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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 5 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

    Mourinho has never taken on a challenge as large as Everton before. Especially with no cash to spend.


    Don’t buy that too much at all. Everton’s squad is no worse than Arsenal’s, for example. Yet they’re eight points and nine places behind them.


    Teams like Brighton, Brentford and Palace above them. Getting knocked out the cup by QPR.


    He’s underperforming with the resources at his disposal, regardless of what transfer budget he has or hasn’t had.

  2. Just now, kisearch said:

    I get that like, just don't see it considering their history. Case in point, my grandad was a Scouser who lived in Bootle. Some of his kids from his first marriage support Liverpool some support Everton. No difference in passion or bitterness or whatever, just fans like most of us are. 


    I say this all the time but you'd think our fans would know better than most not to tarnish a fanbase with the brush of its minority of melts. We're happy to whinge when it's us being misrepresented but we never apply the same logic to other club's fans like :lol:



  3. 1 minute ago, Dokko said:


    Nuno most likely. If they feel adventurous serial interviewee, Fonseca.


    If they appointed Nuno I’d make them one of the favourites for the drop. A club on a downward spiral should not be appointing a manager on the same trajectory.

  4. 6 minutes ago, UncleBuzzcocks said:

    Sunderland beaten by another League 2 team. Oldham Athletic who are currently 23rd of 24. 


    Sounds better when you point out Oldham are 91st out of the 92 in the English league pyramid.

  5. 2 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    Fair points, but - right or wrong - I put my trust and faith in people who I know are the good guys and I accept no-one is above criticism and I more than accept that the Trust has fucked up and Gregg right or wrong has to be part of that, but I’m loathe to hang someone out to dry who I know is doing it for the right reasons and doing whatever he does for the best of NUFC fans. Something needs done though because all is not well or good obviously and the buck does indeed stop with the top man. Me, I hope they succeed and we end up with a Trust that benefits all fans, but to be honest, personally, I’m not that interested now and have zero willingness to be bothered either way.


    Best thing to do would be to wind it all down and start again. A bit like the cloob, it needs a complete refresh and restart.

  6. 5 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    If you knew/met him and knew what he did for our club under Ashley never mind from within NUST, you’d get it. I get no-one is free from scrutiny especially as a public figure, and it’s kind of biased to defend or stick up for people you know/have met/or know of, but trust me Gregg is a top bloke and if I owned NUFC, he’d be on any board to help run the club along with many other members on here. Give him some slack, target those in the Trust that are there for the wrong reasons, because I guarantee Gregg isn’t and I hope for all his efforts, the Trust doesn’t end up going by the wayside, and indeed for us as fans. For all my criticism and current dislike of the Trust, fans need a supporters trust and representation. More so than ever!





    Greg is the Chair. The buck stops with him. He bypassed everything to reinstate Alex and has driven out good people in the process.


    The Trust have achieved fuck all under his leadership and if anything, it has divided the fanbase further at a point we should be more united than ever.


    Maybe he is a nice person to have a pint with. But his underhand ways of running the Trust are bullshit and it’s been a complete shambles.


    Your defence of Greg is no better than Gary Neville defending OGS’s performance because he’s his mate and a “nice guy”. 

  7. 1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Are the negative stats just based on number of wins to this point? Like how few people have survived etc?

    6 points behind with over half a season left doesn't really seem as impossible.


    Leicester were 7 points adrift with 8 games to go in 2014 and managed to survive ffs :lol:


    We’ve literally got three times the number of games to overturn a smaller gap.


    People are being so over dramatic and handpicking their stats/comparisons that are completely irrelevant to the here and now.

  8. Still trotting out the “Greg is a good guy” as he shits on his fellow fans and Board members while Alex plays him like a puppet.


    This has been obvious to most for a long time. Shame people are still giving them the time of day. How many genuinely good people need to walk away before people take notice?

  9. 14 minutes ago, Shearergol said:


    Horrific defending all round, but even with that, 9 times out of 10 the attacking team don't score. Just typical they always do against us.


    Pukki missed countless chances at the weekend but somehow smashes a volley into the top corner against us, which was his only chance of the game.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Thought he played well tonight. Had a couple of decent runs with the ball and put in a solid defensive shift. 

    Knew he'd come in for a lot of criticism this season as his goals were never going to continue. Hopefully he's getting closer to being fully fit and keep improving. 


    That was the warning sign in relation to signing him.


    He wasn’t performing like a player who scored a bagful of goals, he just seemed to be in the right place at the right time.


    3(?) of the goals were pretty much just him walking off the bench and scoring.


    Maybe I’m misremembering, but I don’t recall him really bossing any particular games.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Same reason England plays San Marino in the men's qualifiers; it would be incredible disrespectful to not allow them a fair chance to qualify and it gives them the biggest day of their lives playing against elite competition. Imagine if you were from San Marino and someone tried to take the opportunity away from you to play against Harry Kane and Phil Foden.


    Is it disrespectful to ask teams like San Marino to go through an additional qualifier?


    In that case, why don’t we let Phristina from Kosovo qualify directly into the CL group stages to allow them a big day out against Kane and Foden? Why do we put them through additional qualifiers?


    Or why not send Basingstoke directly into the FA Cup 3rd round? These are the quality of the teams playing.

  12. 28 minutes ago, Shearergol said:

    England’s women have a player called England. Fate.


    just the 20-0 win tonight 


    I thought the qualifying for the men’s World Cup needed a rethink. The women’s is something else.


    England are top of their group in qualifying with 53 goals scored and none conceded in 6 games. Ridiculous really.


    There are nine teams (out of 54 qualifiers) with zero points from 5/6 games played. All with goal differences into the minus 40s and 50s.


    What is the point in pitting some of these teams up against one another? It can’t be great viewing either, the male England-San Marino games are a bag of wank, but imagine having to watch that 10 times over.

  13. Martin Dubravka 7

    A questionable moment which led to the equaliser but redeemed himself in stoppage time to deny Giannoulis. A tough night as he faced 14 shots from the visitors.


    1. How is he rated above Joelinton? You know, that guy who was Man of the Match.

    2. He didn’t face 14 shots. Norwich had 16 shots.

    3. Only 6 were on target. How does Dubravka get credit for those off target? 

  14. 1 minute ago, Shearergol said:

    What’s the point in the poll then? If it’s simply based on the scientific possibility of us going down rather than opinion?


    Will ASM score 5 goals in the next game? 0-10? You can’t vote 10 though, as technically there is a chance. 


    I wouldn’t vote 10. Why would I be 100% certain of ASM scoring 5 goals in one game?

    I’d probably vote 2. Which allows for the slight possibility of it happening.

  15. 1 minute ago, PlymouthGeordie said:


    Well Burnley and Southampton have both already played them twice, both are above us and both have games in hand on us.


    We've had one of the easiest sets of fixtures going and the results are:


    0 Wins

    Most goals conceded

    Bottom of the league 


    It's not defestism, it's realism. No team in PL history has stayed up from this position. Our chances of survival probably range from 0%-5%.


    Tell the bookies that. They disagree with you. Maybe they’ve decided to start losing money.


    Still think it’s mad that people get lost in the fact everyone has to play everyone twice and have a different sequence of fixtures.

    Some might say it’s great we play Liverpool and Man City at the end of the season because they may be on the beach with nowt to play for.


    Maybe Burnley and Southampton are therefore at a disadvantage. Who knows.


    That’s the point of it, anything can happen in the next 24 games and we’ve got just as much chance as anyone.

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