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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. Is this Arsenal team much better than our relegated side from 2009? Especially if they lose Aubameyang.


    Doubt it’d happen because they’ll probably spend their way out of it in January, but it’d be fucking hilarious if it did.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Has it ever happened at half time? :lol:


    Who was it who was sacked in the tunnel at full time? Can’t remember for the life of me who it was.

    Edit - or maybe I’ve made it up.

  3. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    You think it changed the decision. You know it was VAR checked right?


    Well Atkinson pulled out a yellow before walking over and seeing Cancelo and then changing it to a red.


    VAR is beyond useless mind and wouldn’t have changed the decision either way.

  4. Just now, ManDoon said:

    What is your point here? It’s as clear a red card as you’re gonna see. Two footed, off the ground, out of control, reckless. Literally all of those things. 


    And also nowhere near connecting with the opposition player… My point is quite clear. A player has just dived and faked an injury which changed the referee’s decision.



  5. 1 minute ago, ManDoon said:

    Not really. What do you want the player to do, stand there and wait to get his leg broken? Ridiculous. It’s the intent that matters. Players jump tackles all the time, barely any get red. He literally flew at him two footed


    No. The player should jump out of the way, as every player does in an tackle. Should he cheat and feign injury though? 


    If Cancelo remains standing and doesn’t throw himself to the floor feigning injury, is that still a red card? Doubt it’d even be looked at.


    Atkinson literally pulled a yellow out until Cancelo fooled him by faking an injury. Literally rewarding cheating.

  6. Just now, ManDoon said:

    If someone throws a punch at you on the pitch but you duck it, it’s a red card. If he had jumped a normal tackle it wouldn’t be a red, no. 


    I mean comparing that tackle to a punch is completely hyperbole. A punch is intending to injure someone, that tackle wasn’t.


    If he makes contact with the player, I agree it’s a red. But he doesn’t fucking touch him :lol: The player has dived.

  7. Just now, Stifler said:

    Come on, that’s reckless.


    Of course it is, but he’s won the whole of the ball and not even touched the player.


    Atkinson was booking him until he saw Cancelo’s fake reaction.

  8. Just now, ManDoon said:

    It only doesn’t look as bad because he jumped it, if he connects that’s brutal. 


    You could say that with every foul/tackle though, any tackle could have potential to injure someone if they don’t move out of the way? :lol: 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Tomato Deuce said:

    LOL pipe down child. 


    Fantastic contribution.


    Imagine being a grown man and calling someone a child but also saying ‘LOL’ :lol: 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    Why the fuck did he sign a new contract with us? :lol:


    Because it’s probably the best deal he’ll ever get in his career of playing in League One.


    25 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    Amazing we are letting him, his brother and potentially Hayden go just to bring in one new player to strengthen our midfield. The crowd will still clap. 





    Especially when Bruce’s target is significantly worse than the three shipped out.

  11. Just now, cubaricho said:

    Wait, wasn't Froggy just being a WUM there or am I being wooshed? Don't think he was being serious. :lol:


    He’ll probably claim that. Every shit post he makes he follows up with some shit craic about fishing for bites.

  12. 20 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    Listen, don't get salty just because we sparked our owners into action. 


    This could have been your signing if you protested with any sort of conviction. 


    You’re by far the most full of shit poster on this forum and that’s quite an accomplishment.


    Literally stick your head out of the window to check which way the wind is blowing.


    A few weeks/months ago you were carrying on saying the protests had nowt to do with Man Utd’s signings. 


    A few days ago you were saying how much you wouldn’t want Ronaldo back, because of this ‘good feeling’ factor OGS built on morale and not money.


    Fucking clueless.

  13. 3 minutes ago, ManDoon said:

    Don’t know the stats but it always felt Rooney killed us on the regular 


    He absolutely did :lol: I think we might be the team he has scored most goals against, or at least one of. I remember that stat flying around at one point.

  14. A bit late to this discussion, but… Man City/Man Utd is barely a rivalry though, is it? It’s only been manufactured by Man City’s success.


    And it’s not like Ronaldo was a one club man, he was at Real longer than he was Man Utd. 


    Be great to have him in the league again. Will be honoured to watch him singlehandedly shaft us 6-0.

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