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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 5 hours ago, xLiaaamx said:

    Douglas licking their arse saying if you don't like it you can join and change it. 


    Mate, one of our own got elected to the board and still couldn't get them to do anything. What the hell are we supposed to do if that doesn't even help? 


    Absolute bollocks. It’s a closed shop. Mark Douglas can get to fuck. I’ve tried consistently to ‘change things’. Paid my quid, shut my mouth and offered multiple suggestions and options. Didn’t even get a response.


    They put forward the ones they want to the vote and then it basically becomes a popularity contest.


    The fact that Alex was tweeting shite from the TF account in relation to the Trust tells you everything you need to know. They are one and the same for him.


    Alex runs the Trust, regardless of what it says about the Chair. I’ve said it consistently, the Trust has no future until he’s fucked off.


    Many of Heron’s ideas (as a member of the fucking Board), got shot down because Alex doesn’t want to lose his day out. For the Trust to be productive, it needs people involved who don’t care about their social standing. 


    They’ll never achieve anything apart from tossing one another off after rubbing shoulders with whichever minion Charnley sends out to them.


  2. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Bit of an odd comment after they've just scored twice at Anfield. They did win the title without a striker last time out.


    They're now two points off top having already been to Spurs, Leicester, Chelsea and Liverpool. Ominous stuff.


    It’s not an odd comment at all, with a proper striker they would have won yesterday.


    It may seem like a point earned because they came from behind but they should have been out of sight by halftime.


    Same as the CL game with PSG and the PL game with Southampton, they’d have won both of those with a decent striker.


    Over the course of a season they’ll have more and more games like those three, which will ultimately cost them.

  3. Nobody is asking them to be an aggressive protest group.


    West Ham’s supporters group are driven by the same memberships/rules but they manage to stand up for themselves and carry out a peaceful demonstration.


    NUST have excuses not to do anything, unless it’s Alex’s idea. As I said previously, Alex is very much still running the show with his puppet Greg putting as much red tape around everything as possible.


    The soap opera last night was pathetic. As others have said, they’re now trying to backtrack after seeing the outrage that followed.


    NUST will never work while Alex is involved, nor will it work under Greg’s leadership.

  4. 3 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

    Also, if you don't pay £1 a year you have no say how the trust should be run - "I'm not any longer as I didn't feel as though the trust represented me." she said this in reply. I know what Holly especially has done with the London protests and her shows with Wraith. She's done a lot for someone her age and being told her thoughts are irrelevant's fairly jarring 








    Holly if you are reading this… I’ll let you have a say: 




    I won’t charge you a quid either.



  5. OUR SURVEY SAYS… :jones:


    In light of many members and fans getting in touch with me regarding the current state of affairs at Newcastle United Supporters Trust, I am keen to get the views of as many members as possible as to their thoughts on the current situation in relation to the Trust and their prospects of achieving anything. 


    I am aware of a lot of anger on social media, but before contacting the Trust, I am keen to collate the views of as many members as possible. 


    There are only three questions and it should take you less than 30 seconds to complete the survey. 






  6. 1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

    The thing the trust don’t seem to get is that they have the power to mobilise a boycott, all this shit about not being a protest group is hog wash.


    An NUST organised boycott would hold sway, get media attention and remove arguments about certain personalities in the fanbase.


    They are twiddling their thumbs whilst Rome burns.



    They don’t want to do that because it may affect their chances of going to watch matches or cosying up to some apprentice Charnley sends out to meet them.


    Greg is nothing but Alex’s puppet with a bizarre interest in red tape.


    Glad people are finally starting to see through them.

  7. 4 minutes ago, reefatoon said:

    Imagine these having 1% of the club man. Absolute farce. Imagine willingly giving them money too when they do nowt but sit on their hands. 


    “We have listened to our members and decided to rename the Gallowgate End, the Alex Hurst Stand.”


  8. Just now, SUPERTOON said:

    They have sent out a survey now.


    Which they will email across to someone in the admin team at NUFC and the Chronicle for a short article, and do fuck all else with.


    Exactly the same as their survey last year, where members told them they wanted Ashley out.


    “What can we do?” Greg and Alex say, as they sit back watching the club burn to the ground from their ST seats.

  9. 1 minute ago, Whitley mag said:

    A certain person 

    Strange as someone very very close to Ashley was regularly in touch with him as recently as last month as far as I’m aware.


    But you know best Fanny [emoji38]


    We’re talking about the same guy who faked a screenshot of the club phoning him, right? :lol: 


    I’m sure you’ll be able to back up these ludicrous claims? Weird how you’re all of a sudden so ITK about Keith.


    Absolutely nothing Keith has said has come true - he’s actually got a hell of a lot wrong. That’s really weird considering he has such a good contact direct to Ashley.

  10. 17 minutes ago, gdm said:

    Where did nick de Marco congratulate him?


    He hasn’t.


    Keith’s “info” was bullshit and not even true, regarding Saudi interest in Spurs. He’s been discredited by every single person involved.


    I have no doubt he probably sent it to the club, but it has had no impact whatsoever on proceedings. 


    You really think the club or their legal team would let someone mouth off as much as Keith has if he was even remotely involved? :lol:



  11. I think we’ll get the result we want from the CAT hearing last week, but it’s pretty trivial as arbitration has always been the sole way of getting this takeover through.


    Would be pleasantly surprised if we get anything from arbitration. A bent PL favoured panel and evidence behind closed doors.

  12. Man City not buying a striker was a decision that’ll cost them the league imo.


    Not buying Kane, they should’ve picked up someone else. Even taking a punt on someone would’ve been better than trying to play a season without one.

  13. 3 minutes ago, neesy111 said:


    There's 2 sides to him.  On the field he's a bit of a cunt tbh, off the field he's class with the work he does.


    It was the onfield persona I was referring to. Agree entirely.

  14. Just now, Yorkie said:

    Can't get over Richard Masters sitting with Daniel fucking Levy days after the Premier League very publicly faced allegations in a court of law about inappropriate business with the likes of Levy. Arrogant shithead. 


    You could argue that isn’t the actions of someone who fears repercussions through arbitration/CAT.

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