis are saying they were e mailing wrong account. You couldn’t make this s*** up, I’m convinced this will be turned into a movie. Netflix “takeover till I die”
  16. Could be the reason for the delay It's become a p!55!ng contest That’s just another rehash of last weeks news
  17. Anyone that thinks this isn’t going through have a look at all the new shite on the official website, not something Ashley would ever authorise or be interested in https://www.nufc.co.uk/fans/fan-focus-groups/structured-dialogue/ https://www.nufc.co.uk/fans/supporter-charter/ https://www.nufc.co.uk/fans/fan-focus-groups/united-as-one-focus-group/
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