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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. It’s actually really entertaining when you want us to do badly. We’re so good at it, it almost feels like winning.


    The car crash of today would’ve been devastating under Rafa, but this is hilarious.

  2. Journalism has long stopped being professional, like. More interested in generating clicks and interactions on social media rather than writing reputable pieces.


    They’d rather be pals with Bruce to get inside scoops once a year rather than pulling him up on anything.


    Plus the fact that nobody outside of Newcastle gives a shit about the state of the club.


    But we’re all guilty of that, does anyone on here care/feel sorry for Arsenal fans? What about Derby? Ipswich?

  3. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    Aye Ashley’s a cunt but he’s spent something like £130m which I’m guessing is par for lower mid-table clubs. I hope Bruce doesn’t become some sort of martyr if he walks man. :lol:




    I would accept him being carried out on a throne as long as it gets him out of our football club. We can ignore him and pretend he no longer exists when he’s not stood on the touchline.

  4. Just now, Ben said:

    I bet its almost £200k a week saved in wages 


    Wouldn’t surprise me, I dramatically under guessed on purpose to show the bare minimum.


    Someone could probably work it out properly based on reported wages through FM which are usually fairly accurate.


    Either way, we’ve made a profit, again. Spent £26m if you listen to the media though.


    Just now, Lazarus said:


    Yeah weve got that 6m or so for Armstrong in total. But no ones ever confirmed that it was up front or structered. AT least I havnt heard owt??


    We’ve also saved £60k+ a week in wages after letting five players leave whilst only bringing Willock in (£3m+ over the year).


    Plus nominal fees for Lejeune and Longstaff on loan and the Armstrong fee.


    We’ve easily recouped more than the pittance we’ve spent on tick. Bet someone else leaves today too.


    Shame the media are too lazy/in bed with the club to report on it.

  6. 1 minute ago, Joey Linton said:

    Kevin Keegan quitting because they pretended they had Bastain Schweinsteiger lined up then didn't get him, to Bruce staying despite them not being able to get Hamza fucking Choudary on loan perfectly sums up the Ashley era. 


    … on loan from a club who were in League One when Keegan walked.


    They’ve won the PL since then and we’re now desperate for their shit cast offs.

  7. Has Edwards been stitched up, or was this purposely ‘leaked’ to make Bruce look like the victim again?


    In May: of course we were relegated, Bruce was denied his top targets.

  8. Just now, Ben said:

    After seeing the state of St James at the weekend and the fact we still haven't spent any money yet I'm convinced Ashley has checked out and wants nothing to do with the club now.


    How is this any different to the other 14 years with him?

  9. I don’t know why but I feel Lingard’s spell was more of a purple patch; right team, right time sort of thing.


    I also how the same concern with Willock, but we’ll wait and see.


    Always been cautious of players who have a storming half/full season and then are never the same player. Soyuncu a good example at Leicester now. S. Longstaff another.

  10. We’ve even managed to get rid of five first team players from the wage bill :lol: Atsu, Carroll, Lejeune, Muto, Saivet. Plus whatever contribution Aberdeen are making towards Longstaff.


    They’ll easily be on £120k+ between them all. We’ve managed to bring in Willock who will be on a fraction of that cost.


    The first instalment of Willock is probably funded by the wages we’ve saved/loan fees incoming :lol: We’ve not spent a penny.

  11. 10 hours ago, toontownman said:

    Chronicle reporting Matt Ritchie and Sean Longstaff could be sold to bring in a deadline day signing. lol 


    I love our clubs logic. We need a new player to improve the squad, ok sell two you have and we will green light the incoming loan. 


    I like how in order to bring in one shite youth product from another PL team, we need to get rid of two first team regulars. :lol: Makes perfect sense.


    Bruce is even thicker than I thought if he gets rid of one, or both of them, to bring him Choudhary.

  12. 34 minutes ago, gdm said:

    So looks like Wilson could be out for a month and this clown reckons we didn’t need another striker. It’s fair to say we are in deep shit


    Good job he kept him on at the weekend despite it being clear he had an injury in the first half.

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