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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 10 minutes ago, Heron said:

    I mean, it's more than that, but aye, trying to buy a share in the club on behalf of the fans via legitimate and legal means is hardly owt to be ashamed of. In my opinion, of course. 


    Such as? What have the Trust achieved/what else are they currently doing?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hhtoon said:


    NUFC costs him nothing year on year, but the additional 50m sale price plus potential opportunities of selling to PIF, assuming it gives him/SD an "in" to an overseas market, is significant. Why would he not wait a year or 2 to see what happens with the legal action - the PIF deposit essentially pays for it.


    It makes perfect sense for Ashley. We all know that.


    It’s killing the club though and putting us at significant risk of relegation. After 14 years of pissing around with every other buyer.

  3. 12 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Werner is tragic holy shit 


    He literally can’t do anything right at the moment :lol: The ball bounces off him or he falls over it.

    Reminds me of Carroll when he moved to Liverpool and then came to SJP and had a nightmare.

  4. 35 minutes ago, mrmojorisin75 said:

    I'd like to see what preceded that conversation personally; far be it from me to defend Bruce but they did mention that Jones had been up in the stands and came down specifically as we were getting ripped to bits.


    Now for me if he's waltzed past Bruce like he's not there then held that conversation then yeah it's hilarious and there's a huge problem but if he came down and briefly explained to Bruce what he'd seen then held that conversation I think Bruce is being a bit hard done by for once.  He was up in the stands for a reason presumably, and then came and executed a tactical change very well.


    Unless he completely cut Bruce out of things or did it all unilaterally I don't see a problem, you could hardly expect him to explain everything to Bruce and then Bruce go and explain to the player it'd be fucking daft.


    I think it’s the fact he’s clearly talking over Bruce in the clip and Ritchie is clearly only listening to one man.


    I agree there is potentially more to it, but it certainly undermines Bruce.

  5. 1 minute ago, Tsunami said:

    The fans, non attending and attending want Ashley out, Ashley wants out. Whether you attend or not doesn’t change this, when Ashley was pissing about about wanting out there’s perhaps an argument. Ashley has said there’s never been another serious bid and that may well be true.


    The attending fans can play a big part in making Bruce’s time here even more uncomfortable. I’ve wanted to see us relegated in the past in the hope it’d force Ashley to sell, we now need need to survive to attract potential buyers.


    We really are in the worst of every world. Ashley isn’t going to change how he runs the club, fans or no fans. If he declares it’s no longer for sale and it becomes apparent that he’s pissing about with serious buyers then that’s a different matter.


    In the meantime we need Bruce out and we need to stay up. Somewhere along the line we really do need to know what stopped the takeover. If the only outcome is that Ashley gets some compensation, I hope he takes whoever it is to the cleaners. 


    :lol: Like he has done for the past 14 years?


    The attending fans did a great job of making it uncomfortable for Bruce, until ASM scored and they forgot all about it again.


    They also did a great job of putting money in Ashley’s pocket watching the match in their new match shirts, eating their pies and paying for their tickets. 

    Great contribution.

  6. Just now, Waddles mullet said:

    If you had a buyer for your house fee agreed but liked in a chain would you decorate it waiting for the deal to go through 


    In this example though, the buyer is unable to buy the house because their mortgage was refused.


    Would you wait 2-3 years for them to try and find a solution, or put it back on the market?

  7. 4 minutes ago, Waddles mullet said:

    Never ever going to get an empty stadium, people are being stupid to suggest it. Problem is now all protests should be against the premier league, for once fatty is a willing seller he found a willing buyer but was blocked by the cartel. 


    He could set a realistic asking price and not add in ridiculous contract clauses which prices out the many other willing buyers which would be around.


    This post (plus the millions in free money he got from the PIF deposit) is the exact reason Ashley will continue with CAT action, regardless of the possibility of it succeeding. 


    He gets a free ride, again. 

  8. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    I’ve said it a few times but I’d love to see the attendances if we were not in the city center. It would drop dramatically imo 


    We’re a one club major city too. A good number of tourists and weekend away-ers most weeks, just going for the experience. 


  9. 2 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    The after show stuff on my stream isn’t even looking at that pen shout that West Ham had. That was a mad decision 


    No idea how that wasn’t a pen. VAR barely looked at it. Also no idea how Ronaldo didn’t get one. Although he should’ve been booked for diving too.

  10. VAR absolutely wank yet again. May as well start picking decisions out of a hat.


    Leeds should’ve had a pen against us.

    The penalty not given for Southampton yesterday after a review.

    About three wrong/daft decisions in the Man Utd game.

    Handballs given for nothing these days after the rules have been fucked about with to justify VAR.

  11. 12 minutes ago, gdm said:

    At this point I don’t even know who we are protesting against? Is it Ashley? Is it Bruce out? Is it the Premier league? All 3??


    Again this causes an issue.


    Being split with so many problems, increases the amount of people who:


    “don’t mind Bruce, he’s doing a decent job with the restrictions”.

    Or, “Ashley manages the finances well”.

    Or, “What can the PL do, PIF are to blame too.”


    You’ll then lose traction with a % if you’re not protesting against the right person/people.

    The idea would be to have three simultaneous protests which then meet up into one. That way people could join whichever one they wish, providing you can ensure a decent starting point for each one.

  12. 1 hour ago, Scoot said:


    Unfortunately the hard-core support has gone. What you're left with is small pockets of people who do care, but there too few of them now to make a difference. What the ground is full of these days us families who all go to the match as a full day out. Into town for 12. All go for a happy meal at macdonalds, then up to the club store to buy a scarf and a programme. Next it's into the ground to watch the team warm up and if possible, get some pitch side pictures right next to the Newcastle players, or if you're lucky, the Man City/Chelsea/Liverpool players. Then they sit with their crisps and pop and take in the game. Not 1 of them giving a shit about off field events.


    Then you have your groups of lads, they all sort if like football, all sort of support Newcastle and all have season tickets, who just go for pints before and after the game and once again don't care about off fields events. Probably completely unaware of them.


    There are many other examples of these types of fans.


    Nufc.com summed it up perfectly.







    I get what you’re saying and don’t disagree. But with this so called ‘hard core support’ that have stopped attending games, where are they?

    As shown by Oldham fans yesterday and Man Utd previously, you don’t need to attend the match to effectively protest.


    There’s just excuse after excuse after excuse. 

    The problem is those in a position to organise something (not just NUST but the likes of TrueFaith, .com, Wraith etc.) who have a wide audience to promote to, are too busy with their own self-promotion.


    Literally all it would take is those lot to sit down together and agree on something. It could be absolutely perfectly peaceful, but just organise something.


    Any individual trying to organise something on their own will just not have the pulling power. 

  13. 54 minutes ago, TRon said:


    Wouldn't say he was thrown under the bus like. I have zero respect for Bruce, but after those howlers last week you can hardly blame him for bringing Darlow back.


    Might’ve been an idea to tell the lad though rather than letting the papers leak it, again.

    Agree with everyone else, he doesn’t look good enough at all. Can save a penalty, but apart from that he looks distinctly average.

  14. A protest by 500 Oldham fans has made pretty much every national media outlet. This includes currently being front page on the BBC website and mentioned most of the day on Sky.


    Yet we can’t even successfully organise to throw paper planes.


    I wonder why Ashley is still here.

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