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Fantail Breeze

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Posts posted by Fantail Breeze

  1. 11 minutes ago, Wullie said:

    Sure, they're the dominant force. But calling it a one team league when they didn't even win it last season is ludicrous. :lol:


    They’ve won 7 out of the last 9 titles.


    Their squad ‘market value’ is three times higher than their closest competitor and accounts for 1/3 of the whole league combined.


    Their owners are worth more than all of the other clubs in France’s top two leagues, combined.


    It’s a one team league in every definition and a once in a blue moon season where they change manager and go through a bit of a transition doesn’t remove that.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Wullie said:

    A one team league that they're not the champions of?


    The team that have won 7 of the last 9 titles and finished 2nd on the two rare occasions they didn’t win it. Yes.


    The overall quality of Ligue 1 is absolutely wank.


  3. 18 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    Has there been any criticism of Ronaldo for going to Man City like the criticism Messi got for going to PSG


    Well, it’s slightly different in the fact Ronaldo will be joining a competitive league whereas Messi has signed for a one team league.

  4. 2 hours ago, TBG said:

    I get that, but still don't buy into the notion that going to the football is the only way they can spend time with their kids. 


    Or just educate your kids that Ashley and Bruce aren’t worth your support and go and watch some local non-league?


    It’s just another excuse trotted out; I hate the wife, I’ve always been, it’s tradition, my mates go, my kids want to go.


  5. Just now, Shearergol said:

    Where are the kids coming from though? There's loads of better things to be doing with their time, so I'm assuming they're fans through their parents? Most kids these days would just pick a different team.


    A good majority of the crowd against West Ham were old boys - there's hardly any kids there if you watch any footage back.


    They’ll fall into the ‘idiot’ category then.


  6. 4 hours ago, Newcastle Fan said:

    The Season only started last week and we are already in crisis, in a relegation battle and got knocked out of a cup, this guy does it like no other :lol:


    You can’t just implement a new system overnight ffs. We’re still in transition from Rafa’s defensive football.

  7. It’s not surprisingly in a way, sadly. 


    All of the proper fans and old school lot have been boycotting for years. They’ve just been replaced though with idiots, kids and chavs due to the freebies/cheaper tickets.


    Those that care about the club aren’t there anymore. So why be surprised if those who now are, aren’t able to recognise Bruce for what he is?


    He’s essentially turned the whole thing into his normal client base at Sports Direct.

  8. 6 hours ago, Optimistic Nut said:

    They’ve started the season well.

    Depends if you go by only checking their results or have watched their matches.


    Bournemouth supporting mate thinks they were very lucky to have the points on the board that they do based on performances so far and last night’s result was always likely.

  9. Hayden is a player we should’ve improved on, but haven’t. There have been many players like that during Ashley’s tenure and we still have a large amount of them at the club; Gayle, Dummett, Clark, Darlow etc.


    But Hayden still gives 100%. It’s hard to knock the lad when he does. He’s not a lazy piece of shit like Shelvey and has gone through some incredibly tough times where he easily could’ve given up.


    He’s given his all for this club and has been the upmost professional. On his day (played alongside someone competent and using tactics) he can be a good player.


    Compared to the rest of the dross in the midfield at the club, he should be the first on the teamsheet.

  10. 58 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    So leave Dubravka out. Absolutely pointless to miss any opportunity for bringing a player in just to keep everyone happy. By the time he returns and gets back up to fitness levels, you could be talking getting towards 3 months. Absolutely stupid even though he is our number 1 keeper.


    It’s just the latest excuse to make no signings.


    Weird how we always have so many issues preventing us from spending money, that no other teams seem to have.

  11. 29 minutes ago, RS said:

    PIF have to come back in for us first. Only fat boy compensation, Staveley and Reubens still formally involved in my opinion. 


    They will almost certainly come back in as soon as we’ve got a clear route for the deal to succeed, I don’t think that’s a major issue.


    Although I do think @Whitley magvastly overestimates PIF’s desire to get this deal done. PIF were unwilling to submit the documentation requested and allow themselves to go through the test, so I doubt they’re willing to restructure their entire organisation for a minor investment.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Brilliant start for them, didn't think they'd sustain their form from last season but who knows, looking pretty promising. 


    Aye. Didn’t think they’d be anywhere near as good as last year, but they currently look the part.

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