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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Just now, St1pe said:

    Im too far gone. It’s happening! 


    The PL have magically found separation the same day BeIN gets turned back on :lol: Surely this will open a huge can of worms for the PL and makes a complete mockery of their rules?

  2. Is it too early to get a CL tattoo?

    When will all of the Chelsea and Man City fans get their first Newcastle shirt?

    Will this excitement cause Alex to keel over live on Sky?

    Wonder if Bruce is clearing his desk right now?


    So many questions right now.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Fuckyougeordies said:

    So basically you Geordies couldn't give a shit who owns the Club provided they buy you the League. After all the money Ashley has thrown at you. You are pathetic. 


    Hahahahah. Let them all sign up. Bring it on.


    Going to enjoy reading all of the messages from tossers like this. Delicious. It means they’re scared.



  4. 1 hour ago, Foluwashola said:

    Bought a couple Spurs tickets, this could backfire horrifically. 


    Shamelessly I’ve done the same… :lol: Will be my first match since Rafa left (assuming the takeover does happen and Ashley’s still not here).

  5. 47 minutes ago, Sima said:




    :lol: :lol: :lol: 


    Aye. You often hear Man City fans lamenting the fact they’re now winning trophies. Reckon it’s well shit.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Andy said:

    Refuse to get sucked in. Something will come out soon to shoot it down, absolutely nailed on.


    Why would it? We’ve all W A I T E D.

    This is the only logical solution. This is the only obvious conclusion.


    There is no balance or realistic views other than the one in front of us.


    The current run of events leads me to the ever more certain belief that it is only a matter of time.


    We should all be able to see past the prejudice, naivety, and inferiority-complex thinking, that blights many others.

  7. 2 minutes ago, NE27 said:

    Had a burger king yesterday for first time in years, actually was class for grubby takeaway scran.


    Their meals although expensive, absolutely destroy you!


    Have you got the app? They have some great deals on there.


    Two whopper meals for like £8.

  8. 56 minutes ago, Sir Toon said:


    I dont do KFC much these days, not since they ruined the chips by leaving the skin on.  O0


    Burger King burgers, McDonalds fries and KFC krushem is the ultimate fast food like

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