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Everything posted by Awaymag

  1. I'm always amazed that when something happens, people like wraith always claim to know extra details.
  2. Oh dear God. We have a journalist trying to outdo a twitter account named the black and white pussay magnet. Seriously the world is messed up.
  3. You sum it up perfectly. I dont know what it all means but its providing more interest and excitement than Brucie ball has ever done!
  4. [I'm going to take a stab in the darkand say this will not force any takeover through. Cue angry responses from the usual suspects on here.. Wish someone would
  5. I've heard.................fuck all but this morning I saw 2 magpies with bread in their mouth whilst perched on a brown ale bottle. They then did a mating dance which I interpreted as saying ......soon! Just thought I'd let you all know.
  6. This makes it nailed on for me like. HighTower Finance, isn't this just a company vehicle for the development they are going ahead with in Newcastle, that is a tall building?
  7. Error f*** off I started this, I want some credit ? its not the starting that counts but the great people that take it forward! Rod[/member], loved Young Ones and Auf Wiedersen Pet.....still remember running home from scouts on a Friday night to watch Auf Wiedersen with my gran!
  8. Crop rotation in the 18th Century was considerably more widespread after..............? John "i didn't mean that much you stupid bloody hippy" The thread has taken a much more entertaining direction! It's only University Challenge Rik, its only University Challenge......
  9. Crop rotation in the 18th Century was considerably more widespread after..............? John
  10. Crop rotation in the 18th Century was considerably more widespread after..............? Like it. Rick Mayall? Yeah Rik and Neil on the train down to attend University Challenge!
  11. Crop rotation in the 18th Century was considerably more widespread after..............?
  12. If she applied her efforts equally to everything the Saudis tried to buy, I'd be incredibly sympathetic to her. She seems to just have it in for us though and this deal in particular. That massively lessens how seriously I can take her. I'm probably one of the people that gives the least f***s about who our new owner might or might not be, but it's plain and obvious in this instance the MBS connection - you know, the guy that ordered the hit - is a lot more direct and immediate than all the other "saudi deals" which are done through layers of bureaucracy and/or diplomacy. As such it's her best way of trying to deny him something in a show of defiance/revenge etc. Has nowt to do with us personally. She picks her battles instead of going in guns blazing all over and stretching herself too thin/burning out too early. And you know this how? Seriously though, if I wanted to get involved in International politics Id joined a political party. For me football is meant to be an escape. I can't be arsed to think about her, I have no interest in what happened, it has got bollix all to do with me and if PIF buy the toon, I won't give it a second thought. Because it's obvious you mottled dildo. If she wanted to try to shut down "all the saudi deals" it would be an impossible task because of the multiple layers and parties involved in them. So it's a stupid criticism to blame her for not trying that. The NUFC deal is so much more direct and narrow in scope it offers her the best chance of denying the author of her fiancee's death something, which is a small revenge but all she'll get in this life. And, again, just for the slow lads in the crowd, I'm just offering up her motivations behind going after this deal, not saying I necessarily agree or care. Well you would know as its stuck up your arse. You nonce
  13. If she applied her efforts equally to everything the Saudis tried to buy, I'd be incredibly sympathetic to her. She seems to just have it in for us though and this deal in particular. That massively lessens how seriously I can take her. I'm probably one of the people that gives the least f***s about who our new owner might or might not be, but it's plain and obvious in this instance the MBS connection - you know, the guy that ordered the hit - is a lot more direct and immediate than all the other "saudi deals" which are done through layers of bureaucracy and/or diplomacy. As such it's her best way of trying to deny him something in a show of defiance/revenge etc. Has nowt to do with us personally. She picks her battles instead of going in guns blazing all over and stretching herself too thin/burning out too early. And you know this how? Seriously though, if I wanted to get involved in International politics Id joined a political party. For me football is meant to be an escape. I can't be arsed to think about her, I have no interest in what happened, it has got bollix all to do with me and if PIF buy the toon, I won't give it a second thought.
  14. Its the reality of Ashley and Bruce and the little slither of hope that the takeover will cleanse us all!
  15. I was going to comment but I just cant be arsed. Toon lose again, not arsed. PL is rigged
  16. Bravo, well played sir!
  17. Not many crumbs of comfort in that post!
  18. what you on about? We just won 3-1 against big club Burnley. Fans what do they know eh!
  19. Why, Bruce is just trying to find our level, seems conference may be a banker!
  20. So excited for this match.......how many will they score.....opposition that is! Think I'll clean the bog, it will be more exciting
  21. But they've been denying them owning NUFC for the last 6 months so I dont really understand this. Have you heard of a thing called a bung. yip, goes into something to stop it leaking......dont see the connection.........
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