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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 minutes ago, alijmitchell said:

    “But it’s people’s hard earned cassshhhhh!!!!” Give over man, it’s a £10 a month and most people are pissing that away on shite from Amazon/bets/cans/pret. You’re going on like it’s a gigantic financial commitment. Obviously for some who are destitute, it’s not feasible, but to go on like it’s some sort of mad financial scheme to fleece people from their cash is totally disingenuous 


    I didn’t say they are fleecing anyone from cash, it’ll be a nice charitable donation.


    You’ve picked out one small point of multiple, but I’ll still humour you…


    Your “most people are pissing that away on shite from Amazon etc.” makes you sound like a massive whopper btw. £10 a month to some people, will be unaffordable. Open your front door and put down the Daily Mail.


    Will that be a factor for everyone? No. Will it be a reason why at least some people don’t partake? Yes.

  2. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:

    It's a big reason why I can't be mad at him doing well at Everton. Looking forward to all the awkward backpedalling and excuse making.


    No chance of that. It’ll be “Rafa doing well with the team Anchelotti built”.

  3. Just now, Kanji said:

    I've said a million times, if MA gave Rafa the same amount of investment over the same period we'd be looking at a team pushing for Europe. 


    It’s not the investment that was the issue. Rafa even said so himself. It’s the control of how that investment was to be spent.


    Give Rafa a fraction of what Bruce has had and as long as he had control over who it went on, we’d absolutely be pushing for Europe.

  4. Just now, KaKa said:

    Really happy for Demari Gray. Always looked a decent talent, but was beginning to drift away into obscurity somewhat. All of a sudden he now has this great opportunity under Benitez and appears to be grabbing it with both hands. Extraordinary start to the season for him.


    No idea why Leicester flogged him/didn’t play him. You’ve gotta think he’s worth keeping hold of more than Marc Albrighton.

  5. Just now, ManDoon said:

    Oh yeah, agree. Just think this has been obscene by him. He’s basically spent like ten p, and immediately improved that team.


    The scary thing is Rafa’s teams are usually slow starters. Probably because of the meticulous planning to ensure fitness across the season.


    But boy, if this is their bad start :lol:

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rafalove said:

    Stop calling it an impossible dream. It’s only impossible because Newcastle fans aren’t backing it.


    Even if they have £10m in the pot, can you see Ashley selling a % to the fans?


    No point planning to buy anything from anyone else, as Ashley isn’t going anywhere.


    Their membership have already been clear that they don’t want to engage with Ashley, so I’m unsure why they’d go against that as the voice of the fans and want to fund him with this further money.

    Even in the unlikely event of a sale and the new owners unexpectedly allowing the sale of 1%. What will NUST achieve with that 1%? They’ll have as much say and input as they do now. None.


    The only way it’d work is if the club were worth fuck all and they could buy the club with the fund. Which isn’t going to happen. Or, somehow the fund is backed way beyond the realms of possibility and ended up with £300m+. Which also isn’t going to happen.


    It’s made even more unlikely by the fact they published this grand idea with such little detail (like what they’d do with the 1%), that people are not going to get behind it.


    We’re also talking about launching a project of getting people to part with their hard earned money during one of the biggest social and economical challenges the world has ever seen.


    That’s even before we get onto the fact the club is currently burning to the ground and they’re more bothered about planning for this than taking appropriate action now.


    ”Give us your money each month so we may or may not buy 1% of the club to do something we’ve not yet worked out in 10 years.”


    So aye, in a nutshell, it is Alex’s impossible dream.

  7. We may as well be sat here discussing whether Kylie Jenner would be better in bed than our current wives.


    No point really, we’ll never know. Especially when your wife won’t leave you and you’re unable to divorce her. Even before you factor in Kylie wouldn’t want us.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:


    Why was I not surprised to see Alex providing the quotes. :lol:


    From 6,000 initial backers down to 2,500 already.


    Would take over 10 years to get 1% (assuming £300m-£340m valuation), not even factoring in the declining ‘pledgers’ or the fact the club’s valuation could rise during that period of time taking into account inflation etc.


    So basically, it’s never going to happen.


    Mad that the current state of the club and they can only muster out a chat to the Chronicle about Alex’s impossible dream. Have they given airtime to the protests for the Leeds game yet?

  9. I see Dermot Gallagher has been talking more shit today about the Elliot injury/red:


    “When you see that challenge from behind. The law says: does he endanger the safety of the opponent. Well, the outcome would certainly say yes. Did he mean to? Most certainly not. And that's the balance here and the dilemma the referee had. I think the referee has a very difficult job not to give a red card when you see the extent of the injury."


    If that’s the case, any tackle endangers the safety of an opponent. May as well give everyone a red card because any tackle could be problematic.

    What about head injuries as one player heads the back of another, is that a red? It endangers their safety. Remember Diaby booting Terry square in the head during the League Cup final and knocking him out? :lol: Accidents happen in football, it’s a contact sport ffs.


    He doesn’t endanger anyone with that well timed tackle. It’s an unfortunate accident where Elliot’s foot gets stuck in an awkward position as he himself challenges for the ball.


    He also claims the fourth official told the ref to give a foul, and the on field officials decided a red was needed between them. :lol: Absolute bollocks.

  10. I find it fascinating that anyone thinks Bruce is under any pressure whatsoever; close to the boot, the beginning of the end etc.


    Ashley doesn’t sack managers. He gambled time and time again with Pardew, let Carver take us to a single game shootout to survive and risked it with Bruce last season despite a growing possibility of danger.


    If you think Bruce would resign… :lol: He’d end up sitting in the stands or something to avoid the grief long before that arsehole would walk without a payoff.


    There is no chance. More chance of us starting next season in the Championship with Bruce tbf.

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