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Everything posted by InspectorCoarse

  1. What other ways did they have involvement ?
  2. The fans have never been truly involved under any administration
  3. If any of this ever came to pass ( and it wont ) the fans 1% ownership would merely be used as cover by PIF for the murderous Saudi regime . NUST is only ever going to ask any regime easy questions about minor stuff like the state of the toilets etc
  4. Yep plus this way we get to keep our own £££ for ourselves . Its always been the cheapest way to affect change
  5. The only point to any of this is that it raises the profile of NUST . 1% or even 5% ownership of NUFC means eff all - any owner could just bypass them . The raised profile however will boost the egos of Hurst etc and thats about all it will do . As regards £ going to charity if all else fails - you could just donate to charity anyway - cut out the middleman ( NUST ) and its ridiculous castle made of sand
  6. Having a small percentage of the club gives you zero input into how the club is run . If the same people plus the ' supa ' fan types actually advocated not going the club would collapse and it would take maybe a few relegations to get us into the position where we were worth next to nowt . Thats the only way fans could afford to buy enough of the club to have a real say ( 51% ) . Anything else is moonshine
  7. Best guess , they will be promoting fans buying some tiny percentage of the club alongside PIF as a veneer for Salman Bin murdering bastard and they will assure us all that this will push the takeover in our favour ( it won't ) so join up and be part of the takeover . £ 1 and you too can rub metaphorical shoulders with the murdering Saudi regime ...
  8. They could have a million members and they'd still achieve eff all
  9. Jeezuz its not the bollocks about fans buying the club again is it ? Only way that happens is if we get relegated to the Vauxhall Conference at which point we'd be worth uck all
  10. youtu.be/RFJN7TjmuIs You mean this joker ? He'll talk to anyone
  11. Yes , there is no takeover there is only Ashley . I hope we get relegated back to the stone age if it gets rid of the fat prick . Supa fans can delude themselves all they want but its like Vietnam we have to destroy it in order to save it ...
  12. The lads have paid up. Vouchers for Get Stuffed ?
  13. If NUFC survives somehow then expect a decent sized mob of ' fans ' partying outside SJP as if we'd assured Champions League qualification
  14. Havent been back since Keegan left , saved myself oodles of £££ and much pain , see no reason to go back now
  15. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9351551/City-financier-Amanda-Staveley-faces-30MILLION-legal-bill-High-Court-battle.html Oh dear ...
  16. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/mar/11/steve-bruce-blames-coronavirus-outbreak-for-newcastle-poor-form Covid ... fuckin hell ... shoot him now
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/mar/09/mike-ashley-owned-evans-cycles-to-axe-300-staff Just a reminder should anyone need it
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