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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 21 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Don’t think so the CAT case is far more wide ranging and covers aspects arbitration doesn’t.


    I also think as this has been brought by St James Holdings and not club , they will struggle to get it hoyed out.


    If I’m wrong though feel free to say told you so.





    told you so.

  2. PL to get CAT kicked down the road as arbitration can deal with it first.


    Arbitration to come around and we’ll find out yet again, both sides are pissing around with their evidence and that’ll get kicked down the road too.


    A new date set in 2065 and we’ll have to put the club on pause until then, because our saviour Michael Ashley has our best interests at heart.

  3. 3 hours ago, Wallsendmag said:

    They sent me an email earlier (not sure why as I cancel my membership 2 years ago) regarding safe standing at SJP and that they'd already contacted the club;


    "NUST have already contacted the club to find out if they are willing to apply to be an ‘early adopter’ before the October 6th deadline, and hope they will meet with supporters as soon as possible to discuss this idea with those it will impact". 


    Just read in the Chronicle that NUFC have refused to take part in safe standing trials so can only assume they didn't get very far with that one!


    They’re doing a grand job though.


    Between this and the fact the TV companies are keeping our interests at heart.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Ben said:

    Jones off to Barcelona ? 


    Based on a link Lee Ryder has made up himself :lol: 


    Apparently Martinez may go to Barca if Koeman is sacked and if that happens, he then may try and take Jones with him.


    Lots of if, buts and maybes and impressive to write a full article based on nothing. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    The PL offers the biggest TV income and exposure for a football club in the world.


    NUFC is the biggest club available in said league for a decent price, the potential to grow the brand and therefore profit is sizeable.


    That’s why they want us and will ultimately succeed in doing so.


    You massively overestimate how much PIF want this deal. Everyone connected with PIF and well placed in Saudi say exactly that.


    Amanda Staveley, aye. But PIF really aren’t as desperate as you suggest.


    If they were, this deal would’ve been done by now.

  6. 6 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    If anyone wants to feel old, Shaun Wright Phillips' son has just scored against our U23s


    Wonder if Giggs is his godfather.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Well if it proceeds than obviously we do have a case worthy of being heard at that level.


    What you’re not acknowledging is that at least some or perhaps all of the evidence will be heard in the public domain, or at the very least will be published in findings, which is something the PL will want to avoid at all cost.


    Wrong. As I’ve already explained.


    The second part is true, but as I’ve already reflected, the PL will do everything in their power to delay, delay, delay. If it even gets that far. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Ed210 said:

    Not sure why he gets so much shit, Ryan Taylor is probably on more money and is far, far worse in every single way. 


    Because of the fee, which isn’t his fault.


    Behind ASM, he was our best player on Friday. It doesn’t say much, but he was fine. He was finally being played in a position more suited to him. 


    Under a competent manager he’d probably look half decent.


    Like Lewis, it’s not possible to write them off until they’ve had a shot at it under a proper manager.

  9. The only outcome that will be good news is the jurisdiction challenge is refused and an appeal isn’t possible, with a full CAT hearing scheduled for the next six months.


    This would force the PL into a corner they don’t want to be in, with arbitration and a confirmed CAT case pending in the near future.


    All of which occurring is extremely unlikely imo.


    The jurisdiction will go in our favour (again imo), but unfortunately there will be plenty of opportunity for the PL to kick the can down the road. Either an appeal being lodged or the main hearing being scheduled too far in the future. That’ll ultimately mean the takeover never goes through.


    Although Ashley will be telling us to #wait for the foreseeable.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Yes. They are trying to get it thrown out on a technicality that CAT don’t have the jurisdiction to rule against them because the other arbitration case covers essentially the same thing.


    However what Mike Ashley is also claiming in the CAT case is £££, the arbitration doesn’t cover damages so i can’t see how the PL win this.


    If it does get thrown out I’ll see it that our case is frivolous at best and wouldn’t have had a chance of winning (hence why court wouldn’t waste their time with it) which would also indicate the arbitration will go that way too.


    If we do win this round it will be significant. It means the court think we have a case and the reality of the PL having to pass the takeover AND pay out damages is quite possible.


    That’s when they shit the bed and settle imho.


    Not true at all.


    If we win the jurisdiction argument, the court are agreeing they have jurisdiction to hear the case. The court aren’t making any determination on the strength of the case.

  11. 9 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    Yet bald twat Edwards seems to always use Potter as a yardstick for Bruce. :lol: Bruce would have Leicester, West Ham, Villa, Burnley, Brighton and Brentford all massively struggling by those clubs' respective standards. He's that bad.


    First it was comparison with Benitez, until the stats didn’t align in Bruce’s favour. Now it’s Potter… that looks like falling on it’s arse too.


    He’ll be comparing Bruce to Arteta next.

  12. 16 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Tuchel has barely put a foot wrong since coming in for Lampard


    Just watched his interview and it’s incredible how clear it is what an intelligent tactician and manager he is. 


    Compare it with Bruce who spends his interview telling us how good the opponent is :anguish: 

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