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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Bet Keith is having a mental dilemma of trying to work out how he can concoct a story to completely go against what he said a week ago, in light of this news.


    I still fail to believe if it was possible to ‘restructure’ anything by editing some documents, why the consortium wouldn’t have just done that 12-18 months ago.


    Maybe it’s great news and in the background their legal eagles are working away on something to get it through.


    Maybe it’s complete nothing news.

  2. 9 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I get that, and I accept that any human will be biased. But I suppose the question is what basis we use to suspect that any individual might be biased in any situation. 

    I would say the rule about not officiating the team you support is enough (although I would imagine most refs could do that without a problem). And in general it’s just a distraction that fans shouldn’t give a second thought to. 





    I don’t disagree. My response was more towards Froggy’s daft suggestion that no professional referee would ever be biased.


    My only issue with Taylor’s appointment is they are unnecessarily increasing the risk of bias being present, when they have numerous other referees who could take up that role.


    Not to suggest he cares in the slightest either way with Man Utd. He might even hate them, being from Manchester, but it’s just an unnecessary risk.


    I would extend the ban from not officiating games involving teams you support or teams from the region you were born/reside in. With the number of officials we have, it really shouldn’t be an issue.

  3. Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    That conclusion doesn’t really follow from that premise. Of course refs are human and have the flaws that everyone has (although then again they are explicitly trained/focused on avoiding bias I assume). But that’s different to having any evidence that any individual ref is biased in any particular way. 

    If we said “aye, this guy supports chelsea and has dinner with Thomas Tuchel, but we trust him to be fair”, that would be a different matter :lol:


    You don’t need to go to that extreme of your example to be biased though, that’s my point.


    All referees will have their biases, some will just be better than others at seeing past them and not allowing them to affect their judgements.


  4. People are incredibly naive if they don’t think referees show bias. Everyone has unconscious biases, regardless of their profession.


    It’s the exact reason people like Suarez were less likely to get a penalty than someone like John Terry. Because of the perception of Suarez being a diving, cheating git.


    It’s also fairly straightforward to recognise with the number of referees around, it’s quite likely at least one or two of them are a wrong’en.


    Giving someone like Taylor a Manchester game just unnecessarily increases the possibility of something bent happening. No need for it when there are so many officials to choose from.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    We know this but what difference would it make? The club wouldn’t spend 40 million on a dud just so they could get someone that may or may not have been excellent for 18m.


    ASM’s club we’re happy to accept that fee, if he was worth more at the time they would have looked for it surely?


    Has anyone ever checked out Hoffenheim’s accounts to see if that money actually went there?




    You are talking about the same club who paid a loan fee and wages for a player to avoid the Ukrainian-Russian conflict as a favour for an agent. :lol: 


    Anything is possible with these cowboys.

  6. Mitro with his inevitable two goals for Serbia again today. Following 4 in his last 4 for Fulham so far this season.


    Wonder how long until he’s sold for £30m+ and we get £5m to spend due to a sell on clause? Winners.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Joey Linton said:

    PIF are back in / still in one day later. :lol:




    Oh good. He’s into the “this may or may not happen, just need to make sure I cover all bases” bullshit.


    It’s mad that people actually think he knows something :lol: how thick can you be?

  8. Blatantly taking aim at Bruce.


    He’s clearly thrown his toys out of the pram and that’s a big ‘fuck you’, reminding him who is in control. 


    It’s all falling apart, it’s delicious.

  9. 5 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    I'm not a huge Southgate fan but he did pretty much everything right in the Euros. Frustrating we didn't kill Italy off but we were only a few penalties away from winning it all




    The game shouldn’t have gone to penalties. A better manager and we win that game in 90 minutes. 


    Plus the turgid display against Scotland. We were also fortunate against Denmark.


    Going back to the previous WC, we should’ve got to the final too.


    My point is, this England team would’ve won something by now under a competent manager.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Smal said:

    Got to the first final since 1966, but yeah. Absolutely ruined them.


    Would’ve won it with a decent manager in charge. 


    That argument is almost as bad as comparing Bruce’s finishing positions to Rafa’s.

  11. 1 minute ago, Joey Linton said:

    In all seriousness are they even attending? I've seen nothing of them promoting it or suggesting they'd have anyone in attendance. That said i probably don't follow all of the board on twitter since the changes, so i could easy have missed it. 


    I heard they’ve checked out the venue to make sure their PAT testing is up to date and they have an adequate food hygiene rating.

  12. It’s funny because Keith is only now saying what most sensible people have been saying for 12 months.


    Maybe he wants everyone to forget he so confidently said the PL had lost the jurisdiction case back in July, when the hearing isn’t taking place until the end of this month. :lol: 


    Fwiw, if the PL do lose the case at the end of this month it’ll be the most positive news we’ve had in 12 months. Wonder if he’ll have to backtrack again? 

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