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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 12 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    Yep to all. One more. Very difficult, would never have got it in a million years. 


    Chelsea (2007-2011) - 4 appearances, 0 goals


    Liverpool (2012-2015) - 25 appearances, 2 goals


    Extra hint: SMB.


    *I believe

  2. 1 minute ago, KaKa said:


    Did he definitely win the ball cleanly then? Only saw it in live action. Looked a bit of an awkward and clumsy challenge.


    Should have just been a yellow though at most. but the ref definitely reacted to the situation, which was a bit strange.





    I thought so. But like you I haven’t seen it again. In real time I actually thought it was a  great tackle.

  3. Just now, The Prophet said:

    Even worse, the ref saw the initial challenge and played on :lol:


    Which is what makes a mockery of VAR. Sky are saying they’ve been told the ref was always going to send him off and the VAR review was only to make sure it was the correct decision.


    Fucking liars. The play goes on until Salah makes the seriousness clear.

  4. Just now, TRon said:


    They aren't showing the replay but it looked both late and from behind. I know he wasn't trying to cripple the lad but it was so unnecessary.


    Eh? From my point of view, they were both running in line, the Leeds player cleanly won the ball and there was an unfortunately landing/tangle of legs afterwards.


    Not sure why Sky are saying the ref was always going to send him off, he didn’t even blow for a foul until he saw Salah’s reaction/the injury.

  5. Horrible injury, obviously.


    But you can’t send someone off for a freak accident. Fucking ridiculous.


    With the caveat I’ve not seen it again, but it looked like a fair challenge.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Slim said:

    He's not especially good at passing and when get gets a chance or 3 he will miss/fall over.

    2015–2019 Hoffenheim 29app 7 Goal's in a shit league.


    I’m not saying he’d turn into Messi, but he’d contribute a lot more being played in a position he is capable of.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Slim said:

    What role is best for him? Because he cannot shoot or cross a ball.


    He’s much better running at defenders with the ball, I think IIRC most of his Hoffenheim goals that I saw were in that sort of position too.


    He needs to be played just behind/alongside a striker. I think he’d have been effective with someone like Rondon in the Perez position.


    But we don’t buy players with a plan on how to use them. We buy players with a plan on how to sell them.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Whitley mag said:

    Needs those lads from Wor Flags to get involved with some banners especially for a TV game. Surely the trust could fund 40000 placards and still feed the city for a year with the money they’ve raised now. 

    Of course all this will fall on deaf ears, but fucking hell we look like a spineless bunch of cunts as a fanbase at the minute.


    Just do something anything fucks sake.


    They could fund that with the money just sitting in their bank account from membership fees.


    Sadly, they’re still uninterested in doing anything other than having a title next to their name.


    Can anyone tell me yet a single thing they’ve achieved since they made false promises when Rafa was leaving to increase their membership? They’ve had more votes on their popularity board than making anything else happen.

  9. 4 minutes ago, TRon said:


    He's a striker, what we really need from one of those is goals. He did some good work yesterday, but the only goal we scored came from a full back. 


    He’s not suited to the role being asked of him.  Put ASM as a DM and he’ll probably be as ineffective.


    It’s unsurprising he’s not scoring goals in this team and system. He’s not a poacher who will score with his one attempt on goal, which is often all our strikers get in games. He’s also not a target man. Bruce tries to use him in those two systems and it’s totally wrong.

  10. Football player hideously misused and doesn’t perform shocker.


    If my boss asked me to carry out a role I’m totally unsuitable for, in a failing team, I probably wouldn’t be particularly motivated either.

  11. We need to find a win soon or we could very easily end up being an Aston Villa/Sunderland type season. The hostility growing in the crowd, an owner who isn’t interested and a dreadfully incompetent manager. Perfect recipe for disaster.


    Regardless of how good some individual players are ‘on paper’, we could end up in real trouble.

  12. Finally, someone trying to organise something.


    Well done to that man. I’m not attending the match but I hope everyone who does gets behind whatever ideas he has to ruin the matches.


    Fuck it. Might buy some whistles off Amazon and hand them out outside the ground.

  13. 1 hour ago, ManDoon said:

    Have you considered that they are just his opinions? Not every opinion has to be controversial. 


    Nah. Joeyt doesn’t have opinions about anything meaningful.


    The only opinions you’ll get from him are via his random ideas, “who would be your favourite starting 11 of players with four vowels in their name?” 


    Or, “who is your favourite player you’ve forgotten about, but couldn’t have forgotten about, because you’re talking about forgetting about them on this thread” craic.

  14. Players arguing with fans, Bruce absolutely rattled by the media, the wheels are off… again. 


    Does this happen so regularly at other clubs? :lol: 


    Best thing about Ashley being so incompetent is we’re guaranteed Bruce will not be sacked. This is going to get very, very ugly. We’ll probably get relegated, but as we know we have no ambition, does it really matter? At least getting destroyed every week and Bruce potentially breaking down on the sideline is remotely interesting.


    Almost tempted to start attending matches purely to revel in the abuse of Bruce. Although it’s be just my luck we’d start spawning results again. I’ll enjoy it from afar.

  15. Would LOVE Leeds to put a couple of early goals past us on Friday.


    The thick fuckers in the stand would finally turn and he’d crumble.


    The best thing is because Ashley is never going to sack him, he’s going to end up getting fucking pelted week on week. It’ll be a million times better than watching the match.


    I’m almost excited for our games for this reason only. Bring on the bummings.

  16. 1 minute ago, Kanji said:

    They were bad mistakes. Hate Bruce but that was poor by Woodman. Again the club is rotten etc. 


    Of course they were. But a proper manager would protect his player in the press afterwards and deflect away from it.

  17. Glad to see he’s unsurprisingly hoyed Woodman under the bus with those quotes about the goals.


    Another defeat, perfect. After being beaten by Leeds, hopefully Norwich beat Watford and we’ll be perfectly positioned in 20th.


    That Man Utd team were poor. We could’ve easily have got something today under a competent manager.

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