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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 1 minute ago, geordie_b said:

    Bittersweet if/when it happens as the scramble to get season tickets back for the people who walked away begins. Hopefully thats when NUST earn their status and make sure they are all taken care of


    When you say “taken care of”, you mean in sense of an ITV murder series hitman?

  2. 1 minute ago, Shearergol said:

    I was on a charity golf day the day this originally got announced as being off. I'm on a charity golf day tomorrow.


    I'm not saying my whereabouts have played a part, but you know...


    That’s probably a better claim to fame than Keith’s tbf.

  3. Maybe this is reading into things too much… but could this by why our QC dropped the clanger about arbitration not occurring in January?


    Was he referring to the fact the takeover might be done and arbitration not needed?

    We all thought it referenced a delay…

  4. Just now, Shearergol said:


    And remember, none of this could happen without Keith. Remember that. R E M E M B E R


    He’s done a fantastic job in bringing the relations together between Saudi and Qatar.


    Reckon he might take a turn at North and South Korea after this.

  5. Said it all along - as soon as Jacobs and Edwards start being positive about the takeover, it’s news to get excited about.


    This is a very significant step, in my opinion. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is some form of settlement on it’s way and everything in terms of arbitration and CAT are brushed under a very big carpet.


    Starting to sound like we may get this takeover, which is fantastic news.


    With the big caveat of “we've heard positive news before and got nowhere”, so I guess we’ll have to sit tight.

  6. 14 hours ago, HTT II said:

    He’s someone I imagine most players would love playing for, but in football we have egos where some players don’t like it when managers are too cosy with a few players more and I think that’s been the case with him at Leicester and Chelsea especially. 


    Wouldn’t be surprised if this was the case.


    At Leicester they didn’t have a team of egos. They were all very modest players. Although in the second season after winning the league, some egos did develop.


    He was also on a hiding to nothing that second season, expectations were raised so high and in reality they were never going to match it. Their recruitment was also really poor that summer.

  7. The comms from NUST would be fairly well summed up that they’ve not even recognised the fact @Heronhas resigned.


    Unless people follow him directly on Twitter, nobody would know.


    Same with Alex, if it’s true, it hasn’t been acknowledged anywhere.


    On top of all of that, I know Greg has his fanboys on here, but putting out stuff like this really grinds my gears.


    So passive aggressive and self righteous. “Hours of hard work away from social media go into standing up for nufc fans in work like this”. Tosser. Hardly indicative of uniting a fanbase, eh?



  8. 8 minutes ago, geordie_b said:

    Over 5000 response in 12 hours


    - Firstly, we asked NUST members if they believed Steve Bruce should resign in the best interests of Newcastle United, and from over 5000 responses in a 12-hour period? A resounding 94.3% said yes.

    - Following this, we then asked members if they were confident that Newcastle United would retain their place in the Premier League this season? Again, a resounding 95.9% said no.

    - Finally, we asked if members were confident that those in power at Newcastle United would make the necessary changes to stay in the Premier League? 94.4% of respondents said no.


    I would say thats a mandate to criticise





    In other news… Not quite 5,000 responses, but 50 was quite good :lol: 


    1. Do you want the NUST Board to resign?

    Only 8.11% of respondents voted ‘no’.

    78.38% voting ‘yes’ and 13.51% voting ‘not sure’.


    2. Are you confident NUST will achieve anything?

    94.56% voted ‘no’.


    3. Are you confident the Trust will make the necessary changes to ensure the club take action

    97.3% voted ‘no’.

  9. Just now, Mattoon said:

    I see a number of journalists have stuck up for NUST today. The problem being they are all ignoring the patently obvious issue at hand. The club is at its most tumultuous point in living memory, a neglected child starved and given to an abusive nanny. If ever there was a time for a unified front of opposition to the current malaise at the club that would be now! But instead fans are getting emails about jigsaws?! I get that there's not much they can do, however they are the voice of the fans and they haven't given the fans a voice. I get they don't want to burn any bridges as the relationship with the club is important to them, but (a) there are ways of showing concern in a dignified and diplomatic manner and (b) if something doesn't change soon there won't be anything left to maintain a line of discourse with.


    The journalists are bound to stick up for them, they’re all in each other’s pockets. No different to Edwards’ defence of Bruce.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Toon No9 said:

    Haven't read the last few pages in this thread because I just get lost when I try to do...


    Can anyone fill me in what's happening:


    1. Will there be any result of the CAT-case made in public, and if so what's the timescale for that?


    2. And what's the next step?


    3. What's this all leaning towards, takeover or no takeover?


    1. The hearing results will be made public, timeframe is generally a month or so after the hearing. The club should know imminently.


    2. Arbitration in January.


    3. No news on that, arbitration will hold the ultimate answer. 

  11. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    "A Conservative supporter even before December’s election landslide" made me feel sick in the mouth. I thought he was actually alright as he's quite articulate in the wider media when it comes to how shit Bruce is. But how can someone from fucking Blyth or a town like Blyth support the party which has deliberately acted to their detriment for decades? Ugh.


    You’re talking about the same man that happily funds Mike Ashley who has deliberately acted to their detriment for over a decade.

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