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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. I’m glad fans aren’t allowed. 1. f***s the PL off. 2. Will make sure that Ashley actively tries to sell the club. Downside is, other than the Saudis there is zero interest in the club and this won’t help with that. I still find it hard to believe the PL are avoiding the Saudi billions that could potentially be invested via the club into the league, etc. The govt decision to block a return to fans attending games live has been a nice kick in the bollocks to the PL who are now predictably moaning about it via their media mouthpieces. They are claiming that the PL clubs won't be able to support the lower divisions, but then of course the question will be asked, how come Chelsea Sputnik can afford to splash £200m on new players this summer alone? Football has become one giant ass pisstake, hasn't it? (has been for quite some time, mind) And that is the whole point in regards to the takeover. We either get taken over and have the means to compete or as you say.....its just a total pisstake. Aye it will no longer be a p*ss-take if we can compete. No it will still be a p*ss take but rather be in the pissee group than the p*ssed on group I'd rather not p*ss on anybody, and not stand in a position where I'm likely to be p*ssed on. That was pretty much a given in the old gallowgate end
  2. I’m glad fans aren’t allowed. 1. f***s the PL off. 2. Will make sure that Ashley actively tries to sell the club. Downside is, other than the Saudis there is zero interest in the club and this won’t help with that. I still find it hard to believe the PL are avoiding the Saudi billions that could potentially be invested via the club into the league, etc. The govt decision to block a return to fans attending games live has been a nice kick in the bollocks to the PL who are now predictably moaning about it via their media mouthpieces. They are claiming that the PL clubs won't be able to support the lower divisions, but then of course the question will be asked, how come Chelsea Sputnik can afford to splash £200m on new players this summer alone? Football has become one giant ass pisstake, hasn't it? (has been for quite some time, mind) And that is the whole point in regards to the takeover. We either get taken over and have the means to compete or as you say.....its just a total pisstake. Aye it will no longer be a p*ss-take if we can compete. No it will still be a piss take but rather be in the pissee group than the pissed on group
  3. I’m glad fans aren’t allowed. 1. f***s the PL off. 2. Will make sure that Ashley actively tries to sell the club. Downside is, other than the Saudis there is zero interest in the club and this won’t help with that. I still find it hard to believe the PL are avoiding the Saudi billions that could potentially be invested via the club into the league, etc. The govt decision to block a return to fans attending games live has been a nice kick in the bollocks to the PL who are now predictably moaning about it via their media mouthpieces. They are claiming that the PL clubs won't be able to support the lower divisions, but then of course the question will be asked, how come Chelsea Sputnik can afford to splash £200m on new players this summer alone? Football has become one giant ass pisstake, hasn't it? (has been for quite some time, mind) And that is the whole point in regards to the takeover. We either get taken over and have the means to compete or as you say.....its just a total pisstake.
  4. Awaymag

    Jamal Lewis

    The bacon sarnies are to die for and we even have a Gregg's drive through now!
  5. We dont need a creative midfielder, we need two defensive midfielders in the middle that will harass and break up opposition play. We have Almiron, ASM, Fraser and Shelvey as the creative outlets we dont need more. Brighton were running through our midfield at will yesterday. I really dont see what people see in Hayden. With Shelvey not doing any defensive work (and never will), with J (new lad) being played as a winger when he isn't and with Andy C up against 3 defenders taller than him, what did Bruce expect the outcome to be?
  6. The thing is though, what's the point? We wont win anything, we wont qualify for Europe and we probably wont go down, although Nruce will try his best. So again what's the point? I watched the game and I'm only watching it for something to do. There is no real buyin from me anymore. Sad but to be honest I'm like the players.... .given up
  7. PLEASE HELP, we have lost our number 9. Last seen coming onto the pitch around 70 mins.
  8. Hope we romp to 3-2 now. Of course he'll take praise for his substitution rather than acknowledge he picked the wrong team. We ain't romping anything
  9. Im hoping Ashleys lawyers (QC ones), the government and the PL are having discussions on how to progress this to the satisfaction of all parties. I would be very surprised if this actually made it to court. I think an out of court agreement will be reached - and hopefully that is a restructed bid that can be approved. Hopefully we go into a period of radio silence again to let them get on with the above!
  10. Im hoping Ashleys lawyers (QC ones), the government and the PL are having discussions on how to progress this to the satisfaction of all parties. I would be very surprised if this actually made it to court. I think an out of court agreement will be reached - and hopefully that is a restructed bid that can be approved. Hopefully we go into a period of radio silence again to let me get on with the above!
  11. Tell your friend that they should put the telly to the channel immediately before the one that shows smut. The remove the aerial from the back of the telly. Flick up to smut channel, then down to pre-smut channel 5 times and then leave on smut channel, then re-insert aerial and smut will appear for free. It worked in loads of hotels but it's from 20 years ago so tech might have changed since then. I'll pass it on.... I try to avoid that kind of thing in hotels myself now from the time I was in Hong Kong and the missus went in the shower. Thought I would make the most of the free time by having a sneaky blast through the filth channels....unbeknown to me at the time, the shower had a speaker in it, linked through from the TV. :lol: :lol:. This didn't get enough love. Rafalove[/member] curious as to what the outcome here was? Heightened passion or grave disappointment? She called me through and took the p*ss when I heard. Couldn't concentrate after that with hearing all the laughing so switched it off. Nothing worse than a special personal moment being ripped away from you. Cant believe she didn't invite you into the shower to take your mind off it..........poor show!
