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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 45 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    There's been 72 goals scored by someone other than Callum Wilson or Joe Willock since Bruce became manager.


    We're not going to lose every game and/or never score again until the end of time. 


    People are just gonna end up being all the more disappointed if they're expecting/hoping for record-breakingly bad form and/or anarchy at SJP. 



  2. Oxlade-Chamberlain must be laughing his tits off.


    Became a professional footballer, gets paid millions, only has to come on for 4 minutes each match and gets to shag Perrie from Little Mix.


    Only played 30+ games in a season twice in his whole career. :lol: His medal haul vs minutes played must be as good as a sub goalkeeper.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Anderson said:

    Did I read somewhere that The Strawberry were supportive of the plans, or at least didn’t object to them, or have I made that up?


    I recall similar, possibly posted on here.

  4. 24 minutes ago, JeffJ said:

    Just caught up with the scores from last night. Sounded like Young Boys dominated. 

    Did Manchester USA even have a shot on target after the red card? I'd be ashamed of this. At least have a go ffs. 

    Suppose it’s a competition they didn’t even want to be in so maybe it’s just little Ole doing his best to make sure the Glazers are happy. Line up some big money friendly games in America instead. Maybe keep Ronaldo away from Vegas though, cost him £300k last time.


    They didn’t even have a shot in the second half.

  5. It also gives them a chance/aspirations of qualifying from the group, which I’m not sure they’ve ever done. 


    Edit - as above, if it’s only their second CL win then no they haven’t.

  6. 20 hours ago, Ed210 said:

    Ended up at Sports Direct Hq


    If anything tells you the sort of wanker Ashley is, it’s turning up to his retail HQ in a helicopter whilst the staff working there are earning below minimum wage, giving birth in toilets and scared to have a day off sick.

  7. 1 hour ago, ikri said:


    Absolute insanity.  It doesn't even scream of someone who doesn't know what they're doing, since even an imbecile would aim to swap like with like where possible.  This is him desperately trying something, anything, to fix problems he has created but having no clue what's going on around him.


    I’m convinced he plays players out of position intentionally in the hope it will come off so he can look competent/be smug/“I told you so”.

  8. Just now, Optimistic Nut said:

    They could have given the option of giving people their money back rather than charity? I know that makes me sound a cunt but I bet there’d have been even more invested if that’d been an option.


    Would’ve been a complete nightmare to arrange, I would imagine.

  9. 1 hour ago, Rafalove said:

    Even if we  spent most of the time languishing in lower league football, it would be better than what we have now. We would actually be apart of our club. We would have to engage with our club and it would have to engage with us. Doesn't fan ownership mean even more when success does come about? The likes of Manchester United and Liverpool, have been very successful, but how much credit can fans of those clubs really take for that? They have been lucky too have fantastic owners of their club. 


    Moving on I would hope 1%, Would just be the start. We should be aiming to take full control of our club it's a process that would likely take decades, but would be completely worth it and is completely achievable if the fanbase as a whole get behind it. Just think, we'd be the envy of the Premier league. We would increase our supporter base abroad, as we would have a unique "selling point". The only major fan owned club in English football.


    Even if (and it’s a gigantic if), we were able to obtain £350m to fund the sale of the club. How would we fund it moving forward? If you think it’d become self-sustainable, you’re deluded.


    Where would the millions (and millions) of investment needed in the facilities come from? Would we have another 20 year whip round?


    What about the initial investment in players that’d be needed? Shall we buy players on tick like Man Utd where they pay a tenner a month?


    1 hour ago, Rafalove said:



    @reefatoonI share your concerns about our fanbase, but onceover, we had a very active, vocal and militant fanbase. I think what changed this is the lack of engagement from the club and the media smearing us as deluded, entitled and a "poisoned chalice". If we felt our voices would be heard I think we could re-ignite that. Even more so if we actually owned the club or at least part of it. I am absolutely positive we would run our club better than Ashley. You think the likes of Wise, Kinnear, Pardew, Bruce would have been our club if we owned it? You think the likes of Keegan and Rafa would have been treat so poorly? You think we'd be happy, with 17th and not giving a fuck about cups? You think the corpse of the  pigeon would still be in the upper netting of the Gallowgate roof after four years? 


    There's no guarantee the next bloke to own us, won't be another Ashely. If he is, we need fan representation on the board to keep him/her/them honest. During Ashley's ownership their have been attempts to smear Keegan, Shearer, Given, Rafa, probably more but those are the names of the top of my head. Imagine if those smear attempts had been successful, imagine we fell out of love with Keegan and we had been duped in to thinking Dennis Wise was the saviour of our club. It might have happened and it wasn't for a lack of trying on the club's part. Look at Given, for a number of years his name had been tarnished, with some sections of our fanbase seeing him as someone who deserted us in our relegation season.


    You don’t honestly think owning 1% of the football club would secure any of that, do you? 


    We might think we can ‘run the club’ better than Ashley. But 1% won’t achieve that. 1% won’t get us any more say than we already do have. None.


    If Ashley (or the next owner) wants to run the club like a sack of shit, having Alex with a toenail in the door won’t prevent that.

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