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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. Hopefully that's tongue in cheek. The press were wanking over Everton up to last week. By Xmas, the table will look like it did last Xmas.
  2. our centre midfield is weak as piss. I lost count of the number of times they pulled out of a tackle. Southampton, won 90% of the tackles surely. We are a team that doesn't tackle, is unsure when to attack. Also our free kicks and throw ins are rushed and most go straight to the opposition. Summary, we are screwed
  3. Think it’s clear who’s really running the show now, Liverpool and Man U selected Masters for a reason. The PL’s denial that they knew about these proposals are also a blatant lie, Hoffman and Masters are looking more complicit in this project big picture the longer information keeps leaking out. I think its abundantly clear what happened with the toon takeover also. PL and 'Big 6' had plans for this change to give powers to them Toon takeover comes about and the 'Big 6' realise this could bring NUFC into the top 6 and so disrupt their plans 'Big 6' put pressure on PL to try and delay/make it go away Bein also put pressure on PL PL know consortium won't fail the O&D test, so only option is to keep throwing delays in and not make a decision, hoping consortium will get frustrated and pull out NDG and RD should have a field day with the PL, so much info leaking out now. People in PL are getting nervous, hence the leaks.
  4. The ambassador also follows @sherburnvillag1 on Twitter which might indicate he’s from the north east and is merely an interested fan and nothing more Aye, that's exactly what that points to. 'Piss on those chips, piss on those chips, that's what we like to do'
  5. Wilson cheated. It’s a modern day penalty for sure. We’ve had other players cheat us over previous seasons which justifies this act of cheating. Fixed it for you How did he cheat? He got in front of his man and was kicked on the leg. Did you see Saha penalty, the guy brushed his sock and Saha screamed and threw himself down. Difference between the two is massive. No cheating from Wilson, just knows the rules......you can't be kicked from behind!
  6. Remember its a work in progress.......from a team that knows what its doing to a team that has no idea what it is doing!
  7. Whoa there, who are you with looking at how a game is progressing and making changes......what is this sorcery?
  8. how's it going with brucie ball guys - are you on the edge of your seat with excitement. Remember guys its a work in progress!
  9. but you can't score with your arm..............Varce!
  10. I hadn’t checked the thread at all since last night and logged on today to doom and gloom. Scrolled back through expecting bad news from Mimms but no, nothing has happened except a load of people on Twitter arguing. The kit deal has people worried and the lack of any progress but I think it’s patience that’s needed everyone needs a hug and just look forward to........brucie balll nope, lockdown 2 nope, dark nights nope.........Brexit nope........Christ 2020 has been a fucking nightmare!
  11. What are you on? Have you just woke up from a 6 months coma, The Takeover, the big 6 project......Aye the Pl are Snow White. If PIF etc haven't provided what they need, then make a decision and say rejected because of x, y and z. Don't f***ing hide behind 'no decision has been made'. But how do you know the decision process is even structured like that? It could be a case of 'until you provide us with proof of X, Y and Z we can't approve the takeover'. 'We'll approve it when you provide this and that'. Therefore its not a formal rejection, its a case of the PL being willing if certain requirements are met, which as of yet haven't. Even if the approval process was on a Accept/Reject spectrum, rejecting it could terminate any legal/administrative progress that has been made up to that point. They bidders would essentially have to start the entire process at all. I can't see a logical reason as to why the PL wouldnt be in favour of a takeover if it met certain requirements. It goes completely again their interests. So the O&D test is not fit for purpose if the PL can just leave it hanging forever. By your logic, the consortium could come back many years in the future and say, here is the answer now and so please approve us. If you can't see that the PL not making a decision is the only way theycould stop the takeover then you need to start claiming benefits for your lack of eyesight! You're only absolutely certain about that because it fits into your narrative of the PL digging their heels. Its more than a distinct possibility that the sovereign wealth fund trying to buy the club haven't met set specifications to pass a legitimate test and have been unwilling to co-operate further. You won't hear it though, because it's not what you want to hear. I am quite willing to hear it and would welcome it as it would provide clarity. However, for the PL process to allow a situation where they haven't made a decision and have no intention of making a decision is quite ludicrous. If the PL have asked for more details then it would be only natural for a response from the PL to say something like the following if PIF don't respond ' We can't continue with the O&D if you do not provide the information we ask for. If it is not provided within X days/weeks then the PL will have no alternative to reject the takeover based on an incomplete submission'. To ask for more information (if indeed they have) and then leave it open for 10 + weeks and not put a deadline on a reply.........absurd! They have. They've already said they need certain information for the takeover to proceed to the next stage. There doesn't need to be an unnecessary arbitrary deadline on any reply and they dont need to issue a rejection. They've asked for certain information, PIF have failed or are unwilling to provide it. What it could boil down to is whether their request is a legitimate one and within the specification of the O&D test. Potentially but I still think a takeover process is flawed and in my view the PL hiding behind not making a decision, they have never done that before and therefore I think, with the big 6 project, they worked to protect the status quo. The analogy I can give is buying a house. You agree the price with the seller. They (seller) appoint a solicitor and the solicitor after 6 weeks asks you 'Who is buying the house'. You reply 'I am' and they ask for more details. You provide that and still they come back and say 'I don't believe you, provide more details' You reply I can't and then it sits there for 10 weeks. Are you telling me, as the buyer, this is an acceptable situation? Would you not expect the solicitor to chase and then say well if you can't provide more details then you can't buy the house. i.e make the decision
