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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. Yeah I'm with you, that makes no sense. I think Kennedy is making too much of the takeover recently. He's the only journalist actively covering it and he went big on the NCSL stuff and specifically said they'd take the PL to court which hasn't happened. There is no way Wraith is his source, Wraith knows next to nothing imo and neither do the dentist or the other guy. I do think Kennedy is reporting in good faith but he is wrongly getting people's hopes up with concrete evidence. He always caveats his articles with the fact he's "hopeful" rather than "confident" but he's really pushing the positive narrative hard and I can't stand his "join the dots" nonsense. I would love for the takeover to go through and I do think there is stuff going on with regards to Ashley's legal action/arbitration but I genuinely don't think anyone knows how it's progressing outside of those directly involved. Like f***ing kinder garden in here. He said, they said, dont tell tales. It's all Twitter s****! Not sure I get your point? I'm just saying Kennedy is pushing a positive takeover agenda when no other journalists are so I'm sceptical of the information he's reporting. I've then used the NCSL stuff as an example of something he said would happen (taking the PL to court following the LBA they issued) that didn't turn out to be true. I didn't realise expressing an opinion was an offence. Wasnt directed at you per se. This thread spends more time arguing about sources of info than the actual takeover and trying to discredit any source.
  2. Yeah I'm with you, that makes no sense. I think Kennedy is making too much of the takeover recently. He's the only journalist actively covering it and he went big on the NCSL stuff and specifically said they'd take the PL to court which hasn't happened. There is no way Wraith is his source, Wraith knows next to nothing imo and neither do the dentist or the other guy. I do think Kennedy is reporting in good faith but he is wrongly getting people's hopes up with concrete evidence. He always caveats his articles with the fact he's "hopeful" rather than "confident" but he's really pushing the positive narrative hard and I can't stand his "join the dots" nonsense. I would love for the takeover to go through and I do think there is stuff going on with regards to Ashley's legal action/arbitration but I genuinely don't think anyone knows how it's progressing outside of those directly involved. Like fucking kinder garden in here. He said, they said, dont tell tales. It's all Twitter shite!
  3. I didn't realise that we could appeal the arbitration decision should it go against us. Not sure why I thought this but I thought the arbitration decision was final. Caulkin always said the legal action was about getting a decision, even if it’s rejected it would then allow them to appeal decision. I think it’s also considered that for any legal case to be successful they would have to show they’ve been through arbitration first. You're right yeah, I actually remember him saying that now. So basically, this can be sorted quickly should we win arbitration as the deal could then go through, but if we lose and its appealed, it's going well into next year. I think we know what happens here. I don't......can you tell me or is it a secret?
  4. precisely this Who's Mimm? And more importantly can he put the ball into the back of the onion net?
  5. Awaymag


    Don't worry, they are offering free burgers for any fans that will wash the kit!
  6. We'll still have Bruceball, 30% possession and the aim of 13th place, so all good!
  7. Well, what is does show is that the Masters lied before the DCMS. Whether it proves the government were for or against the takeover is hard to say but if the government was against the takeover and that is now being made public, this could well become a major embarrassment. It also shows that Newcastle and its fans don't mean jack to anyone - personally I won't be going back to St James, premier league football is cartel and as each day goes, the stink gets stronger and stronger. Think I will go and watch Alnwick St James[/member] instead
  8. Look, its with the legal teams, that will take time. Why does everyone want a running commentary on day to day elements. Its in the PL handbook the timescales. - 14 days for each side to assemble a team once arbitration notice has been served - 14 days to then agree a chairperson for arbitration - 14 days for chairperson to setup arbitration hearing. 2nd point could take loner if both parties don't agree on chairperson. PL will delay at any opportunity and personally I think this will be done after the transfer window. Also if the toon are looking to slip into the relegation positions then this I imagine would be the PL dream ticket
  9. Im actually sitting with MBS now on his yacht and he says, your source is an arse and that the message he wants to give the toon army is, we are coming and when we do, the PL top 6 will have a new premier team. Right Im off to eat some sheeps eyes, where's that brown ale to wash them down with!
  10. My picture is like 11 glow sticks moving about the screen. Anyone else see this?
  11. The faintly deranged and desperate way in which this letter is written suggests the cash for that highly paid lawyer is no longer there, and that this isn't in fact part of a carefully co-ordinated 4D chess play that will cripple the Premier League. Don't you get it dick wad! Most people are grasping at this last straw (takeover) before actually walking away from NUFC for good. To have you come on with nothing but bile 100% of the time, is not needed. Go give Henry a hand shandy, maybe you can find that!
  12. Cautious not edgy. Simon Jordan reckons it’s all over: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/simon-jordan-newcastle-takeover-pif-19338519 Don't click on the link - the cookie monster will get you! Oh and Simon Jordan, he's great he is........not
  13. Absolutely mind blowing that.....its like they have just quoted paragraphs from the PL Handbook. The Cronnie is just for wiping your arse with, isn't it!
  14. So Nick liked a tweet from NCSL calling Nick a 'top man'......Sorry Im not following the dots...........
  15. I think that’s a big part of our approach TBH. Don’t try to win these games, minimise the damage and somehow scrape together a point a game from elsewhere. That’s the strategy. Strategy..............Bruce only strategy is to get to the bacon butties first!
  16. Hold on.......thats not allowed. You need to care what people think of you. You can then go on Twitter, tell everyone your views and then complain when people criticise you. Don't you know the rules of the web these days..........
  17. Interesting. But please dont let this start to play out in the media again. Looking at that though, it looks like new year could be when the case is heard. Nah you missed the killer line - 'Any such process would require pre-hearing disclosure from both parties and sources close to the failed deal suspect the Premier League is anxious to avoid the need to make such revelations. So according to the PL handbook, both sides have 14 days to assign people, and then another 14 days for chair and then 14 days to disclose info. If PL don't want to disclose this could be done and dusted in time for Jan transfer window
  18. To me, the situation is clear. I have no interest in watching a Newcastle that can't and won't compete in a cartel league If the takeover succeeds then I may get the passion back for NUFC but make no mistake its still a cartel league If the takeover fails and we are left with Ashley and Bruce, and 23% football with 1 shot on target, if we are lucky, then that's not for me. It bores me silly and football is meant to be entertainment, a chance to get lost in a moment!
  19. Twitter has brought everyone back to their childhood days. It really is just a bunch of kids, calling each other names and then crying to teacher when they don't like it. Here, on this thread, its a battle of the believers and the non believers but the lack of information basically means any scrap of info is fought over. We basically have a jigsaw but without the full number of pieces and no picture to build the jigsaw from.
  20. Awaymag

    LOL at Lolro

    He's going Senile...........just mumbles Liverpool win every now and again. BBC take that every week as his prediction.
  21. To be honest, I was unmoved when the two goals went in and I am unmoved now. Theres no point getting upset, MA won't sack Bruce, Bruce can't change and we are destined for mid table to regulation places. It won't change unless someone buys MA out. The club is a shell and the only echo you hear is the fans cry of anguish but even that is diminishing into a shrug!
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