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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 2 minutes ago, gdm said:

    I think if we are being realistic by time arbitration is done even if we win no way do PIF swoop in and take a club that’s in serious danger of going down 


    We’ll get nothing from arbitration, the CAT case is the only thing that could worry the PL. But realistically, that’d be years away before it was any sort of threat.


  2. Put this in a spoiler because it’s a Luke Edwards tweet and appreciate not everyone will want to see that guff:





    The bloke is unreal :lol: “after 25 minutes of the second home game of the season”. Has Bruce not been in charge serving up the same shit football for two full seasons now?

  3. 2 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    Think with the players he has he’ll be able to set them up over a season to push the likes of Leicester & West Ham for top 6.


    Wouldn’t be surprised if they comfortably finish 5/6th this season under him.

  4. Jones is probably a great coach, but he’s also probably not a great manager.


    He’s certainly not a PL manager. Who would’ve thought bringing in someone of that quality to prop up Bruce was never going to work?


    Wouldn’t have much issue with Jones staying on under a new manager, but if we made him the manager we’d end up in trouble. Especially as Bruce is only likely to leave when we’re firmly in the shit.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    He’s been in or around a very good Leicester team for the last 2/3 years. He’d easily be an upgrade on most of our midfield.


    He’s not been in the team at all like and is universally disliked by their fans.

  6. 6 hours ago, Joe_F said:

    He's clearly a moron if he wants to come here.


    He is, he plays like one too.

    A literal walking red card. Playing him and Shelvey next to one another would be the most pedestrian midfield ever known to man.


    The only positive is we’d almost certainly be relegated if he joins.

  7. It’s a sad inditement that I was more pleased with Southampton’s equaliser than our potential winner.

    I hate Ashley and everything he brings (or doesn’t) to this football club. But boy, is my hatred special for Bruce.


    At least with Rafa I was able to see past Ashley and enjoy Newcastle again. There was a plan, a purpose, a desire to do better.


    Bruce is the opposite. He’s happy to leech off the club, be Ashley’s mouthpiece and suck every piece of ambition out of the place. His pathetic football and lack of ability leads to a disease on the eye.


    I’m happy for us to lose every single game until this scumbag is out of a job. If that pushes us too far and relegates us, so be it. That’ll then give Ashley what he deserves too.

  8. Just now, geordie_b said:

    Only see it a few times but looked like the arm swing came after it had hit his arm, something the ref couldn’t have seen when he viewed his replay


    It did, but his intent with his arm move was to block it. So although the contact was unfortunate, it was still his intention imo.

  9. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    I thought they changed the red/penalty thing? I.e you didn’t get punished twice if you weren’t like blatantly hacking someone 


    That was for a foul as last man, not handball.


    As others have said, unless it’s a red players would always take the chance with a pen and handle it on the line to stop a goal.

  10. 3 minutes ago, midds said:

    Doesn't he have to though? Handball on the line has always has been a straight red. Once he's decided it's a pen (wasn't imo) he has no choice but to follow it up with a straight red iirc. It's all or nothing. 



    I also thought the rules had changed on handball where if it prevents a goal, it’s a pen regardless of intent or not. May have made that up as the handball rule/interpretation appears to be changed on the daily since VAR came in.


    Edit - quick Google makes me think I made it up.

  11. 3 hours ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    4/1 for Wycombe at Sunderland seems great value.


    Everton also good value at 23/10.


    Turns out Wycombe didn’t give much value for my buck.


    Small profit overall with Everton mind.

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