  12. What are you on? Have you just woke up from a 6 months coma, The Takeover, the big 6 project......Aye the Pl are Snow White. If PIF etc haven't provided what they need, then make a decision and say rejected because of x, y and z. Don't f***ing hide behind 'no decision has been made'. But how do you know the decision process is even structured like that? It could be a case of 'until you provide us with proof of X, Y and Z we can't approve the takeover'. 'We'll approve it when you provide this and that'. Therefore its not a formal rejection, its a case of the PL being willing if certain requirements are met, which as of yet haven't. Even if the approval process was on a Accept/Reject spectrum, rejecting it could terminate any legal/administrative progress that has been made up to that point. They bidders would essentially have to start the entire process at all. I can't see a logical reason as to why the PL wouldnt be in favour of a takeover if it met certain requirements. It goes completely again their interests. So the O&D test is not fit for purpose if the PL can just leave it hanging forever. By your logic, the consortium could come back many years in the future and say, here is the answer now and so please approve us. If you can't see that the PL not making a decision is the only way theycould stop the takeover then you need to start claiming benefits for your lack of eyesight! You're only absolutely certain about that because it fits into your narrative of the PL digging their heels. Its more than a distinct possibility that the sovereign wealth fund trying to buy the club haven't met set specifications to pass a legitimate test and have been unwilling to co-operate further. You won't hear it though, because it's not what you want to hear. I am quite willing to hear it and would welcome it as it would provide clarity. However, for the PL process to allow a situation where they haven't made a decision and have no intention of making a decision is quite ludicrous. If the PL have asked for more details then it would be only natural for a response from the PL to say something like the following if PIF don't respond ' We can't continue with the O&D if you do not provide the information we ask for. If it is not provided within X days/weeks then the PL will have no alternative to reject the takeover based on an incomplete submission'. To ask for more information (if indeed they have) and then leave it open for 10 + weeks and not put a deadline on a reply.........absurd!
  13. your mixing two things up. I don't care about moneymikeashley wannabes. I was reply to 'Sean' about the typo in the 'letter before action' from the NCS ltd
  14. At Reed Smith, we believe that the practice of law has the power to drive progress. We know your time is valuable and your matters are important. We are focused on outcomes, are highly collaborative, and have deep industry insight that, when coupled with our local market knowledge, allows us to anticipate and address your needs. You deserve purposeful, highly engaged client service that drives progress for your business. But we don't give a f*** about spelling, because we're radge c***s. What has Reed Smith's got to do with the 'letter before action' typo. Are you getting two things mixed up?
  15. What are you on? Have you just woke up from a 6 months coma, The Takeover, the big 6 project......Aye the Pl are Snow White. If PIF etc haven't provided what they need, then make a decision and say rejected because of x, y and z. Don't f***ing hide behind 'no decision has been made'. But how do you know the decision process is even structured like that? It could be a case of 'until you provide us with proof of X, Y and Z we can't approve the takeover'. 'We'll approve it when you provide this and that'. Therefore its not a formal rejection, its a case of the PL being willing if certain requirements are met, which as of yet haven't. Even if the approval process was on a Accept/Reject spectrum, rejecting it could terminate any legal/administrative progress that has been made up to that point. They bidders would essentially have to start the entire process at all. I can't see a logical reason as to why the PL wouldnt be in favour of a takeover if it met certain requirements. It goes completely again their interests. So the O&D test is not fit for purpose if the PL can just leave it hanging forever. By your logic, the consortium could come back many years in the future and say, here is the answer now and so please approve us. If you can't see that the PL not making a decision is the only way theycould stop the takeover then you need to start claiming benefits for your lack of eyesight!
  16. What are you on? Have you just woke up from a 6 months coma, The Takeover, the big 6 project......Aye the Pl are Snow White. If PIF etc haven't provided what they need, then make a decision and say rejected because of x, y and z. Don't fucking hide behind 'no decision has been made'.
  17. We have Liam pissing on Puke. Puke pissing on Steve. Steve pissing on Nufc trust. And now Shell pissing on Liam Twitter really is just a cess pit isn't it.
  18. Anything that distracts us from the bore-fest that is brucie-ball, is welcomed in my eyes.
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