  12. SSN had it as their main PL headline today. BBC for example have nothing on it at all. Nothing on Sky sports website that I can find?
  13. So the press reaction tells you all you need to know about how in bed with the PL they are. A member of the PL has just appointed QC lawyers to take the PL to court over the takeover and the BBC and Sky Sports websites report............zilch.
  14. Wouldn't it be fair to say that this is not a frivolous purchase but a key part of MBS Vision2030 plan? Are they cutting back on this project too? This keeps getting mentioned but I don't see how it has anything to do with the potential acquisition of NUFC. The main concerns with regards to Vision 2030 are: to diversify the economy away from oil (if this is related to that, there are far better options ROI-wise than buying a football club, especially in the current climate), improve the health sector, improve education, promote tourism (again can't imagine this would be enriched through buying nufc), facilitate more recreation activities and improving infrastructure. Hard to argue that buying the club ties into any of those goals in my humble opinion. You would surely level the same argument at the original purchase which they clearly were interested in, though? Personally, I think Staveley and co. enticed PIF into the deal on the promise of large future appreciations in stock valuations. Man City -bought for around 200m and now worth around 3 billion in just over 10 years- along with a few others whose values would no doubt have appreciated massively in the same amount of time, would have represented an attractive proposition to PIF. This perhaps could have tied in with their 2030 vision of diversifying their investments. The issue is now (and this is corroborated by their statement) that in such uncertain times for the game, along with the pandemic that absolutely devastated an already hurting KSA economy, the money guys don’t see the same value in this deal. Being dragged through the mud with an intensive 17-week vetting process where some foreign sporting body is demanding that the de facto ruler of the country is to be cross-examined, only makes the acquisition even less appealing. Personally I think you (as well as I) have no idea why PIF want to buy NUFC.......it could be as simple as saying they want to piss on Qatar chips and not let PSG have a free rein. Or it could be because they love Gregg's steak bakes when partying on a Friday night.
  15. Absolutely clear. The PL have been getting away with brushing this under the carpet, they are clearly not acting in accordance with their own rules. The vague calls for 'transparency' are easy for the PL to bat away and ignore, but this is something clear and unequivocal that the PL shouldn't be able to hide from. So why aren't any of the local journalists flagging this and pushing and pushing the PL to respond. There too busy regurgitating s*** from twitter as its an easy living thats why! One more time with feeling. The PL O&D handbook basically says - if information provided is incomplete etc then the premier league makes a decision on the information they have to hand. The PL have not made a decision and so are not following their own process. PL should be screwed to the wall!
  16. They will ratchet up the pressure on the PL. A couple of options are below but Im sure they are many more. a) Play hardball with PL and not allow fans into stadiums. b) Begin government procedures to bring the PL under the accountability of the sports minister
  17. Can you link a few of these legal opinions? I know the guy the NUST hired to write to the Premier League attempted to make that argument, haven't seen any others? https://www.footballlaw.co.uk/articles/newcastle-united-fc-takeover-and-the-premier-leagues-owners-and-directors-test That is the NUST guy. But all he offers is: "∆ On 2 June 2020 Qatari- and Saudi- based lawyers provided confirmation to this author that KSA PIF is a separate legal entity." Which is a) a worthless and vague piece of information and b) tells us nothing about the independence of the PIF, which is the crux of the matter. No-one who wasn't under the pay or the influence of the Saudis would ever try and make the argument that the PIF is operationally independent of the government of KSA. But the WTO confirmed that they see PIF and KSA as legally separate entities.
  18. Absolutely clear. The PL have been getting away with brushing this under the carpet, they are clearly not acting in accordance with their own rules. The vague calls for 'transparency' are easy for the PL to bat away and ignore, but this is something clear and unequivocal that the PL shouldn't be able to hide from. So why aren't any of the local journalists flagging this and pushing and pushing the PL to respond. There too busy regurgitating shit from twitter as its an easy living thats why!
  19. So they are not following the process that is set out. Its clear the PL are trying to keep this in a sort of no mans land so they the consortium cant appeal (as a decision has not been made). However their process basically says, if information isn't provide then the PL has to decide on the information provided.
  20. Journalism in this country and at a regional level is just dire. Not an investigative bone in their body. The Premier League say they haven't rejected the takeover but the process is so Opaque that no-one even knows the basics of the process. Simple questions just aren't asked. PL is never challenged on the answers they give. For example. 1. Can the premier league confirm how it is notified about a potential takeover and the process should begin. Is from the owner of the club in question or the buyers? 2. Once process has started, how is communication handled, is it between the PL and the club (which pass on details to the buyer) only or is it with both the buyer and seller? 3. If its just between the PL and Club, did NUFC at any point notify you that the takeover bid was withdrawn and the O&D process be stopped. 4. If NUFC have not notified the PL the process should be stopped, then why has it been? 5. If a buyer doesn't supply the information requested or agree with what is being asked(remember we are over 4-5 months now) at what point does the PL say, information is insufficient etc and therefore a decision is made that the takeover can not go ahead. 6. O&D tests cost money so surely there should be guidelines on how long a process can take and a decision will always be reached. Does the PL recognise this otherwise a take-over could last years and what happened if another buyer comes in? etc etc.
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